Mac Mini and digital painting?

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Aug 4, 2023, 11:06:28 AM8/4/23
Does a Mac Mini M2 have a graphics card?

Would my painting in Affinity Photo v2 and Corel Painter be smoother, better with my Wacom Intous Pro 4 on a Mini?

Currently I’m on an iMac 2013 AP v1.9 and Painter 2019 and would love to upgrade if it would make a painting difference.



Nov 16, 2023, 10:46:40 AM11/16/23
I just ordered a Mac Mini M2 with a 32” Art Pro Monitor, an 8 port strip & a logitech raised keyboard from my IT guys. $2,107 so far.

Any suggestions on how mark files to be transferred for my IT folks? 
Possibly use color tag or alias files/folders and put them into a M2 Transfer Folder on my imac.

Your thoughts are much appreciated. As always getting a new computer is terrifying.

Kathleen McGuinness

David Creamer

Nov 16, 2023, 4:20:53 PM11/16/23
to InDesign talk
Do you have access to a server? If so, just copy them over.
If you have an external USB-C or FW drive, just copy your files over. 

You will have to segregate the files somehow, so they know what files you want to keep. 

R Evans

Nov 16, 2023, 4:23:46 PM11/16/23
Hi Kat,

Sounds like a great set up. 

Would it be easier to move whole folders over and cull files on the Mini? 

When I geared up recently, I created a for-the-new-laptop folder for zips of fonts, program app files as a reminder to see if they would work on the new machine, and saved software DMGs (I always save them). I exported my contacts, browser bookmarks, and InDesign’s user dictionary (Word list.txt), and put them in there too. InDesign's Word List lives inside InDesign, as far as I know, so you have to export it to move it to the new computer.

User>Library>Application Support>Adobe>Adobe PDF has your PDF joboptions files. 
User>Library>Preferences has your Adobe program shortcuts, scripts, import presets, etc.
User>Library>Colorsync>Profiles has your icc profile files (Apple-provided icc profiles are in the main Library).

I had both computers to work with as I set up my new laptop so could look through both User Library folders to decide what I wanted/needed to move over. I went from Mojave to Ventura so held my breath and crossed my fingers when I put InDesign CC21’s Preference files on my new laptop—but all was well.

Hope this helps,

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Thomas Olbrich

Nov 17, 2023, 8:44:21 AM11/17/23
Apart from a preparation* for your sys admins:

– At a later state it may help to connect your old mac with the new in "target mode" for easy access to possible files that were not copied before. This way the mac appears as disk on your your desktop.

– Another option could be to ask the service to place the hard drive of the old mac (temporarily) into an external disk case to launch it as disk on the new mac.

*personally I would avoid to prepare (= manipulate) folders and files on the old mac in any way for the wanted transfer. In particular adding color tags may confuse (e.g. already used colours / assigned tags) and
possibly cumbersome to handle, especially if I would want to redo the tags when the transfer was done. – So, as mentioned by others, instead of marking / re-ordering the data copy them yourself, e.g. on a separate external disk or directly to the new mac as mentioned above. – Another option could be to copy all your project folders to the new mac and then delete unneccessary data from there.


Am 16.11.23 um 16:46 schrieb katmcg:


Nov 17, 2023, 10:39:59 AM11/17/23
You taking the time to advise meis really calming, Thomas.

I’m going follow your suggestions and have the IT guys copy all.

1. Could I have the IT folks put everything on a 512 Flash Drive, too, for backup?

2. Can I switch my 1 TG LaCie to iMac Time Machine to the Mini?

I’ve managed to get the iMac down to 358 GB, But the new Mini only has 512 GB.



Nov 17, 2023, 10:41:41 AM11/17/23
Your taking the time to advise is really calming, Thomas.

I’m going follow your suggestions and have the IT guys copy all.

1. Could I have the IT folks put everything on a 512 Flash Drive, too, for backup?

2. Can I switch my 1 TG LaCie to iMac Time Machine to the Mini?

I’ve managed to get the iMac down to 358 GB, But the new Mini only has 512 GB.

On Nov 17, 2023, at 5:43 AM, Thomas Olbrich <> wrote:

R Evans

Nov 17, 2023, 12:44:28 PM11/17/23
Wow, what great advice, thank you from me, too!

Rebecca Evans

On Nov 17, 2023, at 8:41 AM, katmcg <> wrote:

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Thomas Olbrich

Nov 17, 2023, 7:47:05 PM11/17/23
1. Yes, but is more useful to use a backup drive that is obviously larger than the mac (the backup source. If you start on a 500 GB drive with a backup of 350 GB for the first backup then you will have only 150 GB for future backups. You can calculate by your daily backup Ø size how long it will last before Time Machine must start to delete the oldest backup(s).

2. I am not sure I understand right.
– If the 1 TB LaCie is your current backup drive for the iMac it depends how much space is left to use it additionally for mac mini backups. (see 1.)
– If the 1 TB LaCie is the internal drive of your iMac then it may work as backup drive for the new mac mini but Time Machine might require to 'initialise' the disk to enable it as backp volume. This will delete all data from the disk (the iMac).

I would start with two new backups for both macs. Delete the current backup drive of the iMac, then do a new = last backup of the iMac (assuming you won't use the iMac for future work). Then use the same drive also for backups of the new mac mini. Means, this drive will contain 1 backup of the iMac and the future backups of the mini.

Also consider:
– If you keep the iMac with its data AND copy all its data to the new macMini then the iMac is 1 backup of the macMini (or vice versa the Mini is a copy of the iMac). Thus, in case of limited backup space, you could exclude your project folders from the iMac backup (via Time Machine settings) and backup from the iMac the system files only (in case you need to restore the iMac any time). To indeed reduce the *total* backup size you need to delete all existing backups first (or, easier, initialise the iMac's backup drive before that last backup).

– Alternatively to copying all data from the iMac to the mini you could copy only the *really* and currently *required* projects and files … and feel free to copy others later, if ever needed. Advantage: a.) the first backup for the macMini will be smaller (far below the 358 GB of the iMac) and b.) the drive of the Mini (512 GB) last longer for new projects, and same with the backup drive for the Mini.

– First calculate what data and backup should go where, and avoid to start deleting a drive or data that are not backupped (unless you don't want them any more).


Am 17.11.23 um 16:39 schrieb katmcg:


Nov 20, 2023, 8:33:58 PM11/20/23
Thomas, you were right. LaCie, 4TG, 2.31TG used, would need to be initialized. Temporarily I’ll leave it on the iMac. Possible a new drive for Mini.

My Xerox Phaser 6180N printer & CanoScan LiDE 200 scanner don't have new drivers available.
Our IT guys said there might be driver options. Any idea where to find them?

David Bergsland

Nov 20, 2023, 11:08:43 PM11/20/23
Same problem, but I was told to use the generic postscript. I’ve had no problems.

David Bergsland

The Skilled Workman [biblical studies]
Reality Calling [spirit-filled fiction]
Bergsland Design & Hackberry Font Foundry [now a peripheral part of The Skilled Workman]


Nov 21, 2023, 7:10:09 PM11/21/23
What is the generic postscript? How do I find out about it, David?
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David Bergsland

Nov 21, 2023, 8:04:58 PM11/21/23
It was just one of the options when I went to set up my printer to use. Xerox hasn’t had a new driver for a long time. I’ve got a 6022.


Nov 22, 2023, 12:04:27 PM11/22/23
We’ve been abandoned by Xerox, David ; )

How do I set up a generic postscript for my printer.
And what are the other options you use?



Nov 22, 2023, 12:18:58 PM11/22/23

David Bergsland

Nov 22, 2023, 12:59:56 PM11/22/23
When I set up a new printer, I just chose Generic PostScript for the printer driver. That’s it.


Nov 22, 2023, 7:37:45 PM11/22/23
My web mail server blocked .gmail, so I didn’t get replies 11/6 & 11/17 from David and R Evans. I unblocked gmail. Hopefully it works.
Anyway I can get those emails?


Nov 22, 2023, 8:15:28 PM11/22/23
Got them, super that the link is at the bottom

> On Nov 22, 2023, at 4:37 PM, katmcg <> wrote:
> My web mail server blocked .gmail, so I didn’t get replies 11/6 & 11/17 from David and R Evans. I unblocked gmail. Hopefully it works.
> Anyway I can get those emails?
> --
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