pdf book to spreads?

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May 21, 2016, 2:56:14 PM5/21/16
to indesi...@googlegroups.com
I’m doing an ID cs6 book.
I exported to pdf checked spreads. But multiple pages throughout are single pages. Single pages seem to be 1st & last page of each section.

All 15 sections start on an even # page & end on odd.

Numbering: set for start page on, auto chapter checked
All pagesages: checked for Allow Pages & Spreads to Shuffle.

I want all pages to be pdfed in spreads with no singles except 1st page. Any suggestions?


May 23, 2016, 4:14:52 PM5/23/16
to indesi...@googlegroups.com
Below gives me a really nice pdf presentation though doesn’t solve my issue on how to make page into spreads throughout a book. Not turning section start & ends into single pages
Making a PDF of a book actually look like a book isn't as straightforward as you might hope. It is tempting to turn on the Spreads checkbox (in the Export PDF dialog box) in order to show what the book will look like, but I encourage you not to. First of all, as you found out, InDesign cannot merge the two pages (last page of one chapter and the first page of the next) together into a single spread. But second, all you're really doing is telling InDesign to pretend that the whole spread is a single page -- and that the document is made up of single-sided pages. Of course, you'd also need to draw your own line in the document to show where the spine is... Blech.
Instead, give this job to Acrobat. After opening the PDF in Acrobat, you can adjust the view (View > Page Display) to show the spreads. Make sure the Show Cover Page During Two-Up is selected, too, or else page 1 will become the left-hand part of a two-page spread.
But you don't want to have to tell your client to do this. So open File > Properties (Command/Ctrl-D) and, in the Initial View tab, set the Page Layout to "Two-Up (Cover Page)."
Then click OK and save the document. That way, when you client opens it, it will open just the way you intended. (Unless they open it in some other PDF viewer, like OS X Preview, which doesn't read the Initial View tag properly. In that case, you're back to telling them to choose View > Page Display > Two-Up


May 24, 2016, 8:16:07 AM5/24/16
to indesi...@googlegroups.com
Something is not adding up. If all sections begin with an even (left) page and end with an odd (right) page then all pages are in spreads and should export correctly. Is this a publication where even-numbered pages are on the right? If that is the case, then you will not be able to export spreads where one section ends and the next begins. If you really need to present this as a pdf of spreads, a work-around is to export each section separately and then place those pdfs into a new blank ID file so that you have one big file with no section breaks that you can export as continuous spreads.

Rebecca Evans
Senior Designer/Compositor
University of North Carolina Press

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May 24, 2016, 11:27:11 AM5/24/16
to indesi...@googlegroups.com
Doesn’t make any sense to me either, Rebecca.


The dropboxed zip contains 4-page ID cs6, the book screen shot & the pdf that shows both single & spreads when exported to spreads.
Still can’t figure it out. Anyone willing to take a look? Help would be much appreciated. 


Michael Brady

May 24, 2016, 7:09:43 PM5/24/16
to indesi...@googlegroups.com

> On May 24, 2016, at 8:16 AM, google <forsal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is this a publication where even-numbered pages are on the right?

InDesign will not allow that (1) in the Pages panel AND (2) on the live pages if you are using ID’s automatic page numbers.

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Michael Brady


May 27, 2016, 11:33:15 AM5/27/16
to indesi...@googlegroups.com
I’m having the hardest time wrapping my mind around this. I always have a dozen sections & never had this happen before. Ah well learn something new.
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