i agree with you on this, Seth.
reminds me when the UN-UNICEF report came out and said the US
is #1 in child poverty (second only to Romania) and, sure enough,
that week, all you saw everywhere were pictures of BO and children.
there was one particular photo op of BO bending over and letting
a young black child touch his hair while they were in the Oval Office
many friends of mine could not accept the UN report, instead focusing on
the "feel good" baloney of the photo... i simply asked:
"do you think that kid just wandered in from the neighborhood, walked
past the metal detector and Uzi-toting guards, walked into the Oval Office,
the Pres bent down and someone just happened to have a camera???? No,
it is obviously very staged"
More wars than Bush, worse on whistle blowers than bush, obamacare is
the same bad deal as romneycare, those are the facts
this other stuff... fainting women and pics of kids... that's just mind wars...
time for us to wake up
On Sat, 26 Oct 2013 04:45:20 -0400 (EDT), seth17279 wrote
> demonstrate what a good caring guy he was so na�ve liberals like you
> Phony business: Obama's fainting woman a hoax?
> Say it isn't so!
> Was all that business about Obama helping a fainting woman in the
> Rose Garden just a big hoax?
> This video is an a major eye-opener. Is there ANYTHING about this
> president that isn't totally phony?
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