Re: Phony business: Obama's fainting woman a hoax

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Oct 25, 2013, 3:17:01 AM10/25/13
Ignore the right-wing ads on the side. I don't even know what WND is
but the speaker is correct. This was definitely staged event intended
to show how caring Obomber is..
-----Original Message-----
From: WND Breaking News Alert <>
To: Seth Farber <>
Sent: Thu, Oct 24, 2013 8:45 pm
Subject: Phony business: Obama's fainting woman a hoax?

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Phony business: Obama's fainting woman a hoax?
Say it isn't so!

Was all that business about Obama helping a fainting woman in the Rose Garden just a big hoax?

This video is an a major eye-opener. Is there ANYTHING about this president that isn't totally phony?
Read the latest now on


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Steve Rudin

Oct 26, 2013, 4:01:32 AM10/26/13
I'm sorry,but this is just baloney.  You can take any video, slow it down, and add any number of interpretations to it.  Does anyone know if the woman was attended to by medical personnel?  And, if so, what was their description of her condition?   Steve R

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Oct 26, 2013, 8:45:20 AM10/26/13
Of course the woman was not attended to by medical personnel. There was nothing wrong
with her.How can you go to a hospital when there is nothing wrong with you???.
It has nothing to do with the speed, It has to do with their actions. All you have to do is watch it--the second time around. You illustrate STeve the point I keep making about liberals.
THedy don't want to face the facts about Obama so they blame his policies on everyone but him.
In their mind in his heart of heart Obomber is a progressive! It's only the people around him thyat prevent him from being FDR. In this case in order for you to protect your inner image of Obomber
you apparently literally DO NOT SEE what is in front of your face.
If you watch the film Her friend of the actress nudges her hand gently as if to cue her in.--that can be clearly seen. Almost immediately afterwards the actress starts to " faint.".
That's not arcane interpretation. Why else would  she nudge her friend. Presumably they know each other. (IF not it's even more suspicious)
Then Obomber turns and in the kindest voice says "Are you OK?" And puts his hand out to steady her. Do you think anyone is allowed to stand right next to President?
 The second give away is the friend never turns to see if her friend who "fainted "is alright.
She keeps looking straight ahead as if nothing had happened.
Obviously if your friend REALLY fainted you would be worried and you'd turn around to look.
And to help.
What explanation would YOU give for that Steve??.Obviously you are a fan of Barack Obama
Jesus CHrist STeve Barack Obomber has done a lot worse things than that.
According to Seymour Hersh he never had Osama assassinated. (Osama was already DEAD.)
This story will be documented I n Hersh's forthcoming book--I suppose you won't believe
it. You'll say Hersh is a "conspiracy theorist."
Of course the woman was not attended to by medical personnel. There was nothing wrong
with her.How can you go to a hospital when there is nothing wrong with you???. She just pretended to be sick so Obomber could demonstrate what a good caring guy he was so naïve liberals like you would say "What a mensch that Obomber is. He really cares for sick people.What a wonderful
 policy is Obombercare." 
(BTW I have no bias against ACA--I think we were ripped off b y Obama. But I don't think it would have been inn the public interest had the REpublicans gotten their way.)
You p-robably thought Obomber was crying when he gave the speech after Sanddy Hook and pretended to wipe away a tear. THe murderer in chief doesn't cry for all those children killed by his drones.

Steve Rudin

Oct 26, 2013, 12:49:56 PM10/26/13
Here is a brief statement by the woman who fainted.  Now, what if it was a hoax, and she admitted it?  Would it be worth it for a cool, calculating, person like Obama to take such a chance?   Here is the link:

Richard Tabnik

Oct 26, 2013, 11:32:01 AM10/26/13
i agree with you on this, Seth.

reminds me when the UN-UNICEF report came out and said the US
is #1 in child poverty (second only to Romania) and, sure enough,
that week, all you saw everywhere were pictures of BO and children.

there was one particular photo op of BO bending over and letting
a young black child touch his hair while they were in the Oval Office

many friends of mine could not accept the UN report, instead focusing on
the "feel good" baloney of the photo... i simply asked:

"do you think that kid just wandered in from the neighborhood, walked
past the metal detector and Uzi-toting guards, walked into the Oval Office,
the Pres bent down and someone just happened to have a camera???? No,
it is obviously very staged"

More wars than Bush, worse on whistle blowers than bush, obamacare is
the same bad deal as romneycare, those are the facts

this other stuff... fainting women and pics of kids... that's just mind wars...

time for us to wake up



On Sat, 26 Oct 2013 04:45:20 -0400 (EDT), seth17279 wrote
> demonstrate what a good caring guy he was so na�ve liberals like you
> Phony business: Obama's fainting woman a hoax?
> Say it isn't so!
> Was all that business about Obama helping a fainting woman in the
> Rose Garden just a big hoax?
> This video is an a major eye-opener. Is there ANYTHING about this
> president that isn't totally phony?
> Read the latest now on
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Richard Tabnik
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Oct 26, 2013, 6:43:59 PM10/26/13
Richard, Yes the moderator is an idiot-- acts like arranging this gimmick k
is an evil ac t worse than something like dropping bombs on children
On the scale of politicians misddeds it';s trivial
.But still it 'sedifying to learn what they do
It obviously was staged
It's new to me to learn they'd go to all that trouble but evidently they do.
It's all a SPECTACLE
i agree with you on this, Seth.

reminds me  when the UN-UNICEF report came out and said the US 
is #1 in child poverty (second only to Romania) and, sure enough,
that week, all you saw everywhere were pictures of BO and children.

there was one particular photo op of BO bending over and letting
a young black child touch his  hair while they were in the Oval Office

many friends of mine could not accept the UN report, instead focusing on 
the "feel good" baloney of the photo... i simply asked:

"do you think that kid just wandered in from the neighborhood, walked
past the metal detector and Uzi-toting guards, walked into the Oval Office,
the Pres bent down and someone just happened to have a camera???? No,
it is obviously very staged"

More wars than Bush, worse on whistle blowers  than bush, obamacare is
the same bad deal as romneycare, those are the facts

this other stuff... fainting women and pics of kids... that's just mind wars...

time for us to wake up



On Sat, 26 Oct 2013 04:45:20 -0400 (EDT), seth17279 wrote
> Of course the woman was not attended to by medical personnel. There 
> was nothing wrong with her.How can you go to a hospital when there 
> is nothing wrong with you???.
> It has nothing to do with the speed, It has to do with their 
> actions. All you have to do is watch it--the second time around. You 
> illustrate STeve the point I keep making about liberals. THedy don't 
> want to face the facts about Obama so they blame his policies on 
> everyone but him. In their mind in his heart of heart Obomber is a 
> progressive! It's only the people around him thyat prevent him from 
> being FDR. In this case in order for you to protect your inner image 
> of Obomber you apparently literally DO NOT SEE what is in front of 
> your face.
> If you watch the film Her friend of the actress nudges her hand 
> gently as if to cue her in.--that can be clearly seen. Almost 
> immediately afterwards the actress starts to " faint.". That's not 
> arcane interpretation. Why else would  she nudge her friend. 
> Presumably they know each other. (IF not it's even more suspicious)
>  Then Obomber turns and in the kindest voice says "Are you OK?" And 
> puts his hand out to steady her. Do you think anyone is allowed to 
> stand right next to President? The second give away is the friend 
> never turns to see if her friend who "fainted "is alright. She keeps 
> looking straight ahead as if nothing had happened. Obviously if your 
> friend REALLY fainted you would be worried and you'd turn around to look.
> And to help.
> What explanation would YOU give for that Steve??.Obviously you are a 
> fan of Barack Obama Jesus CHrist STeve Barack Obomber has done a lot 
> worse things than that. According to Seymour Hersh he never had 
> Osama assassinated. (Osama was already DEAD.) This story will be 
> documented I n Hersh's forthcoming book--I suppose you won't believe 
> it. You'll say Hersh is a "conspiracy theorist." Of course the woman 
> was not attended to by medical personnel. There was nothing wrong 
> with her.How can you go to a hospital when there is nothing wrong 
> with you???. She just pretended to be sick so Obomber could 
> demonstrate what a good caring guy he was so naïve liberals like you 
> would say "What a mensch that Obomber is. He really cares for sick 
> people.What a wonderful  policy is Obombercare."  
> (BTW I have no bias against ACA--I think we were ripped off b y 
> Obama. But I don't think it would have been inn the public interest 
> had the REpublicans gotten their way.) You p-robably thought Obomber 
> was crying when he gave the speech after Sanddy Hook and pretended 
> to wipe away a tear. THe murderer in chief doesn't cry for all those 
> children killed by his drones. Seth.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Rudin <>
> To: independent-progressives <>
> Sent: Sat, Oct 26, 2013 3:34 am
> Subject: Re: Phony business: Obama's fainting woman a hoax
> I'm sorry,but this is just baloney.  You can take any video, slow it 
> down, and add any number of interpretations to it.  Does anyone know 
> if the woman was attended to by medical personnel?  And, if so, what 
> was their description of her condition?   Steve R
>   On Friday, October 25, 2013 2:01 PM, "" 
> <> wrote:
> Ignore the right-wing ads on the side. I don't even know what WND is
> but the speaker is correct. This was definitely staged event intended
> to show how caring Obomber is..

Oct 26, 2013, 6:58:00 PM10/26/13
Yes it does seem to be a rather large risk to take for such a trivial
pay-off/But the impression one gets watching the video
is that everyone knows what's going to happen//
Why would the friend not turn aroundf'
Unless she was told not to turn around
or unless she knew her friend was OIK.
It';s perplexing
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Rudin <>
To: independent-progressives <>
Sent: Sat, Oct 26, 2013 2:13 pm

Richard Tabnik

Oct 27, 2013, 2:00:13 AM10/27/13
my friends, who can be blamed for thinking such a thing
is a set up?

in truth, the 'affordable' care act is turning out to be
the unaffordable, uncaring act

as kman pointed out, bad contracts, high prices, no
privacy... the irs standing there making sure you
give it up for the insurance and medical industries...

of course, we wouldhave gotten practically the same thing
with romney... romneycare and obamacare were both created
by the right wing conservative heritage foundation

really, they could just say: "you have a Social security number,
just go to your doctor and we'll take care of it

but then, the big unspoken problem with universal coverage is
that we don't have enough hospitals and doctors and nurses now

we'd need an entirely new educational system: one that educates
as many as possible, not as few elites as possible

we'd need new hospitals...really, bloomberg ought to buy us
a hospital from all the dough he made selling out St Vincent's

one woman fainting? we're all gonna faint when we get the
not so "affordable" bill, i'm afraid...

best to all


On Sat, 26 Oct 2013 14:58:00 -0400 (EDT), seth17279 wrote
> demonstrate what a good caring guy he was so na�ve liberals like you
> Phony business: Obama's fainting woman a hoax?
> Say it isn't so!
> Was all that business about Obama helping a fainting woman in the
> Rose Garden just a big hoax?
> This video is an a major eye-opener. Is there ANYTHING about this
> president that isn't totally phony?
> Read the latest now on
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> Press, TV and radio representatives can simply email
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Steve Rudin

Oct 27, 2013, 12:49:51 PM10/27/13
It is not that important whether this was staged or not.   The press conference itself was staged, of course, to make the president look good. So, if they took a chance on such a stunt, so be it. 
 If I came from another planet and only had this forum to read to learn about this country I would think that there is this evil king named Obama, who rules with an iron hand all by himself.  There is no mention of the radical republicans trying to privatize social security, so they can hand over the money to their billionaire friends, shutting down the government, putting thousands out of work,and demanding their way, or no way. There is no mention of the debt ceiling debacle  which would have put the world economy in jeopardy harming millions and millions of people.   There is no mention the Citizen's United decision which is an example, according to Justice Ginsberg, of how the Supreme Court has sold out to big corporate interests.
 We have radicals on the right who want to turn this country in an oligarchy, and with the big money from people like the Koch brothers,and the Supreme Court deciding things in their favor, may succeed in doing it.   Where is the outrage about that?  Perhaps I missed it. 

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Stay Tuned!
Richard Tabnik
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