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Rust Knight

Aug 11, 2013, 6:33:52 AM8/11/13
This game, this roguelike is one of the few out there to really put a fight when it comes to complexion and "written" esthetics.
For me, personally it is THE ONLY roguelike i play without tilesets, just because it is so good.

On the point: Fund raise.
I am aware that the creator of Incursion has his own motivation to put this game on the shelf, financial maybe being one of the least, but let's see it like this - if there is enough motivation to raise funds, there will be enough motivation to continue on with the development, given the fact that coding a game takes a lot of your time.

On short, what i am proposing is just a simple suggestion, we are not yet to go in details, but i am for sure one of the few people who does not want to see this game fall down. And to be more clear on this, i am not proposing a part-time payed job; just a fund raise enough to keep interest in developing Incursion, the rate of work being determined by the author and not imposed by us, donators.

Rust Knight

Aug 12, 2013, 2:12:32 AM8/12/13
For a heads up, i will be going away 4-5 days, so i will not be able to read or reply nothing related to this topic.


Aug 12, 2013, 2:53:35 AM8/12/13
"[...] if there is enough motivation to raise funds, there will be enough motivation to continue on with the development,[...]"
But that's wrong/untrue.

Yes, you can (eventually) wave a big enough wad of cash in someone's face that he'll do just about anything, but the people paying WILL have a sense of entitlement regarding the pace of work, the quality of it and the amount.
Aside from how insulting it is to Journeyman (from my point of view and set of morals etc.) to go so far as to bribe him to do what YOU want as opposed to where HIS interests lie, your suggestion is exactly proposing a part-time paid job :P

I was sad to see Incursion die too, and I was double-sad to have it die with the final version being full of unfinished content (and some bugs)...
But it's Journeyman's project, his code, his effort and his decision.
MAYBE he'll be interested in picking up the project again in the future, but I don't think this money approach is the right way to do it.
I think Kickstarter has given people some really weird ideas as to how much power they have over developers and how much their money is really worth...

Op zondag 11 augustus 2013 12:33:52 UTC+2 schreef Rust Knight:


Aug 12, 2013, 9:03:30 AM8/12/13
Yeah... if mistah J. wanted to fund raise, I'd imagine he would have. There was pretty definitely a period of time a chunk could have been drummed up, but... boss J, near as I can tell, doesn't (didn't) code Inc for any cash based reason. Not looking to sell it, not looking to monetize, not looking for profit, and seems to be comfortably enough financially to not be particularly incentivized by cash. Money just doesn't seem to be J's motivation to code, at least insofar as Incursion is concerned. So... throwing money at 'im probably wouldn't do much, if anything.

I guess it's a somewhat flattering sentiment, but m'fairly sure nothing on our end of the thing is going to influence J's decision to move on to other things.
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