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Richard Salz

Feb 14, 2023, 12:59:33 PM2/14/23
to Inclusive Naming Initiative
Has this effort decided it's gone far enough and shut down?
The mail archives show nothing since late September.

Thanks for all the work.

St Leger, Jim

Feb 14, 2023, 2:03:53 PM2/14/23
to Richard Salz, Inclusive Naming Initiative, Taylor Waggoner (


To my understanding Taylor is trying to reboot INI. I cannot speak to the Standards workstream effort.

Taylor had set up monthly meetings for the workstream leads. The one for Feb had to get rescheduled, something WIP via Doodle at the moment.

We are hoping to regroup, assess where the effort stands and people previously supporting it, and develop a go-forward plan.

We would welcome your thoughts here.



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Mallory Knodel

Feb 14, 2023, 5:05:53 PM2/14/23
to St Leger, Jim, Richard Salz, Inclusive Naming Initiative, Taylor Waggoner (
Dear all,

Great work, and I hope we can continue. 

CDT was still hoping to officially join and/or be acknowledged as a participating organisation for the last couple of years. The website remains and important resource, at minimum, so thank you to those keeping it running and up to date. 


On Tuesday, February 14, 2023, St Leger, Jim <> wrote:


To my understanding Taylor is trying to reboot INI. I cannot speak to the Standards workstream effort.

Taylor had set up monthly meetings for the workstream leads. The one for Feb had to get rescheduled, something WIP via Doodle at the moment.

We are hoping to regroup, assess where the effort stands and people previously supporting it, and develop a go-forward plan.

We would welcome your thoughts here.





From: <> On Behalf Of Richard Salz
Sent: Tuesday, 14 February, 2023 11:00 AM
To: Inclusive Naming Initiative <>
Subject: Closed?


Has this effort decided it's gone far enough and shut down?

The mail archives show nothing since late September.


Thanks for all the work.


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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Inclusive Naming Initiative" group.
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Mallory Knodel
CTO, Center for Democracy and Technology
gpg fingerprint :: E3EB 63E0 65A3 B240 BCD9 B071 0C32 A271 BD3C C780

Rich Salz

Feb 20, 2023, 2:07:51 PM2/20/23
to St Leger, Jim, Inclusive Naming Initiative, Taylor Waggoner (
Thanks for the update, Jim.

I think it's reasonable to declare victory and move on. But keeping the terms, reasons, replacements, etc is worthwhile.  That probably means some kind of skeleton crew of volunteers.

But I'll keep watching.

Karsten Wade

May 24, 2023, 11:58:51 AM5/24/23
to Inclusive Naming Initiative

I'm just catching up to this discussion, please pardon my lateness to the party turning into this last-moments request:

Would you like to provide a quote for the release announcement? Having your voice and CDT's perspective would be  a perfect way to round out the different purposes.

Ideally we turn this around within 24 hours so we can release this Tuesday PM to catch the best waves of the week[1]. Thank you for considering this on short notice!

Kind regards,
- Karsten
[1] The release plan, process, and even the draft announcement I worked from were all lifted entirely from this great chapter by Brian Proffitt in the Open Source Way:

This chapter notes in the opening general guidelines, "The ideal release date for maximum coverage is Tuesday." This is to catch the writing cycle to be read on Wednesday, which is traditionally the busiest day on the internet when stories are spread the farthest.
On Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 2:05:53 PM UTC-8 wrote:
Dear all,

Great work, and I hope we can continue. 

CDT was still hoping to officially join and/or be acknowledged as a participating organisation for the last couple of years. The website remains and important resource, at minimum, so thank you to those keeping it running and up to date. 


On Tuesday, February 14, 2023, St Leger, Jim <> wrote:


To my understanding Taylor is trying to reboot INI. I cannot speak to the Standards workstream effort.

Taylor had set up monthly meetings for the workstream leads. The one for Feb had to get rescheduled, something WIP via Doodle at the moment.

We are hoping to regroup, assess where the effort stands and people previously supporting it, and develop a go-forward plan.

We would welcome your thoughts here.





From: <> On Behalf Of Richard Salz
Sent: Tuesday, 14 February, 2023 11:00 AM
To: Inclusive Naming Initiative <>
Subject: Closed?


Has this effort decided it's gone far enough and shut down?

The mail archives show nothing since late September.


Thanks for all the work.


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