Issue 975 in include-what-you-use: Confusion about path/to/iwyu; Clang 11 and Clang 13 failed to use

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Nov 29, 2021, 10:53:52 PM11/29/21
New issue 975 by zchrissirhcz: Confusion about path/to/iwyu; Clang 11 and Clang 13 failed to use

Hi, iwyu developers

I use CMake for my C++ project, would like to integrate iwyu it with cmake. I found the usage in this project's readme page:

mkdir build && cd build
CC="clang" CXX="clang++" cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE="path/to/iwyu;-Xiwyu;any;-Xiwyu;iwyu;-Xiwyu;args" ...

I'm in confusion with those.

- I don't know what exactly `path/to/iwyu` mean, is that the absolute path of the executable `iwyu` ?
- I build include-what-you-use from source, the executable I get is `include-what-you-use` instead of `iwyu`
- I don't know what exactly does `-Xiwyu;any;-Xiwyu;iwyu;-Xiwyu;args` mean, should I change them, or keep them anyway?
- I'm using Clang 13, and the build-from-latest-source include-what-you-use just failed for very simple code
#include <stdio.h> // this line is expected to be reported
int main()
return 0;
- I switch to clang11.0, with include-what-you-use clang_11 branch, but it also failed to report

Nov 30, 2021, 3:34:49 PM11/30/21
Comment #1 on issue 975 by kimgr: Confusion about path/to/iwyu; Clang 11 and Clang 13 failed to use

`/path/to/iwyu` and `-Xiwyu;any;-Xiwyu;args` are both brief placeholders, I think they assume you know what the `include-what-you-use` command line looks like.

> I don't know what exactly path/to/iwyu mean, is that the absolute path of the executable iwyu ?
> I build include-what-you-use from source, the executable I get is include-what-you-use instead of iwyu

Yes, make it the absolute path to the `include-what-you-use` executable.

> I don't know what exactly does -Xiwyu;any;-Xiwyu;iwyu;-Xiwyu;args mean, should I change them, or keep them anyway?

IWYU's command-line is a little strange. It accepts all compiler arguments just like the `clang` compiler, so for example `-I/usr/include/somelib` and `-DFOO=BAR` are accepted and passed directly onto the Clang front-end for parsing.

Any IWYU arguments need to be prefixed with `-Xiwyu`, e.g. `-Xiwyu --verbose=4` or `-Xiwyu --no_comments`.

What the example is trying to say is that you need to put any additional arguments as a semicolon-separated list, and if they are IWYU-specific arguments, they need to be `-Xiwyu`-prefixed.

So if your direct `include-what-you-use` command was `/code/build/bin/include-what-you-use -Xiwyu --verbose=7 -Xiwyu --cxx17ns args...`, the CMake command would be:
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE="/code/build/bin/include-what-you-use;-Xiwyu;--verbose=7;-Xiwyu;--cxx17ns"`

(note that ` args...` in the first example is a place holder for any compiler flags normally provided by the build system. They are provided by CMake automatically, so you only need to add any custom IWYU args)

Nov 30, 2021, 9:22:42 PM11/30/21
Comment #1 on issue 975 by zchrissirhcz: Confusion about path/to/iwyu; Clang 11 and Clang 13 failed to use

Well I think it would be more clear for me, if the tutorial just write as this:

To use include-what-you-use with cmake integration, just insert one line:
set(CMAKE_CXX_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE "include-what-you-use")
This assumes `include-what-you-use` in your PATH, and if not, consider change it to absolute path. Also, `CMAKE_CXX_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE` support adding options, such as:
set(CMAKE_CXX_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE "/path/to/include-what-you-use;-Xiwyu;--verbose=7;-Xiwyu;--cxx17ns")

People may also change this globally setting to per-target setting, i.e.
"/path/to/include-what-you-use" # path
"some include-what-you-use options"

set_property(TARGET testbed
PROPERTY CXX_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE ${iwyu_path_and_options})

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