> The addresses from the view of Inception are, initially, correct:
If the server URL does not start with the client URL, then it is not correctly set up.
Client URL:
Server URL:
> The 20580 is not the proxy port. It's a ssh tunnel port to reach the proxy on 80. In the future, we need to pass through another proxy but we don't have administrator rights on that proxy.
If you want to test your setup using an ssh tunnel, you would need to do this:
- create an alias for your public INCEpTION host name using the address in your /etc/hosts file
- set up the ssh tunnel to forward local port 80 (or 443) to port 80 (or 443) on your reverse proxy host
When you now tell your browser to connect to your public INCEpTION host, the request should instead go through the ssh tunnel to the reverse proxy and from there to INCEpTION.
Do not forget to remove the entry in /etc/hosts again when you close the ssh tunnel.
Now you should be able to see if INCEpTION gets the correct headers from your reverse proxy. If it does, then the client URL listed on the administration page should start with the server URL.
Your proxy should provide these headers:
- x-forwarded-for - IP of the browser initiating the request
- x-forwarded-host - host requested by the browser
- x-forwarded-port - port requested by the browser
- x-forwarded-proto - protocol requested by the browser
The WS connection URL will be constructed using proto + host + port as well as the server.servlet.context-path from your `settings.properties`.
So what you want to see on the administration page is probably this:
Client URL: http://<my.public.host>/mh/dev/inception/manage/overview.html
Server URL: http://<my.public.host>/mh/dev/inception
-- Richard