Hello Inception Support Group,
I am using constraints in Inception to limit possible annotations to meet a domain-specific standard. The constraints restrict the possible feature values on my span layer (SDO).However, the constraints written for the relation layer (SRO) attached to the span layer do not apply and I don't understand why.
My span layer has a property "SDOtype", which allows values from a specific tagset. My relation layer has constrains based on the SDOtype values at its endpoints. But the property "Relationship" on the relation layer does not show up in the Annotation view as soon as I enable "Show only when constraints apply" on the relation layer property "Relationship" even though the constraints should be met.
My constraints for the relationship layer are:
import webanno.custom.SRO as SRO;
Governor.SDOtype = "threat-actor" & Dependent.SDOtype = "attack-pattern" -> Relationship = "uses";
The property "Relationship" does not occur (with or without "uses", it's not visible at all), when I connect a SDOtype "threat-actor" with a SDOtype "attack-pattern".
To help illustrating the settings, I have attached screenshots from the entity layer, relation layer, tagset, constraints and annotation view.
Could you help me figuring out where my problem is? I tried a lot back and forth, but I do not get the dropdown menu for the "Relationship" property on the relation layer when the constraints are (or should be) matched.
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Best regards,