Hi Filipe,
> I was able to select the brat format option to import my file sample (the one I gave you earlier). However, I cannot replicate the results you obtained on your screenshot.
> When I import my files I get the following error:<error.png>
> Just to be sure, I deleted the annotation associated with the spans 262-272. After that I was able to import the file, however, it seems that the annotation spans are not aligned correctly.
> For example, if you compare your results with mine, you can see that the token "GNR" is annotated as a participant in your screenshot (as it should), contrary to what happens in my version:
So I tried this again and here is what I did (I'm on macOS):
* drag-and-dropped the example files attached to your email to a folder
* marked both of them, right-clicked and selected "Compress files" that created an "Archive.zip"
* created a fresh project in INCEpTION using the "Basic annotation (span/relation)" template
* Clicked on "import documents"
* Selected "brat (basic)"
* Selected the "Archive.zip" file and imported
* Clicked on "dashboard"
* Opened the annotation page
I did not make any changes to the files.
> Thank you again for your support.
> I hope we can find a way to make this work, and that this effort may help other people in the future.
My suspicion is that that either of two things happened on your side (I suspect you might be using Windows):
1) there is a platform-specific behavior in my brat reader code that works differently on your operating system than on mine
2) you opened the text file with an editor that changed line endings - the file attached to your mail uses unix-style line feeds (LF)
So I used the command "unix2dos" to convert the line endings in the sample text file from your mail to Windows/DOS line endings (CRLF),
repeated my process of zipping the data up and importing it.
Now I also get the error you reported in your mail:
Unable to load annotations: Start position of range [262-272] is not part of any visible row. In a sentence-based editor, this is most likely caused by annotations outside sentences.
Could you please verify that when you compress and import exactly the files you attached to your mail without intermediate editing you get the same error?
If yes, I need to go looking for the bug on my side.
If no, the problem should be resolved.
-- Richard