KB Integration: Linking Relations to Properties

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Jacob Hoffman

Aug 5, 2024, 5:44:06 PMAug 5
to inception-users

Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, I really have looked around, read documentation, and tried on my on and have not been successful...

I'm considering using Inception because of its KB support. I'm using the WINE ontology to see if it support what I need.
Currently, I can annotate spans and link them to WINE concepts & instance just fine.
However, when I make a relation between a wine and a body, I would like to link that relation to the property "hasBody". This is a property that exists in the WINE ontology.

I did indeed create a relation layer that attaches to the wineEntity layer I am using for Concepts. However, despite selecting the WINE KB and also selecting "only properties" for the scope, when I go to link the relation to the KB, nothing shows up.

Do you have any suggestions.

Richard Eckart de Castilho

Aug 5, 2024, 5:53:51 PMAug 5
to inception-users
Hi Jacob,

> On 5. Aug 2024, at 14:10, Jacob Hoffman <jacob9...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I did indeed create a relation layer that attaches to the wineEntity layer I am using for Concepts. However, despite selecting the WINE KB and also selecting "only properties" for the scope, when I go to link the relation to the KB, nothing shows up.

the properties in the Wine ontology do no have labels - that is why they do not show up.

* Go to the Knowledge Base page
* select e.g. the `hasBody` property
* click on "Add statement"
* select "label" from the dropdown and confirm
* then set a value (you can leave "lang" empty) and confirm

If you now try to search for that from your relation feature, it should appear.


-- Richard

Jacob Hoffman

Aug 6, 2024, 1:07:09 PMAug 6
to inception-users
Worked just as you said, thanks so much!

Richard Eckart de Castilho

Aug 6, 2024, 8:11:19 PMAug 6
to incepti...@googlegroups.com

> On 6. Aug 2024, at 14:07, Jacob Hoffman <jacob9...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Worked just as you said, thanks so much!

Great. The wine ontology in the INCEpTION 33.4 release has been updated
with property labels so that future users will have a better experience.
Thank you for reporting the issue.


-- Richard

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