Profile pic won't update

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Daniel Graham

Jan 21, 2017, 9:18:47 PM1/21/17
to iNaturalist
I'm having issues updating my profile pic. When I try to upload a new pic, it reverts back to my old pic. I've tried refreshing the cache and everthing. It will completely remove my pic, but when I try to add a new one, it goes back to my old one. I've even tried restarting my computer. I've even changed my Facebook profile pic, just in case it's trying to default to that one. I've even changed filenames before uploading. It's even my old photo when I check it on my phone.

I am tired of my baconface profile photo! Help!

Tony Iwane

Jan 21, 2017, 11:22:08 PM1/21/17
to iNaturalist
Hi Daniel,

Just to be clear, you're trying to change your profile pic via a browser, not through a mobile app, yeah?


Daniel Graham

Jan 21, 2017, 11:25:53 PM1/21/17
to iNaturalist
That is correct, yes.


Jan 22, 2017, 2:21:46 AM1/22/17
to iNaturalist
Interesting. I was having this problem trying to change the banner image on a project page a couple days ago. I could delete it, but when I tried to upload a new one, it would always just show me the old one. Much like the photo rotation problem that people have been having (me included), I just left it alone and it eventually (hours later) changed to the correct, new photo - just like how lately when you try to rotate an observation photo, it looks like nothing happens, but eventually (hours to days later), the photo rotates.

Related issues?

Charlie Hohn

Jan 22, 2017, 9:44:13 AM1/22/17
to iNaturalist
I've talked to other people who had this problem as well. I think part of the issue is just that it is very slow to update, maybe up to a day or more... and it shows the old profile pic until it updates. Not sure why that would happen.

Daniel Graham

Jan 22, 2017, 4:24:21 PM1/22/17
to iNaturalist
I let it go overnight without a pic and updated it today. So far, it seems to be holding...
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