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Apr 2, 2011, 6:13:00 AM4/2/11
to In-Portal Marketing Team
Sorry I have been away for a while.. Anything new in marketing In-
Portal and is there something specific I can do to help at the moment?

Dmitry A.

Apr 2, 2011, 9:43:54 PM4/2/11
to in-portal...@googlegroups.com
Hey Jason,

It's good to have you back!

Well, we didn't have much activity in this group for a while, but been quite busy with In-Portal development of course :)

I'll give you a heads up - we are planing to make In-Commerce open source soon, but need to finish a few themes for it  first.

More things will be happening soon so I'll make sure to keep you in mind and post here.

Thanks for your participation!

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