Email validation logic change

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Alexander Obuhovich

Dec 5, 2010, 8:42:40 AM12/5/10
to In-Portal Development
I propose, that we add "EmailValidated" checkbox to user record (only admin can change it).

That checkbox will be checked automatically, when user confirms it's email during registration.

Also registration process should be changed, so user will receive "validate email" link no matter what registration method is checked in admin (instant, pending, email activation).

Also, when user changes his email, then such checkbox should be unsent and validation email should be resent to user.

For now we assume, that when user has Active status, then his email is validated, but this is not always the case.

Phil -- --

Dec 5, 2010, 11:22:30 AM12/5/10
good idea, I'd propose to add an optionnal delay for "instant" users, after when they'll have their account de-activated if they didn't clicked on the activation link (with a message on front when they try to login

"please validate you email by clicking on the link sent or clic here to send again the mail to {user's email}"

2010/12/5 Alexander Obuhovich <>

Dmitry Andrejev

Dec 5, 2010, 12:43:14 PM12/5/10
Hi guys,

I like the whole idea, but we need to fully describe the actions that will take place for each of User Registration methods (Instant, Pending, Email Activation). Otherwise, it will become confusing. 

I believe this functionality has to be activated if:

a. Email is required field
b. EmailAddressVerification setting is enabled (new one under Configuration->Users->General)?

New User Registration:

- Instant Registration -  additional text needed to be added to the Registration Email Event which will say please click here to validate your Email address OR should be send this email as a separate Email Event asking to validate that Email?

- Pending - additional text needed to be added to the Pending Registration Email Event which will say please click here to validate your Email address OR should be send this email as a separate Email Event once the account is actually Activated by Admin?

- Email Activation - automatically should mark the Email as verified once account is activated. Makes sense right?

User Updated Email address:

1. Reset EmailValidated check-box

2. Send 2 emails:
 - to OLD email address - saying that an email on account has been changed - click here to UNDO the change if it's wasn't you.
 - to NEW email address - asking to click "here" to Verify the Email. However, NEW email will be UNDONE to old one if in case if User has clicked on UNDO the change + will be marked back as Verified.

The question is what do we do with accounts that don't have Email Verified and sitting there for some time?

a. Do nothing and let Admin to manage these via Admin Console (ie. filter out and delete)
b. Create a button (or Agent) to "Prune" the Accounts with Unverified Emails

Also, I believe none of this Email Verification should trigger ANY sort of Disabling / Activating the account. What we can do is to ask Users to verify their Email (if it has not been) once they logged on Front-End.

What you think on above?


I think that it's a little different since and there is NO need to 

Best regards,

Dmitry A.

Alexander Obuhovich

Dec 5, 2010, 3:30:22 PM12/5/10
a. Email is required field
b. EmailAddressVerification setting is enabled (new one under Configuration->Users->General)?

Of course emails always should be validated. Validation only will occur, when user enters a email. All is automatic.

No need to send 2 emails after any action, since we could add link to existing emails. It's sad, that we can't properly alter email events during upgrade process.

All seems ok. I don't think that agent is needed, since admin can delete users, who are not yet validated with one click.

Dmitry A.

Dec 12, 2010, 12:44:37 PM12/12/10
Hi Guys!

Just wanted check in here and see if you think we are ready for a task, yet?

Alex, In your opinion do we have clear picture and specs. here?


Alexander Obuhovich

Dec 12, 2010, 12:47:38 PM12/12/10
I'm ok, since my last post was affirmative.

Dmitry A.

Dec 13, 2010, 12:15:27 PM12/13/10
Task has been filed:

949: Change in user Email Validation process

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