Incorrect section/category physical template detection

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Alexander Obuhovich

Sep 3, 2012, 8:45:19 AM9/3/12
to Bugs In-Portal
In-Portal has 2 types of sections/categories in "Structure & Data" section:
  • physical - sections, that have 1 template on disk (TPL file) connected to them
  • virtual - sections, that share single template (design template) with other sections (pure CMS pages, that just have different content, but identical layout)

Because of that physical sections actually have 2 urls:
  • one, that matches TPL file location inside a theme
  • other, that match associated section location inside "Structure & Data" section

If developer is required to perform specific actions based on physical template being used to render a page then method kApplication::getPhysicalTemplate can be used.
However I've recently found out, that virtual section has a symlink to a physical section this method sometimes failed to properly detect actual TPL file being used.

Ready for testing.

This bug happens on all In-Portal 5.x versions (since symlink term was introduced), but kApplication::getPhysicalTemplate method only exists since 5.2.0-B1 version.

Best Regards,
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