Problem "Error: (1364) Field 'l1_Name'" during installation (step2) on Windows

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2012年1月25日 10:42:332012/1/25
收件人 In-Portal Bugs Team
Hello Admin

My System is:
In-Portal version: in-portal_5_2_0_B1
MySQL Server version: 5.1.45
MySQL client version: 5.1.11
OS: Windows web Server2008
IIS: 6.0 SP1
PHP version: php-5.2.6-nts-Win32

I need your help for installation. When i tried to install I got
following errors in second STEP. Please

give me solutions to resolve it...
PS: i Have the same problem whit old version of In-Portal


" Error: (1364) Field 'l1_Name' doesn't have a default value

Last Database Query:
INSERT INTO CountryStates (CountryStateId, Type, StateCountryId,
IsoCode, ShortIsoCode) VALUES
(1, 1, NULL, 'AFG', 'AF'),
(2, 1, NULL, 'ALB', 'AL'),
(3, 1, NULL, 'DZA', 'DZ'),
(4, 1, NULL, 'ASM', 'AS'),
(5, 1, NULL, 'AND', 'AD'),
(6, 1, NULL, 'AGO', 'AO'),
(7, 1, NULL, 'AIA', 'AI'),
(8, 1, NULL, 'ATA', 'AQ'),
(9, 1, NULL, 'ATG', 'AG'),
(10, 1, NULL, 'ARG', 'AR'),
(11, 1, NULL, 'ARM', 'AM'),
(12, 1, NULL, 'ABW', 'AW'),
(13, 1, NULL, 'AUS', 'AU'),
(14, 1, NULL, 'AUT', 'AT'),
(15, 1, NULL, 'AZE', 'AZ'),
(16, 1, NULL, 'BHS', 'BS'),
(17, 1, NULL, 'BHR', 'BH'),
(18, 1, NULL, 'BGD', 'BD'),
(19, 1, NULL, 'BRB', 'BB'),
(20, 1, NULL, 'BLR', 'BY'),
(21, 1, NULL, 'BEL', 'BE'),
(22, 1, NULL, 'BLZ', 'BZ'),
(23, 1, NULL, 'BEN', 'BJ'),
(24, 1, NULL, 'BMU', 'BM'),
(25, 1, NULL, 'BTN', 'BT'),
(26, 1, NULL, 'BOL', 'BO'),
(27, 1, NULL, 'BIH', 'BA'),
(28, 1, NULL, 'BWA', 'BW'),
(29, 1, NULL, 'BVT', 'BV'),
(30, 1, NULL, 'BRA', 'BR'),
(31, 1, NULL, 'IOT', 'IO'),
(32, 1, NULL, 'BRN', 'BN'),
(33, 1, NULL, 'BGR', 'BG'),
(34, 1, NULL, 'BFA', 'BF'),
(35, 1, NULL, 'BDI', 'BI'),
(36, 1, NULL, 'KHM', 'KH'),
(37, 1, NULL, 'CMR', 'CM'),
(38, 1, NULL, 'CAN', 'CA'),
(39, 1, NULL, 'CPV', 'CV'),
(40, 1, NULL, 'CYM', 'KY'),
(41, 1, NULL, 'CAF', 'CF'),
(42, 1, NULL, 'TCD', 'TD'),
(43, 1, NULL, 'CHL', 'CL'),
(44, 1, NULL, 'CHN', 'CN'),
(45, 1, NULL, 'CXR', 'CX'),
(46, 1, NULL, 'CCK', 'CC'),
(47, 1, NULL, 'COL', 'CO'),
(48, 1, NULL, 'COM', 'KM'),
(49, 1, NULL, 'COD', 'CD'),
(50, 1, NULL, 'COG', 'CG'),
(51, 1, NULL, 'COK', 'CK'),
(52, 1, NULL, 'CRI', 'CR'),
(53, 1, NULL, 'CIV', 'CI'),
(54, 1, NULL, 'HRV', 'HR'),
(55, 1, NULL, 'CUB', 'CU'),
(56, 1, NULL, 'CYP', 'CY'),
(57, 1, NULL, 'CZE', 'CZ'),
(58, 1, NULL, 'DNK', 'DK'),
(59, 1, NULL, 'DJI', 'DJ'),
(60, 1, NULL, 'DMA', 'DM'),
(61, 1, NULL, 'DOM', 'DO'),
(62, 1, NULL, 'TLS', 'TL'),
(63, 1, NULL, 'ECU', 'EC'),
(64, 1, NULL, 'EGY', 'EG'),
(65, 1, NULL, 'SLV', 'SV'),
(66, 1, NULL, 'GNQ', 'GQ'),
(67, 1, NULL, 'ERI', 'ER'),
(68, 1, NULL, 'EST', 'EE'),
(69, 1, NULL, 'ETH', 'ET'),
(70, 1, NULL, 'FLK', 'FK'),
(71, 1, NULL, 'FRO', 'FO'),
(72, 1, NULL, 'FJI', 'FJ'),
(73, 1, NULL, 'FIN', 'FI'),
(74, 1, NULL, 'FRA', 'FR'),
(75, 1, NULL, 'FXX', 'FX'),
(76, 1, NULL, 'GUF', 'GF'),
(77, 1, NULL, 'PYF', 'PF'),
(78, 1, NULL, 'ATF', 'TF'),
(79, 1, NULL, 'GAB', 'GA'),
(80, 1, NULL, 'GMB', 'GM'),
(81, 1, NULL, 'GEO', 'GE'),
(82, 1, NULL, 'DEU', 'DE'),
(83, 1, NULL, 'GHA', 'GH'),
(84, 1, NULL, 'GIB', 'GI'),
(85, 1, NULL, 'GRC', 'GR'),
(86, 1, NULL, 'GRL', 'GL'),
(87, 1, NULL, 'GRD', 'GD'),
(88, 1, NULL, 'GLP', 'GP'),
(89, 1, NULL, 'GUM', 'GU'),
(90, 1, NULL, 'GTM', 'GT'),
(91, 1, NULL, 'GIN', 'GN'),
(92, 1, NULL, 'GNB', 'GW'),
(93, 1, NULL, 'GUY', 'GY'),
(94, 1, NULL, 'HTI', 'HT'),
(95, 1, NULL, 'HMD', 'HM'),
(96, 1, NULL, 'HND', 'HN'),
(97, 1, NULL, 'HKG', 'HK'),
(98, 1, NULL, 'HUN', 'HU'),
(99, 1, NULL, 'ISL', 'IS'),
(100, 1, NULL, 'IND', 'IN'),
(101, 1, NULL, 'IDN', 'ID'),
(102, 1, NULL, 'IRN', 'IR'),
(103, 1, NULL, 'IRQ', 'IQ'),
(104, 1, NULL, 'IRL', 'IE'),
(105, 1, NULL, 'ISR', 'IL'),
(106, 1, NULL, 'ITA', 'IT'),
(107, 1, NULL, 'JAM', 'JM'),
(108, 1, NULL, 'JPN', 'JP'),
(109, 1, NULL, 'JOR', 'JO'),
(110, 1, NULL, 'KAZ', 'KZ'),
(111, 1, NULL, 'KEN', 'KE'),
(112, 1, NULL, 'KIR', 'KI'),
(113, 1, NULL, 'PRK', 'KP'),
(114, 1, NULL, 'KOR', 'KR'),
(115, 1, NULL, 'KWT', 'KW'),
(116, 1, NULL, 'KGZ', 'KG'),
(117, 1, NULL, 'LAO', 'LA'),
(118, 1, NULL, 'LVA', 'LV'),
(119, 1, NULL, 'LBN', 'LB'),
(120, 1, NULL, 'LSO', 'LS'),
(121, 1, NULL, 'LBR', 'LR'),
(122, 1, NULL, 'LBY', 'LY'),
(123, 1, NULL, 'LIE', 'LI'),
(124, 1, NULL, 'LTU', 'LT'),
(125, 1, NULL, 'LUX', 'LU'),
(126, 1, NULL, 'MAC', 'MO'),
(127, 1, NULL, 'MKD', 'MK'),
(128, 1, NULL, 'MDG', 'MG'),
(129, 1, NULL, 'MWI', 'MW'),
(130, 1, NULL, 'MYS', 'MY'),
(131, 1, NULL, 'MDV', 'MV'),
(132, 1, NULL, 'MLI', 'ML'),
(133, 1, NULL, 'MLT', 'MT'),
(134, 1, NULL, 'MHL', 'MH'),
(135, 1, NULL, 'MTQ', 'MQ'),
(136, 1, NULL, 'MRT', 'MR'),
(137, 1, NULL, 'MUS', 'MU'),
(138, 1, NULL, 'MYT', 'YT'),
(139, 1, NULL, 'MEX', 'MX'),
(140, 1, NULL, 'FSM', 'FM'),
(141, 1, NULL, 'MDA', 'MD'),
(142, 1, NULL, 'MCO', 'MC'),
(143, 1, NULL, 'MNG', 'MN'),
(144, 1, NULL, 'MSR', 'MS'),
(145, 1, NULL, 'MAR', 'MA'),
(146, 1, NULL, 'MOZ', 'MZ'),
(147, 1, NULL, 'MMR', 'MM'),
(148, 1, NULL, 'NAM', 'NA'),
(149, 1, NULL, 'NRU', 'NR'),
(150, 1, NULL, 'NPL', 'NP'),
(151, 1, NULL, 'NLD', 'NL'),
(152, 1, NULL, 'ANT', 'AN'),
(153, 1, NULL, 'NCL', 'NC'),
(154, 1, NULL, 'NZL', 'NZ'),
(155, 1, NULL, 'NIC', 'NI'),
(156, 1, NULL, 'NER', 'NE'),
(157, 1, NULL, 'NGA', 'NG'),
(158, 1, NULL, 'NIU', 'NU'),
(159, 1, NULL, 'NFK', 'NF'),
(160, 1, NULL, 'MNP', 'MP'),
(161, 1, NULL, 'NOR', 'NO'),
(162, 1, NULL, 'OMN', 'OM'),
(163, 1, NULL, 'PAK', 'PK'),
(164, 1, NULL, 'PLW', 'PW'),
(165, 1, NULL, 'PSE', 'PS'),
(166, 1, NULL, 'PAN', 'PA'),
(167, 1, NULL, 'PNG', 'PG'),
(168, 1, NULL, 'PRY', 'PY'),
(169, 1, NULL, 'PER', 'PE'),
(170, 1, NULL, 'PHL', 'PH'),
(171, 1, NULL, 'PCN', 'PN'),
(172, 1, NULL, 'POL', 'PL'),
(173, 1, NULL, 'PRT', 'PT'),
(174, 1, NULL, 'PRI', 'PR'),
(175, 1, NULL, 'QAT', 'QA'),
(176, 1, NULL, 'REU', 'RE'),
(177, 1, NULL, 'ROU', 'RO'),
(178, 1, NULL, 'RUS', 'RU'),
(179, 1, NULL, 'RWA', 'RW'),
(180, 1, NULL, 'KNA', 'KN'),
(181, 1, NULL, 'LCA', 'LC'),
(182, 1, NULL, 'VCT', 'VC'),
(183, 1, NULL, 'WSM', 'WS'),
(184, 1, NULL, 'SMR', 'SM'),
(185, 1, NULL, 'STP', 'ST'),
(186, 1, NULL, 'SAU', 'SA'),
(187, 1, NULL, 'SEN', 'SN'),
(188, 1, NULL, 'SYC', 'SC'),
(189, 1, NULL, 'SLE', 'SL'),
(190, 1, NULL, 'SGP', 'SG'),
(191, 1, NULL, 'SVK', 'SK'),
(192, 1, NULL, 'SVN', 'SI'),
(193, 1, NULL, 'SLB', 'SB'),
(194, 1, NULL, 'SOM', 'SO'),
(195, 1, NULL, 'ZAF', 'ZA'),
(196, 1, NULL, 'SGS', 'GS'),
(197, 1, NULL, 'ESP', 'ES'),
(198, 1, NULL, 'LKA', 'LK'),
(199, 1, NULL, 'SHN', 'SH'),
(200, 1, NULL, 'SPM', 'PM'),
(201, 1, NULL, 'SDN', 'SD'),
(202, 1, NULL, 'SUR', 'SR'),
(203, 1, NULL, 'SJM', 'SJ'),
(204, 1, NULL, 'SWZ', 'SZ'),
(205, 1, NULL, 'SWE', 'SE'),
(206, 1, NULL, 'CHE', 'CH'),
(207, 1, NULL, 'SYR', 'SY'),
(208, 1, NULL, 'TWN', 'TW'),
(209, 1, NULL, 'TJK', 'TJ'),
(210, 1, NULL, 'TZA', 'TZ'),
(211, 1, NULL, 'THA', 'TH'),
(212, 1, NULL, 'TGO', 'TG'),
(213, 1, NULL, 'TKL', 'TK'),
(214, 1, NULL, 'TON', 'TO'),
(215, 1, NULL, 'TTO', 'TT'),
(216, 1, NULL, 'TUN', 'TN'),
(217, 1, NULL, 'TUR', 'TR'),
(218, 1, NULL, 'TKM', 'TM'),
(219, 1, NULL, 'TCA', 'TC'),
(220, 1, NULL, 'TUV', 'TV'),
(221, 1, NULL, 'UGA', 'UG'),
(222, 1, NULL, 'UKR', 'UA'),
(223, 1, NULL, 'ARE', 'AE'),
(224, 1, NULL, 'GBR', 'GB'),
(225, 1, NULL, 'USA', 'US'),
(226, 1, NULL, 'UMI', 'UM'),
(227, 1, NULL, 'URY', 'UY'),
(228, 1, NULL, 'UZB', 'UZ'),
(229, 1, NULL, 'VUT', 'VU'),
(230, 1, NULL, 'VAT', 'VA'),
(231, 1, NULL, 'VEN', 'VE'),
(232, 1, NULL, 'VNM', 'VN'),
(233, 1, NULL, 'VGB', 'VG'),
(234, 1, NULL, 'VIR', 'VI'),
(235, 1, NULL, 'WLF', 'WF'),
(236, 1, NULL, 'ESH', 'EH'),
(237, 1, NULL, 'YEM', 'YE'),
(238, 1, NULL, 'YUG', 'YU'),
(239, 1, NULL, 'ZMB', 'ZM'),
(240, 1, NULL, 'ZWE', 'ZW'),
(370, 2, 38, 'YT', NULL),
(369, 2, 38, 'SK', NULL),
(368, 2, 38, 'QC', NULL),
(367, 2, 38, 'PE', NULL),
(366, 2, 38, 'ON', NULL),
(365, 2, 38, 'NU', NULL),
(364, 2, 38, 'NS', NULL),
(363, 2, 38, 'NT', NULL),
(362, 2, 38, 'NL', NULL),
(361, 2, 38, 'NB', NULL),
(360, 2, 38, 'MB', NULL),
(359, 2, 38, 'BC', NULL),
(358, 2, 38, 'AB', NULL),
(357, 2, 225, 'DC', NULL),
(356, 2, 225, 'WY', NULL),
(355, 2, 225, 'WI', NULL),
(354, 2, 225, 'WV', NULL),
(353, 2, 225, 'WA', NULL),
(352, 2, 225, 'VA', NULL),
(351, 2, 225, 'VT', NULL),
(350, 2, 225, 'UT', NULL),
(349, 2, 225, 'TX', NULL),
(348, 2, 225, 'TN', NULL),
(347, 2, 225, 'SD', NULL),
(346, 2, 225, 'SC', NULL),
(345, 2, 225, 'RI', NULL),
(344, 2, 225, 'PR', NULL),
(343, 2, 225, 'PA', NULL),
(342, 2, 225, 'OR', NULL),
(341, 2, 225, 'OK', NULL),
(340, 2, 225, 'OH', NULL),
(339, 2, 225, 'ND', NULL),
(338, 2, 225, 'NC', NULL),
(337, 2, 225, 'NY', NULL),
(336, 2, 225, 'NM', NULL),
(335, 2, 225, 'NJ', NULL),
(334, 2, 225, 'NH', NULL),
(333, 2, 225, 'NV', NULL),
(332, 2, 225, 'NE', NULL),
(331, 2, 225, 'MT', NULL),
(330, 2, 225, 'MO', NULL),
(329, 2, 225, 'MS', NULL),
(328, 2, 225, 'MN', NULL),
(327, 2, 225, 'MI', NULL),
(326, 2, 225, 'MA', NULL),
(325, 2, 225, 'MD', NULL),
(324, 2, 225, 'ME', NULL),
(323, 2, 225, 'LA', NULL),
(322, 2, 225, 'KY', NULL),
(321, 2, 225, 'KS', NULL),
(320, 2, 225, 'IA', NULL),
(319, 2, 225, 'IN', NULL),
(318, 2, 225, 'IL', NULL),
(317, 2, 225, 'ID', NULL),
(316, 2, 225, 'HI', NULL),
(315, 2, 225, 'GA', NULL),
(314, 2, 225, 'FL', NULL),
(313, 2, 225, 'DE', NULL),
(312, 2, 225, 'CT', NULL),
(311, 2, 225, 'CO', NULL),
(310, 2, 225, 'CA', NULL),
(309, 2, 225, 'AR', NULL),
(308, 2, 225, 'AZ', NULL),
(307, 2, 225, 'AK', NULL),
(306, 2, 225, 'AL', NULL)

Alexander Obuhovich

2012年1月26日 04:15:502012/1/26
What about 5.1.0 version and 5.0.4 version. Are you able to install them.

I also have MySQL 5.1.x, but on Linux and all works.

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Best Regards,

Alexander Obuhovich

2012年1月27日 14:57:502012/1/27
You need to disable strict mode on MySQL server.


2012年1月28日 23:31:232012/1/28
收件人 In-Portal Bugs Team
This is the solution I found and works for me:
When you get the error go to phpMyAdmin, go to your In-Portal
database, go to "structure", select all tables and choose delete.
Then, go to SQL, put this sql query

SET @@global.sql_mode= '';

and clic continue. Now, go back to installation and refresh the
I think this change the MySQL mode to defaults. I don't know if this
is the best solution or if it's a bad configuration, but solves the
problem that stops the installation.



On 27 ene, 16:57, Alexander Obuhovich <> wrote:
> You need to disable strict mode on MySQL server.
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Alexander Obuhovich <>wrote:
> > What about 5.1.0 version and 5.0.4 version. Are you able to install them.
> > I also have MySQL 5.1.x, but on Linux and all works.

Alexander Obuhovich

2012年1月29日 10:31:232012/1/29
Same idea actually - strict mode removed, no matter if you change my.cnf file or just changing it runtime before installing.

Actually it's better to run 

SET @@global.sql_mode= ''; 

before starting In-Portal installation and then go to installation wizard and everything would work.

Almost forgot,

Welcome to our community nadteam and ElGabo.


2012年1月29日 11:01:512012/1/29
Alex, can't we check/change this mode at first step, when checking for DB?
Welcome too guys :)

Envoyé avec Sparrow

Alexander Obuhovich

2012年1月29日 11:22:242012/1/29
I've just remembered, we fixed In-Portal to install normally even in strict mode. I guess we've added some new tables, that beaks that rule.

Need to investigate.

Dmitry A.

2012年1月29日 12:22:232012/1/29
Hi guys!

Welcome to In-Portal Community!

Yes, Alex is correct we were addressing this issue before, but for different Tables. Here is an old task - 11: Installation Fails with MySQL in Strict mode

Note that the tables we are having issues now with didn't existed in In-Portal back then.


Alexander Obuhovich

2012年1月29日 13:10:462012/1/29
Maybe we should enable strict mode by default during In-Portal operations. There are now drawbacks from such action, since In-Portal must be strict-mode compatible anyway.

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Dmitry A.

2012年1月29日 19:09:392012/1/29
Yes, I support this idea!

The real question is weather we should enable this on every new DB connection - probably not. I would rather agree to turn this on just for us during the Development phases via DBG or so.

What's your opinion on this?


Alexander Obuhovich

2012年1月30日 02:43:232012/1/30
Yes, enabling it in debug.php by default could be a good idea.


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Dmitry A.

2012年2月1日 15:18:032012/2/1
Thank you for reporting everyone!

Here is a new task which will be added to In-Portal 5.2.0 - Beta 2

1201: Fatal error during Installation on States import with MySQL in Strict Mode

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