Identifying a customer by name from the order number

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Apr 24, 2013, 10:56:29 PM4/24/13
Google Play used to provide customer names on one of the reports. Now I don't see any names at all, and I need to issue a refund to a customer who has asked for one in her negative review of my app. 

How do I identify a customer by name from the transaction/sales reports?

David Woods

May 18, 2013, 12:43:05 AM5/18/13
I noticed that.  It was very useful being able to search for transactions via name and email address.  

Nick Cumiskey

May 23, 2013, 10:36:05 AM5/23/13
+1 I can't see any customer names either.

I also usually issue refunds to customers by searching on their name.  I also use customer names to confirm that they are purchasers of the app before I allow them onto my beta program.

Note to Google: customers don't always keep their Google play receipts, nor do they like having to look them up.  Removing their names from my reports increases friction between them and me and diminishes their experience.

There is no conceivable benefit in holding back their names.  If it is a security issue I'd like to know what it is: every time I use my credit card in a store the merchant gets to see what my name is - what is the difference here?

I pay 30% of every sale of my app to Google for you to provide a service....if you are going to decrease the functionality of the service can I also expect a reduction in your charges?

Unhappy.  :-(

On Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:56:29 PM UTC-4, wrote:


May 25, 2013, 9:37:34 AM5/25/13
Call and complain to Google, tell them something is wrong with the upgrade and that you can't view the customer information, they'll send you an email where you can voice your grievance.  Hopefully if enough people say something they will give us back our customer information.  Since we have to assume liability for our apps there is NO reason we should not be privy to who purchases them.
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