Doubts about LTI role semantic

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Carlos Ors

2012年2月8日 上午9:28:182012/2/8

I was implementing a LTI provider for Vanilla and I have some doubts about the meaning of the roles.

I have noticed that there are 3 types of role depending on whether it affects to System, Institution or Context.
I am focusing on the context roles but I have noticed that there is no role at this level to represent Other or Guest, which are Institution roles. Should I use Other or Guest with a full-qualified namespace for this case?

As well, I have a doubt between Member or Learner.  Which one is less than the other? What's the meaning of each one?

Where can I find the semantics of each role? The LTI standard vocabularies are taken verbatim from the LTI Messages [LTI, 10 MSS] documentation. but I haven't been able to find it in the IMS web site, even with my member account.

Thanks in advance.

Carlos Ors Giraldo
Cap de Projectes de Tecnologia Educativa
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

93 253 (5770) |
Tibidabo 3 (Av. Tibidabo 45-47)

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Aquest missatge s´adreça exclusivament a qui va destinat i pot contenir informació privilegiada o confidencial i dades de caràcter personal, la difusió de les quals és regulada per la Llei orgànica de protecció de dades i la Llei de serveis de la societat de la informació. Si no sou la persona destinatària indicada (o la responsable de lliurar-lo a qui va destinat), no heu de copiar aquest missatge ni lliurar-lo a tercers per cap concepte. Si heu rebut aquest missatge per error o l´heu aconseguit per altres mitjans, us demanem que ens ho comuniqueu immediatament per aquesta mateixa via i l´elimineu irreversiblement.

Abans d´imprimir aquest missatge electrònic penseu en el medi ambient.


2012年2月8日 晚上8:39:462012/2/8
I would suggest that you take a look at the LIS documentation for more detail o the roles:

The roles came from LIS originally.  If you scroll down on the page, you can see the specs at no cost.

In terms of your question of whether "Mentor < Learner" - I actually doubt that your will find an answer there.   The precise semantics of roles are generally left out of the specs.

Other questions are, "Is ContentCreator < Instructor"?  or "Is Admin < instructor"?

The spec leaves these questions unanswered.

It is one of the reasons that we focused LTI roles down to Instructor / Learner because they were something that most people can agree on the semantics.


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