PHP class for adding LTI support to Tool Producers

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Stephen P Vickers

Feb 8, 2011, 7:49:34 PM2/8/11
I have just made available a first release of a PHP class which I am
currently using with WebPA as part of the ceLTIc project to support
connections via Basic LTI and Blackboard Learn 9 Proxy tools. It is not
yet comprehensive but implemented enough to get me going. We will also
be using it for the Basic LTI implementation for Elgg which is currently
being developed.

I would be very interested to get feedback from others, particularly
about whether it is generic enough to be of use for other PHP
applications and, if not, whether you have any suggestions for making it
so. You can find the documentation at:

with a link in the Licence section to the download area on OSCELOT.


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