[IMS-dev] I just committed a bunch of changes to basicLTI4Mediawiki

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Apr 22, 2010, 6:52:49 PM4/22/10
to ims...@googlegroups.com
I may have messed up so feel free to correct me.

It needed the BLTIAuth.php code to actually make the users and I added the Category code as well. I also made it so the Main page went to the course category.

I am not an expert so I may have made mistakes.


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Antoni Bertran

May 13, 2010, 8:59:52 AM5/13/10
to ims...@googlegroups.com
Hello I implemented an extension to keep the student in his course. 
Usage of CategoryPermissionsBLTI:

$wgCategoryExclusive=array("Category:cat_name","Category:cat2_name");//deny acces to these categories for anyone not in the group
$wgGroupAlwaysAllow=''; //set a group name to ALWAYS allow access to this group
$wgGroupDefaultAllow=false; //set to true to allow everyone access to pages without a category

//get the name of BLTIclassroom
  $course_name = $_SESSION['BLTIclassroom'];
//add groups to category permissions by:
  $wgGroupPermissions['user']['*_read'] = false; //Set permission for others categories/courses
  $wgGroupPermissions['user']['*_edit'] = false;
  $wgGroupPermissions['user']['*_move'] = false;
  $wgGroupPermissions['user']['*_created']  = false;
  $tag_category = 'Category';//'Course' //Be careful with the translate of Categoryç
//Set permission for current category/course
  $wgGroupPermissions['user'][$tag_category.':'.$course_name.'_read'] = true; 
  $wgGroupPermissions['user'][$tag_category.':'.$course_name.'_edit'] = true;
  $wgGroupPermissions['user'][$tag_category.':'.$course_name.'_move'] = true;
  $wgGroupPermissions['user'][$tag_category.':'.$course_name.'_create']  = true;
  $wgGroupPermissions['user'][$tag_category.':'.$course_name.'_createpage']  = true;

//if yo want you can define special permission access for a group to all categories like this

I attach an image.

Antoni Bertran Bellido
3&Punt Solucions Informàtiques SLL
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2010/4/23 csev <cs...@umich.edu>
Error Permission Denied.png
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