Information from Current Imperial Students-Perspective 1

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Mar 20, 2010, 6:14:59 AM3/20/10
to imperial MBA 2010 participants
I have added my comments inline...I hope they help.

Bottom line curriculum is interesting/exciting...expect little help
from career services...brand name of the school is improving

1. Career Advancement

a) Which fields are open in terms of career opportunities for a person
with 2-3 years of IT experience (Strategy Consulting/Investment
Banking/General Management etc?)

In terms of opportunities I would say that you would have to create a
rough roadmap before hand for possible fields which you would want to
get in after MBA. In one year MBA and specially for schools in Europe
it helps a lot if you can figure out that pretty soon as you are on
your own in terms of finding jobs. I wouldn't say that things are very
flexible to be realistic. You will have to think very hard in terms of
changing everything as in Country/function/industry. European market
doesn't appreciate MBA degree in similar manner like India and North
America where you are thought of as a generalist after MBA. I know am
not answering your question directly because there is no specific
industry which Imperial helps you to get in apart from a wide exposure
to Entrepreneurship.

b) What is the average salary an Indian student with 2-3 years of IT
experience get?

If you want to get into an IT company after MBA, then you can roughly
think of something in the tune of 40-60 K pounds.

c) Are Companies offering jobs to international students willing to
sponsor visas. Is the visa issue a big constraint in getting a good

Because of change in Visa scheme there are issues faced by students
but that is not a big impediment as such. You can apply for "post
study" work visa after completion of MBA but yes things are not hunky
dory as such.

d) Could you please elaborate on the current scene for placements
amongst Indians/International Students (Can you please pour in any
statistics-Current and Past ) This is very crucial for me to decide
upon Imperial.

First of all let me clear this myth that school will place you
somewhere here in Europe (exceptions are in form of LBS/INSEAD/IMD
which actually do). They can help you get recruited by getting some
contacts and some openings but then you are on your own and you will
have to build your network and contacts here to get a job. I am sorry
I do not have statistics as such but then people who have started
early have been able to find one. That is one drawback of this school
but that's same for Said and Judge as well or other b-schools in

e) Since the program is just 1 year, I think people would start
applying for jobs after 6 months into the course while the profile
won't have changed much. Do you think with my profile I can land up a
decent job in UK given the current situation. I just want your
personal opinion on this.

I wouldn't say no you can't though its tough at the moment. But then
its all about getting your first job after MBA where you might have to
compromise a bit to start with. You shouldn't compare with your Indian
B-schools as situation is very different here. Also though the school
is pretty young, its brand name is improving and economy should
improve further by next year.

2. About Imperial

a) Does Imperial have any location advantage being in London, does it
get translated into better career opportunities?

It has a definite advantage of being in London. School sources some of
the best speakers from different Industries and also Imperial has a
very good advantage of being part of the university so you get exposed
to number of conferences and events across the board. Also you can
work closely with Design London. I wouldn't say this is a very good
city if you are looking for tech companies in particular.

b) Monthly living expenses at Imperial. It’ll be great if you could
give a break up of accommodation and other expenses.

around 700 quids per month as a bachelor --> phone & Internet
(30-40)+food (150-200)+travel (70)+accommodation (200-300 imperial
student hostel could be lesser, maybe little more in shared
accommodation)+other general stuff.

c) Does the school offer exposure to fields like strategy consulting
in terms of career opportunities (campus offers) and live projects?

Yes. School offers consulting projects as part of dissertation. You
get academic coaches to assist you. Also IED project enables you to
understand entire entrepreneurial journey. You have a very active
consulting club as well within B-school which can provide exposure to
consulting companies.

d) How active is the career centre, how does it help?

I hope I have answered that above. Expect very little help from them.

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