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This week's imaging announcements

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Hopkins Imaging

Sep 18, 2011, 3:15:14 PM9/18/11
Imaging Initiative announcement(s)...

1. The Hopkins Imaging Conference is scheduled for October 6th, 2011.  Registration is free and open to all Hopkins researchers, clinicians and students.  If your abstract was accepted please complete the poster confirmation form.

Upcoming Imaging event(s)...

Title: "Novel Approaches to Studying Cognition and Risks for Cognitive Decline in Large Cohorts of Older Persons"
What: Seminar
Who: Francine Grodstein, PhD
When: Mon, September 19, 12:30pm – 2:00pm
Where: JHMI: Phipps 140
Organization: Dementia Consortium

Title: "New tools for in vivo neural activity imaging"
What: Seminar
Who: Loren Looger, PhD
When: Mon, September 19, 1:30pm – 2:30pm
Where: JHMI: Traylor 709 (Video-teleconferenced to Homewood: Clark 110)
Organization: Biomedical Engineering Department

Title: "Consistent Segmentation and Normalization of Magnetic Resonance Images of Human Brain"
Who: Snehashis Roy
What: Seminar (Thesis Proposal)
When: Thu, September 22, 3pm – 4pm
Where: Homewood: Gilman 132
Organization: Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
Description: Abstract

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