This week's imaging events

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Kwame Kutten

Jul 17, 2011, 3:57:23 PM7/17/11
The Hopkins Imaging Initiative now has a Linkedin group.  Join it today!

This week's imaging event(s) are...

Title: Kirby Center Seminar: "Neuroimaging and Electrophysiology in Rodent Epilepsy Models"
Who: Asht Mangal Mishra, PhD
When: Monday, July 18, 10am - 11am
Where: JHMI: KKI 341
Organization: Kirby Research Center

Title: Computational Anatomy Reading Group
When: Monday, July 18, 1pm - 3pm
Where: Homewood: Clark 314
Organization: Center for Imaging Science
Description: A reading group for anyone interested in computational anatomy. Contact Casey Richardson to join.
More Information: Casey Richardson <>

Professional Interests Committee Meeting
When: Tuesday, July 19, 3pm - 4pm
Where: JHMI: Traylor 616 (Sagawa Room)
Organization: Hopkins Imaging Initiative
Description: We hope to select a date, venue and speakers for the HII conference.
More Information: Geran Kostecki <>

Want your imaging event listed?  Know of an imaging event? Email <> to have it added!
For an up-to-date list of events view our calendar.

Kwame Kutten

Jul 24, 2011, 3:23:51 PM7/24/11
The Hopkins Imaging Initiative now has a Linkedin group.  Join it today!

This week's imaging event(s) are...

Title: Computational Anatomy Reading Group
When: Monday, July 25, 1pm - 3pm

Where: Homewood: Clark 314
Organization: Center for Imaging Science
Description: A reading group for anyone interested in computational anatomy. Contact Casey Richardson to join.
More Information: Casey Richardson <>

Title: CLSP Seminar: "Large Scale Supervised Embedding for Text and Images"
Who: Jayson Weston, PhD
When:  Wednesday, July 27, 10:30am – 11:30am
Where:  Homewood: Hackerman B17
Organization:  Center for Language and Speech Processing
More Information:
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