Hopkins Imaging Conference: Thursday, October 6th (TOMORROW!)

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Issel Anne Lim

Oct 5, 2011, 6:48:36 PM10/5/11
to Hopkins Imaging Conference, Imaging Initiative, GSA All-Grad List, Graduate Representatives Organization, All BME, me...@lists.jhmi.edu, me...@lists.jhmi.edu, me...@lists.jhmi.edu, me...@lists.jhmi.edu, med...@lists.jhmi.edu, Hopkins Imaging Initiative, activi...@lists.jhsph.edu, activi...@jhsph.edu, icm-announce...@lists.johnshopkins.edu, hitcente...@lists.johnshopkins.edu, bayview-h...@lists.johnshopkins.edu, jhmi-pdo...@lists.johnshopkins.edu, jhmi-hs...@lists.johnshopkins.edu, eastbaltim...@lists.johnshopkins.edu, som-students...@lists.johnshopkins.edu, jhmed-...@lists.johnshopkins.edu, VisionLab, stud...@son.jhmi.edu, Homewood Graduate Affairs Office, jhmi-...@lists.jhmi.edu, Basic Science List, RadResident, RadFaculty, RAD MR Research Faculty, Rad_Fellows, Meetings Group
[Please forward -- thank you once again for all of your help! :)]

Hello, Everyone!

Just a reminder: The Hopkins Imaging Initiative is organizing 
The First Annual Hopkins Imaging Conference TOMORROW afternoon:
Turner Auditorium at the Johns Hopkins East Baltimore Campus 
(720 Rutland Avenue, Baltimore, MD)
Thursday (TOMORROW!) October 6th, 2011
1:30pm: Faculty Lectures
5:30pm: Happy Hour with Poster Presentations, Refreshments, Raffle
EVERYONE is welcome to come! FREE for all! :)

We currently need reviewers to judge the posters at our Happy Hour. If you would like to review, please submit the "Reviewer Confirmation" form on our website: 

The Hopkins Imaging Initiative is a collaborative resource for everyone interested in imaging research at Johns Hopkins University. 
If you'd like to join us, please subscribe directly to our new Hopkins mailing lists:
General Announcements: https://lists.johnshopkins.edu/sympa/subscribe/imaging
Organizational Committees: https://lists.johnshopkins.edu/sympa/subscribe/imaging-committees
Volunteer for an Imaging Study: https://lists.johnshopkins.edu/sympa/subscribe/imaging-volunteers

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please email 

Many thanks to everyone who's registered so far (>350 registrants!) and who submitted an abstract for our Research Competition (>100 submissions!).

See you tomorrow! :)
-- The Hopkins Imaging Conference Committee

Issel Anne L. Lim
PhD Candidate
Biomedical Engineering
Johns Hopkins University

2011/9/28 Issel Anne Lim <is...@jhu.edu>
[Please forward -- thank you very much! :)]

Hello, All --

The Hopkins Imaging Initiative is organizing the First Annual Hopkins Imaging Conference on October 6th. Many thanks to everyone who submitted an abstract -- we received over 100 submissions! :)

We currently need reviewers to judge the posters at our Happy Hour. If you would like to review, please submit the "Reviewer Confirmation" form on our website: 
Research awards for poster authors include a first place prize of $250 and a Peer Choice award in which each viewer votes on the posters of his/her choice. Participant awards will also be given to registrants and winners of our "Guess That Image!" Competition.

Register (for free!) by October 1st: 
Let us know if you're coming (so we can order enough refreshments), and be eligible for our registrant raffle prizes!

The First Annual Hopkins Imaging Conference on October 6th, 2011:
Where: Turner Auditorium at the Johns Hopkins East Baltimore Campus (720 Rutland Avenue, Baltimore, MD)
When: October 6th, 2011
1:30pm: Faculty Lectures
5:30pm: Happy Hour with Poster Presentations, Refreshments, Raffle
Who: EVERYONE is welcome to come! :)

The Hopkins Imaging Initiative was first created by biomedical engineering PhD students as part of the Training Program for Translational Imaging. Now, HI^2 is a collaborative resource for everyone interested in imaging research at Johns Hopkins University. If you'd like to join us, please feel free to subscribe directly to our new Hopkins mailing lists:
General Announcements: https://lists.johnshopkins.edu/sympa/subscribe/imaging
Organizational Committees: https://lists.johnshopkins.edu/sympa/subscribe/imaging-committees
Volunteer for an Imaging Study: https://lists.johnshopkins.edu/sympa/subscribe/imaging-volunteers

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please email johnshopkinsima...@gmail.com. We're looking forward to seeing you on October 6th! :)

-- The Hopkins Imaging Conference Committee

Issel Anne L. Lim
PhD Candidate
Biomedical Engineering
Johns Hopkins University

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