Crowdsourcing , and more ... Fwd: Syner-Jazz' ing

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Dante-Gabryell Monson

Jun 10, 2008, 7:26:20 PM6/10/08
to, Simone Poutnik, Chiara Chiara, farzad. private, vishal jodhani, Caroline Zeller, Jaime GUTIERREZ, Jason Conner, Katrin Duerkoop,, Andries De Vos
to give you another perspective on the spirit i m looking forward to - below , one midst many mails shared with some friends

by the way , still in relation to our conversation the other day , as we mentioned

 you might be interested in

Kluster's Market Approach to Crowdsourcing "  ;

and some more links


From: Dante-Gabryell Monson []
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 2:19 PM

Subject: Re: towards "commons" : synergies through meeting hubs , conferences , strengthening of collaborative networks ...

Thomas , Steve , Josef , and all (  cc: I add Andrius to this thread )

this mail is about " Syner-Jazz' ing "  ...


quoting Thomas H Greco in hes last reply to this thread :

 " If this idea has currency, I'd like for someone to take on the organizing of it so I can concentrate on the writing projects I need to complete. "

Looks like we are at a stage of the thread where we find out more about who is doing what at this moment and what objects we already have at our disposal ,

and are reaching a stage where we find out what we intend to do ,

what we need to do it  - including numbers  ( aha ! money !?! )

and how we can work together to provide for each other what each of us needs


As we dont ( yet ) have certain specific softwares and platforms to visualize this yet ( the " open synergizer " relational tool and platform ;-)  ) ,

lets see how we manage to continue this with emails and wiki webpages ...  

We can create pages and profiles that allow us to openly and transparently gather , visualize , relate or compare
(perhaps some of us already have done this for themselves and in relation to their networks ? -  ? ) :

- options regarding " places / hubs " for meetings and potentially for living we mentionned on this thread - feel free to edit / re-arrange ,  or copy paste it anywhere you like , ... :

- indications and links about what some of us are doing at the moment , or intend to do , and with what circle of influence

-  what resources within our respective circle of influences can complement each other

- what needs we have ,  and ... what we like :-)


I make a online draft of my own so you can position me ( and it would be nice if each of us could visualize that with each of us , each of our intentions , and each of our projects ) :

( and you can add yours here   )

as to how I feel can contribute to your needs towards our common intentions ,
and so that you can understand what I need to be able to contribute ( to you ? ) ,
towards our common intentions .

Your suggestions on how you think I can contribute to our common intentions or to you
are also welcomed.

I also want to state that I intend this kind of holistic/complexity market place to go along " intentions " - what I call " Intentional Economics " / including gift economics within intentional social networks.

By this , I mean it is not " Expectation/Control Economics ".

Example : I have an intention that includes specific actions and needs , and if you share this intention , you can empower yourself by empowering me to fullfill my needs as to be able to accomplish actions that correspond to your intention.

for example : I m passionnate about " singing " , and you like to hear me sing. - so you support me by offering me some food so that I can spend more time practicing for my singing.

and NOT expectation economics where " you pay me to sing one specific song in one specific place ".

in effect , I do not sing because you pay or support me , I sing because I ampassionnate about it , and you can empower me to do it better and more by covering some of my living expenses and needs.

I will sing anyway , because thats what I love to do , but by supporting me , more people can enjoy listening to me sing , including yourself

note to programmers and people interested in facilitating the funding of programmers :

It could be nice if we could have easily comparable and potentially relational data for each of our needs , current offer , and the needs for potential offer.

It could also be good to create separate profiles for needs of projects , and how these projects can relate to each of our separate offer and need profiles.

For example , a "optional " project page for having a conference at the Goetheanum ,
and then other pages / objects for " optional " offer and needs of individuals according to the project object.

This last intention ( to create and compare objects / profiles of offer , demand , access , and needs to create potential - which itself could be a need for other potential creation )

is in itself a project object , for which we can clarify the needs , and write down grant applications for software and platform development.

Although this might still sound like some foreign language , I would be happy to present to interested programmers the functionning of " process dimensions " : , which can also integrate such kind of functionality ( and much more )


Let us know more what your situation , intentions , offer and needs are.


On Nov 25, 2007 12:57 AM, Steve Bosserman <> wrote:
Hi Dante,
The resource links you and others are providing in this exchange are quite helpful.  It looks like Sam R will soon connect with leaders in the African Diaspora who live in the Columbus area.  One of the outcomes will be to link databases of appropriate technology solutions for affordable, green housing, renewable energy, and localized agriculture production.  In fact, Andrius and Sam started a conversation about software and network design that will support this effort in Columbus in ways that make it easy for people to use, doesn't reinvent the wheel, and links to what people are doing without forcing them to comply to a particular protocol or template.  They will no doubt be reporting on progress in various forums, like this one, so we can take it further.
Like Josef, thanks to you for getting this topic on the table!  Looking forward to where we go next...
Best regards,
Steve B.

From: Dante-Gabryell Monson []
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2007 1:30 PM

Subject: Re: towards "commons" : synergies through meeting hubs , conferences , strengthening of collaborative networks ...

Hi Josef ( cc: Joerg ,  Kpi , Elisabeth , Steve , Kasper ,  Michel , Franz , Francois , Farsam , Juliana , Thomas  , Meinhard , Sune )

tools built on zope ...  sounds interesting ! ... will study it more in depth

i m looking forward to end up with some ( more extended ? ) network of funders for the development of such free open source collaborative tools and platforms

Perhaps you are also in touch with Samuel Rose ? ( , )



On Nov 24, 2007 7:32 PM, Josef Davies-Coates <> wrote:
Hello all,

My colleagues Tom and Joerg are working with The Hub to build the virtual complement to their global network of spaces for social innovators, Hub+, which will ultimately include the tools you identify, but not in the next couple of month.

Still, the Hub+ team is growing and I'm getting involved to try and get buy-in to our road map from relevant networks (e.g. I'm currently putting together a proposal for )

Our current offerings are a space management tool built with turbogears and a knowledge management/wiki tool built in zope 2 (made for unicef and soon to become The Hub members wiki).

These will be ported to zope 3 from the beginning of the year and then lots more features will begin to be added ( e.g. the zope 3 video tools our friends at are building).

Zope 3 has all the power of zope without all the weight. Its a complete re-write and is really just a collection of python products, see:

Zope 3 (which as that articles points out, quite likely wont even been known as "Zope 3" for much longer) has a very powerful component architecture and other groovy stuff.

For more good info see:

Basically, this is the way to go for building scalable collaboration tools and this is the way we're going with Hub+. We invite your participation and funding :)

Warm regards,


On 24/11/2007, Dante-Gabryell Monson <> wrote:
Thanks Josef  ( I allow myself to add Dmytri , Frederik and Kasper to this thread - and cc to the sustainable solidarity and hc ecology list  )

- I m really enthusiastic to hear about such permanent " united diversity " land / hub / community building opportunity in Spain : " Building Man "

It will be interesting to see how such space positions itself versus all the other " intentional community  "  villages , houses , etc ...

and how eventually it can participate in further interconnecting intentional communities within a broader " intentional network " , and " intentional network economics ".

I understand that the united diversity networks have been strengthening themselves progressively , and so do other intentional networks.

Although I am not per se a spokesperson of these networks , I can see potential with other networks and movements sharing common intentions , such as for example international anthroposophic related movements , which include international youth networks ( youth sections ) , hundreds of schools ( waldorf ) , cooperative ( ? ) banks ( triodos , gls , ... ) , health care , agriculture ( bio dynamic ) and product brands such as Demeter , conference and higher learning centers ( for example : Emerson College in the UK , Sunbridge College in US - near NY ,  Yarna , SwedenWitten , Germany
, Dornach , Switzerland , etc ) , and various emerging sub-networks and annual events- for example in relation to youth idem network , network M , captura  , connect conference , ... also see this list

I personally like to stay careful of any specific cult , yet I do see synergies possible with networks , including religious and spiritual related networks , as long as there are common intentions and values , and no centralization of powers within the collaborative intentional projects on which we could work on together.

I also see a lot of potential in relation to ecovillages , and eco village networks , although again , I would like to stay aware of risks of ending up in any kind of centralized governance of any collaboration opportunities.

My experience with representative politics ( in my case , in the background of some "green" networks ) , and politically related international youth organizations , also tells me that nothing necessarily excludes these collaboration options with individuals and resources related to such organizations either , as long as we do not end up in a logic of power politics in which many of them are trapped and/or are promoting , and can facilitate " empowerment politics ".

I do believe I share a common belief with many people connecting themselves with " united diversity " and other networks :

that , together , we have the experience needed to develop projects using practices , and technologies , that enable for as great as possible transparency , and peer to peer interaction around common intentions and initiated projects ,

a commons movement , building on multiple influences and experiences , including that of free open source movements , who seem to connect very well also with some texts from Steiner on " Fundamental Social Law "

Rudolf Steiner ,

Fundamental Social Law

 "In a community of people working together, the well-being of the community is greater the less the individual worker claims for himself the proceeds of the work he has done and the more he makes these over to his fellow workers. Similarly he allows his own needs to be met out of the work done by others."

The transparency and openness of peer to peer governance expressing itself through a movement , and not a speicifc organization.

A movement sharing a certain culture of diversity and openness , collaborative commons intentions , and eventually , shared hubs/nodes.

I see great synergies possible between thinkers , free and open source programmer movements , and various intentional networks.

This process of connecting the pieces of the puzzle is on its way , and each of us seems to be contributing to it in its own way.

Some small yet useful pieces of puzzle I would like to see developed within the next months , as to further this process , is as first some tools for collaborative geographical mapping of hubs and spaces which relate to certain intentions ,
as to understand how we can connect existing communities and space progressively develop our intentional network economies.

Another small tool I would be happy to use myself is a tool facilitating the transparency of the allocation and use of funds - whith applications for individual profiles of activists , learners , thinkers , social entrepreneurs , ...
which can declare their needs and receive support directly from other individuals or groups according to the visualization of they daily and project needs.

A third tool I would be glad to see developed , but could demand more work , is a tool that enables to see the relations between all processes and agents , to have more transparent politics , and visualize better impacts and eventual priorities.

The last three tools would demand a certain investment in skilled people that know how to program and design.  This is a field in which fund raising sections of the bureaucratic institutions related to certain organizations can contribute to.

On the long term , these tools could reduce the load of work on such institutions , and empower individuals to create opportunities directly amongst themselves.

Please let us know if you are already working on such projects , or if you would like to suggest opportunities for applying towards funding such projects for empowerment tools.

It will be interesting to visualize what the resources we can have access to are , and how we can more easily exploit them and build on them to further create commons wealth.



On Nov 24, 2007 3:59 PM, Josef Davies-Coates < > wrote:
Thanks Dante for starting this thread.

I read through the thread Tom send through re: his discussion with John Jopling about having a nice big gathering in Ireland.

I think the kind of meeting they envisaged then would be a great thing to pull together, but I'd like it to be much large than just 14 people.

United Diversity has land in Spain where such an event could be held.

Our plan is to organise Building Man festivals (like Burning Man, but rather than creating temporary cities in the middle of nowhere, build ecovillages somewhere sensible and leave them there).

A nice open space type conference focussed on Commons Creation (and protection and growth) and with introductory sessions of Systems Thinking (as per John Jopling/Feasta's events) would fit in very nicely before/ during a Burning Man event.

I'm hoping to gather United Diversity members on our land in Spain next August to plan and dream what we can do with the land and what else we can achieve together; others are very welcome to join us. :)



On 24/11/2007, Dante-Gabryell Monson <> wrote:
Hi Michel , Hi All

Thanks for your suggestion.  That is exactly what we are doing. " Concrete Actions " rest on the access to objects to build on , and this includes the intentions you are pursuing , and the places where people can converge to share and build on them.

In effect , taking into account smaller , more permanent " hubs " such as your own home and facilities in Chiang Mai , Thailand , which you open up to a select number of thinkers to further collaborative research , and also other potential , less permanent , convergence opportunities.

The " nomadic " activities rest on the intentions , and can also use hubs as living and boundary spanning nodes.

The nomadic approach is a spirit , and a strategy.

It can use options to build on , and intentions to organize options ( or promote access to options ).

There can be the intention and phases of " travelling for travelling " , as a stage of discovery of self and of the societies spread over geographical distances ,

yet there can also be other intentions beyond geographical spaces.

Travelling around without intention , without objective , can be a interesting spiritual experience , yet at some point , one can as well use such point of detachment to further transcend , and find " objects " to construct with.

Shared Intentions , and Hubs are essential components for intentional nomadic individuals and networks of individuals , and they make it possible to have a relation beyond nothingness , with the other , in a common shared reality , in which there can be meaning through shared transcendence ( overcoming of limitations , discovery , solution building ) , care , and faith.

Without this , there is nothingness.

Hence , we build together and discuss what the " options " can be , find out what is possible , and who shares interest in common objectives , so that we can work on them together

We set the intentions , now it would be interesting where we can converge.

I understand there is the need for places where high profile thinkers can meet ,
and other options I see relate to have a place to gather the broader networks of collaborators ,
and then further nodes to extend these broader networks.

The hubs and options illustrated below are only a few examples , and I would be glad to further discuss these options with all of you , to see if we can start working on them together.



On Nov 24, 2007 5:51 AM, Michel Bauwens <> wrote:
Hi Dante,

as I see it, both myself and Thomas are doing just that, i.e. building intentional networks on respectively peer to peer and monetary transformation, and we are also working on internetworking such initiatives. My take is that you should do the same for nomadic workers, and for concrete actions, we can then work together, inviting our networks to cooperate around such objects,


On Nov 23, 2007 9:56 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson < > wrote:
Hi Thomas , Hi Michel , ( cc: Elisabeth , Marilyn , Cornelia , Reinoud , Juliana , Katharina , Sebastian , Eric , Josef , Mauro , Sabine , Steve , Samuel , Francois , Franz )

Thanks to bothH of you for pursuing and clarifying intentions for all of us to share and build on together. ( in relation to governance , financial systems , ... )

Concerning further synergies , I d like to consider additional options , and see what others think about such options.

I like to think of the Goetheanum - near Basel , Switzerland - , as a good place to converge certain ( bigger / several hundred people ) meetings , and perhaps some people related to the  Youth Section and Idem Network  , could be interested in the intentions you/we are furthering , and in " participating in a colloquium that focuses on the process of restoring all aspects of the commons

I have a good feeling about a gradual and organic build up of collaborative intentional networks , which can use certain meeting places and specific events as convergence points on a longer road towards the realization of "commons" paradigms.

Other options I like to think of for smaller meetings ( about 15 people ) could be in Germany , at my friend Cornelia s seminar center and home   , if there is interest from Cornelia and her husband ( although the buildup of last summers canceled couchsurfing / hospitality Detmold collective and the internal politics related to these networks might still have left them with a certain kind of after taste ).

I have the feeling that a bigger meeting could be a result of a process of one and a half years of organic development , that could use the perspective of such a meeting as a motor to attract people around a common landmark event , but not with the event as ending point ,

having ( most of ) the people that would come to such a event already involved and in touch/collaborating with each other.

I also have the feeling that " schools " ( perhaps the 1000+ waldorf schools network could be open to such intentions , as my understanding is that these intentions are perfectly in line with Rudolf Steiner s teachings and " Universal Social Law " )

 , " high schools " , higher learning and universities , and folk highschools could become interesting hubs , and could also host meetings and become more permanent hubs for collaboration.

I could imagine some kind of ongoing international tour of "nomads" , including both of you , which could be a result and a part of the further interconnection and inclusion of ( existing) learning spaces into a connectivist and commons approach to learning and building on commons realities and paradigms.

So , anyway , I m cc ing to a few of us - I m curious to see what inspirations , suggestions and other thoughts all of us can share and bring forward.



On Nov 23, 2007 1:31 PM, Michel Bauwens <> wrote:

This is a great great concept.

Just a few important things as far as I'm concerned:

1) of course, I'm interested in participating but bear in mind that due to my dire economic situation (in terms of cash), I cannot fund this myself

2) yes, I have facilities in Thailand as well, with some creativity, we might make this happen here as well

3) another possibility is that my friend Athina at the University of Hull might be able to fund a next peer production workshop this year, and perhaps there is some possible congruence there ... the topic is certainly totally in accord with our own interests ... (though originally we were aiming to do a workhshop on peer governance, and only the third year, on peer property, which pretty much coincides with the commons theme, but we might inverse that order so that it coincides.

The only problem I see with the third option is the human side, we were working with a different set of people, who have expectations to be involved in those next sessions,

One more thing, if you are really aiming at high level people then I would certainly think of adding david bollier and peter barnes to that list,


On Nov 23, 2007 5:16 PM, Thomas Greco -- thg < > wrote:
Likewise, my thanks. You are correct, I think, in expecting some synergy to develop.
I had a meeting with John Jopling and his wife in london recently. They have a place in Ireland that they use to host various colloquia during the summer-fall. I made a proposal last year but was not able to pullit together at that time. Maybe the time is right now.
This message below from last year tells what I have in mind. Any interest in pursuing it or something like it? Another venue, say in Thatiland, might be even more affordable.
Thomas H. Greco, Jr.
P.O. Box 42663, Tucson, AZ 85733
520-820-0575 mobile
Blogs: Beyond Money:
Tom's News and Views:
Tom this looks good. 

We'll have to work our what to do about fees. My aim, as for my systems
courses, would be to cover the direct outgoings like food and some help
in the kitchen and with cleaning.  But I can afford to be relaxed about
it - it doesn't have to add up exactly.  You know how much importance
you attach to particular individuals and possibly more about their
personal circumstances so I'd be guided by you.  If a few pay the E200
we may be able to afford to help some with fares.

Best wishes John

  On Fri, 2006-04-14 at 08:54 -0700, Thomas Greco -- thg wrote:
> From:               Thomas H. Greco
> Subject:            Proposed Summer Colloquium
> Date:                April 14, 2006
> Dear Colleagues,
> The time appears to be right for us to make a major effort to convene a
> working group to focus on the general task of restoring "the commons" in all
> its aspects. That includes what I have begun to call "the credit commons."
> Globalization, as it has been advanced thus far, has been mainly elite-led
> and continues a process of privatization and corporatization that has been
> ongoing for a long time. The countervailing forces of democratic government
> which might have served to better balance the interests of all stakeholders
> have been systematically subverted and dismantled.
> It appears to me that the only approach that has any reasonable chance of
> harmonizing the various interests and displacing both hot and cold war as
> the ultimate arbiter is the implementation of voluntary, market-based
> initiatives that provide positive alternatives to those offered by the
> corporate leviathan.
> To wit, I offer an invitation. Would you be open to participating in a
> colloquium that focuses on the process of restoring all aspects of the
> commons? I believe that the proposed sessions, if properly organized, offer
> the prospect of some significant outcomes and actions.
> I envision this to be a weeklong (or longer) process involving collaborative
> research, mutual education, and joint creation of some product such as a
> blog, a wiki, a website or a paper, or some combination of these. You are
> among the several people whom I think could make important contributions to
> such an effort. Please suggest others you may know of who should be invited.
> We are particularly eager to involve people who have been active in
> restoring or nurturing some aspect of the commons, those who have a deep
> understanding of the foundations of power within the dominant paradigm, and
> those who have a track record of successful entrepreneurship.
> Some focal areas I have in mind for this colloquium include these.
> 1. How have elites succeeded in privatizing the commons? We should do some
> deep research on this and put on our best Machiavellian thinking caps. A few
> approaches that come to mind are enclosures, clearances, genocide, legal
> privileges of various kinds (corporate charters, franchises, copyrights,
> patents, and other intellectual property laws, etc.). We should document
> historical examples and show how these same strategies are being applied
> today.
> 2. Exploration of the concepts of open access, open content, and open
> science, and current efforts in various realms, such as the digital commons,
> creative commons, open-source software, shareware, the identity commons, the
> credit commons, etc. to see what they have in common, how they complement
> one another, and how they might fit into a broad general strategy. (See note
> 1 below).
> 3. Cases of the successful implementation of "disruptive technologies." (See
> note 2 below).
> The gathering I have in mind would consist of a series of working sessions;
> not so much talk, but working toward a common goal and product,
> specifically, outlining the dimensions of the struggle between
> "privatization" and protecting/restoring the commons, AND working out
> strategies for achieving our goals.
> There should be some advance preparation by all participants but most of the
> work would be done while we're together. We might begin with a half hour
> presentation by each participant in which
> they would outline their views of the situation in their particular realm of
> interest and expertise, including the current status, the challenges and
> difficulties we face, and the efforts that are being made to nurture that
> part of the commons. We would then develop a plan of work and apportion
> tasks among the participants, come back together to report progress, and
> reiterate that sequence as many times as necessary.
> There is an opportunity for such a colloquium to happen this summer as John
> Jopling has offered the use of his facilities in Ireland. See his message
> below. John has issued this invitation to all of you to participate in any
> of the sessions he has planned. Our session, however, would be separate from
> these. I am suggesting, and John has offered to host us sometime between
> August 21 and September 9. Please let me know your availability within that
> timeframe. I would prefer an August time slot but early September might
> work.
> Here below are the people being invited on this initial round. Please
> encourage the ones you know to participate and let me know whom else would
> you suggest? Keep in mind that the venue offered by John is limited to 14
> participants. If we choose another venue, we might accommodate a larger
> group, but from the standpoint of effective collaboration, we would probably
> still want the group to be relatively small.
> If you are already listed in the Living Directory, please update and expand
> your profile so all may know a bit about you. If you are not listed, please
> sign up today at (You can register under Community Information
> Resource Center, or any other group you choose).
> Thomas Greco -  Living Directory
> (  # 49
> Les Squires - Group Commons. Living Directory (  # AF136
> David Korten - When Corporations Rule the World. Living Directory
> (  # 10241
> Frances Korten - Positive Futures Network; YES Magazine. Living Directory
> (  # 11040
> Jeff Gates - The Ownership Society.   Living Directory (  # 10638
> John Perkins - Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.
> Peter Etherden - The Fourth World; Academic Inn Books.
> Jeff Smith - Living Directory (  # 11258
> Victor Grey - Author, Web without a Weaver; Identity Commons; Living
> Directory (  # 139
> Sergio Lub - Entrepreneur; Founder, Living Directory. Living Directory
> (  # 24
> Chris Cook - Strategic Business Development. Living Directory (
> # FF9392
> Richard Logie - The Business Exchange; Global Exchange Trading System.
> Kevin Kelly - New Rules for the New Economy; Wired Magazine.
> Nadia McLaren - Ecologist; Global Action Plan International. Living
> Directory (  # 12554
> Note 1: There is a body of information on each of these that can be found on
> the web. Regarding the credit commons, all money today is comprised of
> credit. By honoring a particular brand of money, we participate in a "credit
> commons" by which we honor each others obligations. Access to the credit
> commons is today controlled by the banking cartel. We give our credit to the
> banks and allow them to decide who can borrow it back from them at interest.
> But we can choose to allocate our credit directly.
> Note 2: The concept of "disruptive technologies" is an important one that is
> elaborated by Clayton Christensen in his book, The Innovator's Dilemma.
> Disruptive innovation is probably more likely to succeed than any other
> approach to societal change.
> Note 3: When you search the Living Directory, use "Detailed Find" and be
> sure to select "All Groups" at the bottom of the search page.
> ************************************************************************
> Feasta Systems Courses 2006
> June 12-17, August 14-19, October 9-14
> Retreat Lodges, Rossbeigh, Glenbeigh, Co Kerry, Ireland
> These 'systemic-thinking' courses, now in their fourth year, enable
> participants to stand back from their work and look at all the wider
> economic and natural underlying systems. A chance to explore whole systems
> change.
> The Retreat Lodges provide an ideal space for a group of about 14 people to
> spend five days together, arriving on Monday and leaving on Saturday,
> organising their own discussions using 'Open Space' technology.  This allows
> participants, be they experts in some branch of systems science, or experts
> in some other field such as economics, or merely interested in taking on
> board some of the insights of systems thinking, to hold workshops in small
> groups to study the issues that most interest them or all work together in a
> facilitated plenary session. There are normally four one and a half hour
> sessions each day.
> Courses held in 2003, 2004 and 2005 were found so useful that most of the
> participants returned the following year. The venue, built 150 years ago
> close to the sea and overlooking Rossbeigh strand, my holiday home for the
> last 45 years, has a wonderful view over Dingle Bay. Participants come from
> South Africa, Sweden, the UK and the Czech Republic as well as from Ireland.
> Meals are vegetarian and organic where available, including home-grown
> vegetables.  But the success of the courses is due above all to the diverse
> contributions of the participants, both expert and non-expert, and both in
> and outside the formal sessions.
> This year I am offering to host three courses, in June, August and October,
> dates as above.  Whether or not all three take place will depend on the
> take-up from my list of invited guests. If you would like to come, let me
> know which month or months you could make and which would suit best. I
> propose to review the take-up in a couple of weeks time and get back to all
> who have indicated a wish to attend. 
> My aim, as in the past, is to achieve a balance between theory and practice
> as well as a mix in terms of gender and age. Please suggest anyone you would
> like me to invite.
> When I have a better idea as to who is available and when, I will also
> decide whether to propose that all or any of the courses should have a more
> specific theme than the general one described above: any
> suggestions/requests welcome. The last two years we spent Tuesday and
> Wednesday on systems concepts and the last two days exploring how these
> helped with the various things participants were working on. This worked
> well and we could repeat the same pattern but possibly concentrate on a more
> specific project or projects during the second half of the week.
> The charge for the course is 250 euro inclusive of board and lodging. The
> accommodation allows two men or two women to share one bedroom.  The fee is
> negotiable - it is a privilege to be able to host these events and I aim
> merely to balance the budget.
> For those who do not know Feasta, we are based in Ireland with an
> international membership, studying the economics of sustainability from a
> systemic point of view, and putting forward radical proposals for systemic
> change. See
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2007 07:36 PM
Subject: Re: reinventing money - references Thomas H Greco Fwd: Ces dictatures et autres ... soutenues par nos banques avec notre argent ...

Hi Dante,
I just want to thank you for putting me in touch with Thomas.
We had a nice meeting in London, a great man!!

On 11/22/07, Dante-Gabryell Monson < > wrote:
On Nov 22, 2007 6:27 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson <> wrote:
Bonjour Natalia , Marie Gaelle ,

si cous etes interessees dans ces questions au sujet des systemes financier que l on laisse nous regir ,

voici une video de 47 minutes qui est d un interet particulier :

je collectionne egalement des liens que vous retrouverez , pour ceux en rapport avec la finance et l economie , sur

avec des tags tels que " economics " , " finance " , " alternativeeconomics ", ...

et je recommande egalement ceux de Michel Bauwens :

et les ressources disponibles sur le site de Thomas H Greco :

Paul Grignon's 47-minute animated presentation of "Money as Debt" tells in very simple and effective graphic terms what money is and how it  is being created. It is an entertaining way to get the message out. The Cowichan Citizens Coalition and its "Duncan Initiative" received high praise from those who previewed it. I recommend it as a painless but hard-hitting educational tool and encourage the widest distribution and use by all groups concerned with the present unsustainable monetary system in Canada and the United States.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dante-Gabryell Monson <>
Date: Nov 22, 2007 6:14 PM
Subject: Fwd: Ces dictatures et autres ... soutenues par nos banques avec notre argent ...

Voilà qui pourrait vous intéresser... ( voir liens dans le message ci dessous - merci a Natalia , en passant par Marie-Gaelle )

quoi que ... gardons en memoire que triodos applique egalement des taux d interet ! ...   voir cette petite fable pour comprendre l impact des taux d interet , dont la creation et donc la circulation d argent depends de dettes , et donc est dependante d un niveau de dette sans cesse croissant pour pouvoir payer... ses taux d interet...

 a little tale - interest issue : I Want The Earth Plus 5% :

" No one realised that as a whole, the country could never get out of debt until all the coins were repaid, but even then, there were those extra 5 on each 100 which had never been lent out at all. No one but Fabian could see that it was impossible to pay the interest - the extra money had never been issued, therefore someone had to miss out. "

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Natalia Puente Gonzalez <>
Date: Nov 21, 2007 8:24 PM
Subject: Ces dictatures et autres ... soutenues par nos banques avec notre argent ...
To: Undisclosed-Recipient

Voici une dépêche qui met en avant les résultats d'une étude menée par Netwerk Vlanderen au sujet des investissements de nos banques
Mais aussi, un lien très pratique qui permet de savoir dans quels domaines et dans quelles régions du globe nos banques respectives investissent (tiens, en Birmanie par exemple ...). Troublant? ... compromettant? ... ou tout simplement un des mécanismes financiers de base dans l'accumulation des immenses richesses de nos grands lobbys ... démocratiques !?!
Oufti! y a pas que de fournisseur d'électricité qu'il faut changer ;)
Ceci dit deux alternatives existent déjà. Il y a l' alternative dite radicale, du: "je me barre à La Banque TRIODOS" (p.ex.) et la plus douce qui consiste à répercuter l'information auprès de son banquier. Ces deux alternatives sont Ãƒ©galement directement cumulables ;) si si ! Et c'est encore mieux.
Surtout ne pas culpabiliser, ce n'est pas le but ... Comme le dit l'adage « de chacun selon ses moyens à chacun selon ses besoins » !!!
Je vous embrasse,
ps: Merci à Laurence et Mano pour l'info !!!


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