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Dante-Gabryell Monson

Jun 17, 2008, 10:52:51 AM6/17/08
to, Simone Poutnik, Chiara Simonelli, Farzad Private, dieter comos, Daiken Nelson, Sumiko Iwasaki, Michel Bauwens, CS, Marilyn Mehlmann, Florence Gibert, Caroline Zeller, Carolyn Dare, George Por, Helen Titchen Beeth, United Diversity
A site you might know , or that I perhaps already sent to some of us , and that I personally find inspiring ...

Guidelines explaining how to set up and maintain transparent, accountable and truly participative communities :

pasted from site:


The structures that organizations typically use for decision-making are closed: individuals are unaccountable, abuses of power are hard to prevent and knowledge is hoarded. The goal of this project is to explain how to set up and maintain transparent, accountable and truly participative communities. The desire for open organizations stems from a widespread dissatisfaction not only with the formal power structures found in governments and corporations, but also with the informal structures found in many voluntary and activist groups. Informal structures are sometimes created intentionally, but more often they appear 'by default'; since they are hidden, and often personal, they are very difficult to challenge, or even to identify and discuss. This is one of the major causes of conflict in activist and volunteer groups. It often takes up a lot of time and energy at the expense of the ideals pursued and projects undertaken, and has a demoralising effect on individual groups and on the movements they are involved in. Open Organizations is one of many initiatives that attempt to propose solutions to this problem. It is focused on elaborating a concrete framework for action.



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Dante-Gabryell Monson

Jun 18, 2008, 11:15:48 AM6/18/08
to Simone Poutnik,, Katrin Duerkoop,, Jason Conner, Jaime Gutierrez, Caroline Zeller, vishal jodhani, farzad. private, Chiara Chiara, Eric Theunis, Andries De Vos, George Por, Julian Still, Carolyn Dare
Hi Simone

thanks for letting me know the minutes are in between your hands.

yes , I guess this is typical of lack of transparency and access to information between each other - and of the " hidden " power structures related to information hoarding within organizations ( even though it might be involuntary and that we all might have the best of intentions ) , which is also a topic discussed on

I also realize you seem to have a information overload , this again also depends very much " how " we deal with information.

I have seen many people working for organizations or on certain projects involving a lot of people getting burnt out , mostly because they where , like you , where very eager of making things work for everyone , but too often without delegating directly by sharing " all " processes with the community of interested people / through for example mailing lists.

by the way , I invite any of us interested to join :

Although indeed , it might also demand a certain kind of culture to work collaboratively while staying transparent and inclusive.  Having information of processes we go through available is very important in keeping it inclusive so that other people that wish to join can directly have some kind of overview of what is happening , overview of who is doing what , etc

without needing some centralized command and control structure , which for the moment , unfortunately , very much goes through Simone , and might well lead her to getting burnt out.

I m sorry if you feel I am repeating myself , yet I simply realize such situations repeat themselves and reduce our capacity to collaborate - while at the same time we intend to be a platform facilitating collaboration.  I still have a lot to learn too , yet these kind of practices are what I have learned from other open collaborative projects , or even when interacting with some people in youth movements.



On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Simone Poutnik <> wrote:
yeah we could, would be nice if you would actually step up to organise a few people. I don't have capacity at the moment.

Manfred sent the minutes to me shortly after, now they are stuck with me. sorry. will try to do it before the end of the week. 

could you please again cut down a little the email traffic towards me, getting a little overwhelmed and anyways not able to read them all.

cheers dears,

On 18 Jun 2008, at 15:15, Dante-Gabryell Monson wrote:

we can have the same kind of event as we had last monday :-)

although i would not be able to buy drinks and food for everyone.

it would also be nice to follow up on thet last monday.

by the way , we still did not get the minutes from that guy - sad

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 4:11 PM, Simone Poutnik <> wrote:
Hi Dante,

why don't you make a proposal, say for an evening event, also think about the format and how many people would be good to have (just broadly, more like 10, 20, 30...). We need to have some kind of basis to invite people for. Or maybe you come up with a wicked question that we could explore together, also recording ourselves, maybe even filming...?


On 18 Jun 2008, at 15:08, Dante-Gabryell Monson wrote:

sure , lets meet

its all ready - and if i feel inspired on the moment , it will be bonus

we can also record each other , and if we get internal dynamics , its even better

it might also be nice to have a follow up of the meeting we had last monday , where we where talking about the kind of organization some young people would be interested in working with

see you here :-)

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 4:03 PM, Eric Theunis <> wrote:

Hey Dante


We can indeed meet, but I would also be very interesting to have something a little bit more structured than a conversation, where you present/explain (to several of us) some of your findings that can be of interest to develop and grow the Hub, and maybe opportunities for yourself to participate to that development


Take care



De : Dante-Gabryell Monson []
Envoyé : mercredi 18 juin 2008 14:25
À : Eric Theunis
Cc :;
Objet : Re: OPEN ORGANIZATIONS - Guidelines


Hi Eric and All

Glad you are interested.

I m here - just come and talk with me.

you can also meet me when I m not at the hub :

0488 120 597

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 12:39 AM, Eric Theunis <> wrote:



Thanks for the various emails and all the information!

I am not that much a heavy reader (I have an important 50 pagers laying on my desk for the last 3 weeks that I haven't read yet … J), so I am sure I will not read all the docs you sent me…


However, I am interested to get more insight on your ideas and knowledge, especially on this open organizations, so why don't you organize an evening (or lunch) at the Hub where you share with us some of the ideas and knowledge that could be useful for the Hub and for us personally?




De : Dante-Gabryell Monson []
Envoyé : mardi 17 juin 2008 17:57
À : Eric Theunis
Objet : Fwd: OPEN ORGANIZATIONS - Guidelines


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dante-Gabryell Monson <>
Date: Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 5:52 PM
Subject: OPEN ORGANIZATIONS - Guidelines
Cc: Simone Poutnik <>, Chiara Simonelli <>, Farzad Private <>, dieter comos <>, Daiken Nelson <>, Sumiko Iwasaki <>, Michel Bauwens <>, CS <>, Marilyn Mehlmann <>, Florence Gibert <>, Caroline Zeller <>, Carolyn Dare <>, George Por <>, Helen Titchen Beeth <>, United Diversity <>

A site you might know , or that I perhaps already sent to some of us , and that I personally find inspiring ...

Guidelines explaining how to set up and maintain transparent, accountable and truly participative communities :

pasted from site:


The structures that organizations typically use for decision-making are closed: individuals are unaccountable, abuses of power are hard to prevent and knowledge is hoarded. The goal of this project is to explain how to set up and maintain transparent, accountable and truly participative communities. The desire for open organizations stems from a widespread dissatisfaction not only with the formal power structures found in governments and corporations, but also with the informal structures found in many voluntary and activist groups. Informal structures are sometimes created intentionally, but more often they appear 'by default'; since they are hidden, and often personal, they are very difficult to challenge, or even to identify and discuss. This is one of the major causes of conflict in activist and volunteer groups. It often takes up a lot of time and energy at the expense of the ideals pursued and projects undertaken, and has a demoralising effect on individual groups and on the movements they are involved in. Open Organizations is one of many initiatives that attempt to propose solutions to this problem. It is focused on elaborating a concrete framework for action.



  • Modules and Roles that organizations can adopt Erreur ! Nom du fichier non spécifié.
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