excerpt from p2pblog - true distributed architectures

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Dante-Gabryell Monson

Jan 17, 2008, 1:07:52 PM1/17/08
to imaging...@googlegroups.com, Rik Verschueren, ria....@vitis-tct.be, conne...@gmail.com, ethe...@hotmail.com, levent....@be-cause.be, dieter...@gmx.net, johan.m...@googlemail.com, d_pl...@yahoo.co.uk, Michel Bauwens, Josef Davies-Coates, Stephan Karpischek, Carolyn Dare, Jean-François Degelaen, julian...@gmail.com, Simone Poutnik
an interesting extract from a recent post of Michel Bauwens on the p2p blog :
 , in relation to true distributed networks  :


" Olivier introduced the concept of anoptism. As our readers will recall, panoptism is the structure where only the hierarchy possesses the information about the network, while holoptism is the principle where everything is visible to all, and it is the principle of transparency and participation-capture which is designed in the new social web and peer project applications. Olivier insists that there is also always an invisible architecture, that we cannot see, but nevertheless influences and determines our behavioural choices. This is why, especially in 'untrue' or 'incomplete' network systems, there is always anoptism, invisibility, and that it is an urgent technical and political task to achieve transparency in these social protocols as well. "



On Jan 11, 2008 6:52 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson < dante....@gmail.com> wrote:
ps : sorry , just correcting one detail in relation to the following sentence used in this last email :

" Aegee folks you / some of us / the Hub? seem to be interacting with too  ( or was it another student organization ? ) "

it now clicked in my mind that it might be Aiesec : http://www.aiesec.org/AI  that might be involving itself with the Hub - although they both have about the same membership size as http://www.aegee.org or http://www.fyeg.com and a few common approaches , although as I understand it Aiesec is much more focused on opening up opportunities for students to work with businesses , while Fyeg seems to be doing this but with a focus on green representative politics ...

On Jan 11, 2008 3:24 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson <dante....@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Simone , Hi Rik , Hi All

Simone , I allow myself to open up this process to our other friends , as I believe it can be useful in a collaborative process. I would also very much like to welcome our friends to share their views.

Simone , I position our approaches building on a rich history of experiences in various settings - and perhaps more specifically in relation to other organizations or groups of people revolving around a project.

One of them being for example a youth organization I have been actively involved with for several years , http://www.fyeg.org , but then gradually disengaged myself with , and which has a lot of things in common in its structure with the Aegee folks you / some of us / the Hub? seem to be interacting with too  ( or was it another student organization ? )  , such as for example in relation to its missions ,  its international reach , its size , ... ( although fyeg is a umbrella organization of other regional or national youth organizations ) , with the difference of most probably being more involved at all levels of representative politics.

You can also read some of my more recent posts where I try to raise awareness within the fyeg about its ( increasing ) tendency to become a tool in the control of an managment elite , and not a collaborative platform :


I do understand you might be interested in formal approaches , and they can be useful ,
yet I also believe that this should not be a hindrance to informal approaches and initiatives ,
and can co-exist and mutually support each other.

Looking forward to continue building on each of our inititaives , empowering each other ,
and meeting you soon at the Hub or at other meetings



On Jan 11, 2008 12:44 PM, Simone Poutnik < pout...@gmail.com > wrote:
Dear Dante,

thanks for all your energy. I would like to ask you to hold back with crating lots of lists. We did already work with google groups in teh past but have gone back to email fro some reasons, actually there are currently two google groups thehubbrussels and innovation&actionhub, so no need to create new groups, as we could think of recycling them for our internal purposes. For the wider Hub community I would like to wait until Jonathan's visit the 21st to formalise our agreement with the Hub Partnership and to get access to our own hub domain. I definitely don't want to cut down your fire, but if you agree that love is giving what is needed, I would like to ask you to be patient and try to listen and learn what the Hub needs now to grow.

Rik I hope you agree and maybe you can help dante to understand more what the Hub needs now? I love your message below and apart from the wonderful words I also feel that there is a really deep understanding growing in you about what the Hub is and it makes me incredibly happy!

By the way, when will we have our next hosting team meeting? Diane is coming to the Hub every Tuesday and Thursday apart from the third week, where she will come on the 21st. Can we also try again to invite Ria? PLease also have a look at the Road Map Rik and let's try to sense what needs to get attention next of the tasks there.


Supporting Social Entrepreneurs
Network Co-creation and Learning Facilitator
Co-founding The Hub Brussels


M: +32 486 986 296
Skype: spoutnik78




About The Hub 

The Hub is a growing network of collaborative workspaces for social innovation in major world cities. Hubs exist to inspire and support social innovators to realise imaginative initiatives for a radically better world. At The Hub you are offered membership of an inspirational habitat for innovators from different sectors, disciplines and backgrounds to work, meet, learn and connect in the physical and virtual space.  

The Hub is a place for making things happen. All the tools and trimmings needed to cultivate an idea, launch a project, host a meeting and run a business. From other Hubs across the world we have learned that social innovators need access to affordable spaces, resources and market-facing opportunities to thrive: space, knowledge, capital and networks. At The Hub you can find channels to such resources and opportunities, both on a global and a local level.

Since every city has it's own individual character Hubs are never the same. We want to bring the lessons and models of what The Hub network has generated so far and combine that with the best of what Brussels and Belgium have to offer. If you'd like to get involved, please feel free to get in touch with   simone....@the-hub.net


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On 10 Jan 2008, at 14:15, Dante-Gabryell Monson wrote:

Thanks Rik for your reply.

I set up a " Imaging the Hub " List .

as to facilitate a collective " reflexivity " process.

Such a list makes it easier for anyone to join and follow up on past discussions , participate by expressing ones views , and build on each others inspirations , mutually empowering each other ,

transparently , collaboratively , and giving the power to each member to decide to join or leave the list at any time.

I also allow myself to forward your message Rik , and my message on which you responded to below , so that individuals that would join the list in the future can catch up on questions and the developments in reflexivity processes.

So feel free to join the group and lets continue our conversations by posting to

I will also make thehubbrussels gmail profile a moderator and owner of the group , and anyone else of us that would be interested in having list management access.

I also imagine there are other mailing lists with a more specific focus on hubs communities and facilities in other cities - feel free to share with us on this list the websites where these mailinglists can be accessed and joined.

I am not sure if there is a " imaging " list yet for the hub community at large - I imagine this list has as starting point the brussels hub community , but why not invite people related to other hubs to join and share views on the processes they might have been going through too , so that we can build on each others experiences and inspirations.



On Jan 10, 2008 10:36 AM, Rik Verschueren < rik.ver...@scarlet.be> wrote:
Hello Dante,

Thank you for your words. It's all in!
All what can make the Hub 'different', or let say 'advanced'.
Now next: what's specific for the Hub, within the advanced innovative culture you describe?
Is it business, technology, workspace, knowledge, networks? Yes: the old ways to create value. But no, not only to create the old restricted material/private value...
Though we are part of an unlimited contemporary movement from , describing the picture of the Hub, we have to keep this 'limited work-range' in mind, (while we don't limit our welcome to that what only fits in the old pictures).
So lets be creative in that tension-field 'business as usual - innovative(°)-social" which will result in a second kind of 'synthese', related to the specific mission of the Brusselshub.

See you!

Rik Verschueren
(°) coming together with different backgrounds, with different experiences and skills on 'innovation' and 'social' it is not obvious to describe this in a common view.  But I have the feeling that the Hub is born from an wholistic view that some have clear at an experienced level and some or attracted to intuivitivily. As a worker 'in the middle of the tension-field' I'm happy there are 'the Hub non-negociables' and there is a 'wisdom team' that can foster the initial fire.  What I personnaly focus on as core-team-member and foculising the hosting-team; is to make that fire visibale and sensible in the culture of the Hub. And it is so nice to see that Simone –as foculiser of the Hub-project- won't allow herself to work on any other energy than  that initial –growing- fire. Not forgetting Johan, who shows a big trust in the vision, taking the main risks and visably enjoying every meeting of great Vision and Practical progress!

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op 9/1/08 18u05 schreef Dante-Gabryell Monson naar dante....@gmail.com:

Thank you Simone , Thank you all ,

I was thinking back about yesterday s meetings at the Hub Brussels.

In the first small meeting we had on " Hosting " , I was happy we shared our feelings about what it meant for us to host. I also believe one important aspect I find on and on with people that come to the Hub , but also all around me , is that they are " looking for something else " , that the working place does not have enough meaning for them any more - that there is a lack of intrinsic motivation and inspiration at their current working environment. That their current working environment does not match their values , ... or simply , tha they feel stressed out / burned out , ...

I have the feeling that people are looking for
" a space for socialization that empowers a creative life. "

An environment where we can create together while having fun , while learning together , while being inter-dependent yet while having the possibility to " choose " and " create " our new lifestyles ,
eventually together with others that share our interests , and create new value out of it.

So although there are the facilities , the eventual services , the events , etc ...
the central point I see , and which can differentiate it from any other office space or eventual ( ngo , cooperative , or small independent business ) federation ,

is a capacity to serve as a collaborative and co-creative " life(style) incubator ".

A place where people can " converge " , a place facilitating what in french and german is called " Synthese " http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthese - bringing together of pieces into a whole , broad overview , opposite of analysis ( in english the word Synthese seems to have a somewhat different meaning )

And this " Synthese " can also lead us to " Collective Intelligence " and related fields of understanding and experimental development ... potentially enhancing effectiveness in creative processes towards the development of solutions in a ever more " complex " knowledge based society.

In other words , a platform for people that " share values " and that can serve each other as a tool to facilitate co-creative lifestyle incubation and further simplicity ... make life more enjoyable through independent and chosen lifestyles ,
while at the same time opening up pathways for creative initiatives and solution development in a ever complex and , for me , fascinating world.

Just some follow up thoughts , and I really do wish this to be the main focus , and not simply some other office space for federated businesses ...

Therefore , the focus is , as I see it , first and for all one at the level of individuals , and interacting individuals , that can manifest their evolution through and perhaps beyond self-actualization through their activities and life ...



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