Re: Re : The Hub Brussels | next core team meetings

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Dante-Gabryell Monson

Jan 17, 2008, 8:00:13 AM1/17/08
to Simone Poutnik,,,,,,, Jean-François Degelaen
Hi Simone ( cc : the few people i know for sure are interested or involved in the hub brussels )
- I know you are in Malta , and might be busy until friday - so take your time ... but here are some priorities I see before being able to move on
- in blue extracts of Simone s mail , full copy below -

Do you mind that we copy you on all the team mails or is it actually helpful?

if its not a discussion concerning personal matters , then I believe this is "de facto".

confluence. To give you a metaphor, confluence is like a flock of birds flying together

Hi Simone , as you have been the centralizing point up to now , can you give us all the emails of the people you know are most involved with the hub ?

I noticed on " The Hub Brussels " contacts that several folders have been made with different emails.

Can we define together the different types of activities and intentions we want to " confluence " on ,

so that we can then invite such people to specific reflector mailing lists.

I remember there was a flip chart somewhere with some visualization of different aspects to work on.
For example " hosting " , " fundraising ", ...

I made one private " finance " reflector mailing list which you can join , and for which I can make you moderator or owner ,
so that you can add email adresses of people you believe are involved or are interestested in being involved in financial matters revolving around the Hub Brussels ,

and I created a Hosting reflector list which is publically viewable and which you can join on

again , it would be good to invite , or add people concerned with each of these topics , and invite all of us to send information and communicate
through the mailinglists.

This is absolutely a priority as to

1 ) increase transparency


2 ) make it easier for each of us to interact directly with each other without having to go through Simone
to get information , and avoid Simone to get overloaded.

You can also speak to Dante about this, as you can see he is in the mailing list and passionate about the topic.

What Mailing List ? When I think of a Mailing List , I think about a reflector electronic mailinglist ,
with one mailinglist email adress , and preferebly with a space on the net where the archives are available to everyone to read
and the possibility for every member of the list to post to the list through the reflector email adress.

Such a kind of mailing list , as I have learned over time , also allows some kind of social contract , as people can choose by themselves to join or leave the list ,
and can also choose if they want to have access to the mails on the archives page only or actually get the mails in their mailbox.

There is usually also the name of the list in front of every mail received form the list ,
which makes it easier to filter mails into a specific directory of our email account ,
and reduces the feeling of being spammed as we feel we have more control over the flow of emails ,
and have agreed to it , as oposed to adresses added in cc.

As I felt there was no such mailing list , I created one :

and to subscribe , click on " join this group " on the right hand side of the page.

more details in relation to a Electronic mailing list can be found on

What concerns Confluence , there is the imagery about the birds ,

by the way , a nice little youtube video here :

and there is also simply the confluence of rivers :

On Jan 17, 2008 12:24 PM, Simone Poutnik <> wrote:
Hello my dear,

great stuff! Pity you couldn't be at the team call yesterday, but hopefully the notes are a little of help. Do you mind that we copy you on all the team mails or is it actually helpful?
Yesterday on the call people were curious to know how you will work with us? I am too :) Would you somehow let us all know what you are up to?

I wanted to share something with you, something that is very much in line with the spirit of freedom in collaboration: confluence. To give you a metaphor, confluence is like a flock of birds flying together, everyone knows the way, everyone can take the lead at some point and they all work together to make the long and dangerous flight towards south. My friend Sophia from London has put together some ideas about this (see below). I wondered if it would interest you to get a bit deeper into this new way of working together. You can also speak to Dante about this, as you can see he is in the mailing list and passionate about the topic. Plus I think you two could compensate each other and learn from one another if you decide to work together on "confluencing the hub team" :)

Would you have appetite to go a bit deeper into this? We can talk more about it, if you wish, you can also call me on my mobile today.  

I would like to see the Hub as a playground for natural innovation: innovating by building on what is there and letting go of all the old ways of doing things that are not meaningful, sustainable and authentic. And I would love to see that everyone involved can learn challenge him/herself grow and have fun with that :)


Begin forwarded message:
From: "Sofia Bustamante" <>
Date: Tue 15 Jan 2008 18:39:59 GMT+01:00
Cc: "'Matthew Cooperrider'" <>, "'david pinto'" <>, "'Mamading Ceesay'" <>, "'tav'" <>
Subject:  Confluence

Dear friends,

You have expressed an interest in Confluence ideas, either at the Imagine
Conference or afterwards through Simone/Dante...
NB. Confluence is a social technology and an information technology. Perhaps
together we can adapt how ideas might be further applied to social hosting
of different kinds. 
Here is a little context (cut and paste from my new years newsletter):
My most memorable project this year was a project called 24weeks
ltTkAEUsUS6IZwEC8gTePTG-3VR-Lv1rSBtcBvcOmbp-H_nH1bL0835_TD4=> , which was
about trying to create a new world of possibilities in terms of how we
collaborate including for example, rewriting the Internet to enable it to do
what WWW could allow us to do but doesn't. A crazy enough vision for
something of interest to happen? It most definitely was thanks to the
visionary Tav behind it.

Out of this highly entertaining chaotic intense and challenging project, in
which we did not achieve our intended aims, some unexpected findings were
unearthed. Namely, a core idea of Confluence: as a meta system for non
managed collaboration within teams and groups based on the premise of ours
being a fluid universe. We are pioneering this as a model that any kind of
collective can use.
Here is a little intro to Confluence (with links for more details):
Confluence by Birds
7n5wspxdiqja8LA=> . Inspired by the concept of flow, and how it exists in
nature, it describes a way of being and working together, which a group of
us think would be very useful to facilitate into being in the world. :
Then this interview goes over the main concepts in a more direct way:
Here are further links to the three main elements to the system:

Current Projection:
We (the bods cc'd in this.. david pinto is the one who came up with the
original concept model..) are in the middle of building a prototype... so
will let you know as soon as it is any kind of working state and then we can
all get involved with using it/further developing it.  I assume its best to
keep the development group small... unless someone really wants to get
involved and can help us to get it going?) 

But meanwhile we are happy to share the social technology idea surrounding
it. Actually the point of knowing about it would be that we would act
together in some way or that you could use the ideas and system to move
forward to your own projections.

If you want to get involved:
Please do dive into the stuff on the web as it goes some way of describing
the ideas.  Join the facebook group 'confluence' so you can keep up to date
with how things develop. If you are techy minded.. we are using
to build the prototype.. please shout if you want more info.

If you would rather not be on this list please let us know and we can save
you from further discussions...;-)


Sofia Bustamante │
m: +44(0)7913088975 │t: +44(0)207 871 1742 │ skype: olasofia │sl: olasofia

"for knowledge, add something everyday. For wisdom, subtract" Lao Tzu

On 17 Jan 2008, at 10:55, Diane Plessia wrote:

Hi Simone

I am going to try and get the Google calendar working for everyone so that we can all fill it in, weekly - hopefully today with Dante's help
I will be on holiday between February 1st and 9th.


----- Message d'origine ----
De : Simone Poutnik <>
À : Eric Theunis <>; Rik Verschueren < >; Levent Korkmaz <>; dieter comos <>; Jason Conner <>; Johan Moyersoen <>; Ria Baeck <>
Cc : Diane Plessia <>
Envoyé le : Jeudi, 17 Janvier 2008, 10h45mn 08s
Objet : Re: The Hub Brussels | next core team meetings

my mistake, there is also the 20th, so again:

23 evening at Eric's place
30 evening at the Hub: focus on how can/do we manage our 'project' in an agile way (meeting will be failitated by Philipp and Stefan, who are running the agile project management workshop in the morning)
6 Feb lunch time core team call (there will be a co-creation meeting in the evening, not obligatory, but would be great if you could be there)
14 Feb core team meeting
20 core team call
27 core team meeting

Yes 14th is Thursday, these are the dates you all voted for.
For the WE sounds good what you propose Eric.
What about Sunday having brunch together in the Hub (everyone brings something) around 11.30 and going on until 4? Then we all can sleep in and still have the evening for us.
For the rennovation works, let's hear what the designers say tomorrow first how fast we can be ready and when they can be with us, ok?


On 17 Jan 2008, at 10:32, Theunis, Eric wrote:

Hello Simone
I'll organise the meeting for next week at home, take notes and will try to be creative....
We can start at 6.30 - 7.00
I read that there is a meeting on the 14th which is a Thursday, is that right?
And that there is no call, on the week of the 20th? If correct, t hen would suggest that on the 27th, we have a core team meeting, not a call
Could we also confirm the WE meetings, I can make myself available on Sunday the 3rd for half a day meeting (or the 2nd, but prefer the 3rd) and then on the WE of 9/10, for renovating, I can come a couple of hours with my kids to particpate
Let me know
-----Original Message-----
From: Simone Poutnik []
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 10:24 AM
To: Eric Theunis; Theunis, Eric [GCG-EMEA]; Rik Verschueren; Levent Korkmaz; dieter comos; Jason Conner; Johan Moyersoen; Ria Baeck
Cc: Diane Plessia
Subject:  The Hub Brussels | next core team meetings

Ok dears,
As the calls seem to work, let's do it.
So our next meetings are:

23 evening at Eric's place
30 evening at the Hub: focus on how can/do we manage our 'project' in an agile way (meeting will be failitated by Philipp and Stefan, who are running the agile project management workshop in the morning)
6 Feb lunch time core team call (there will be a co-creation meeting in the evening, not obligatory, but would be great if you could be there)
14 Feb core team meeting
27 core team call

Could everyone take care of the organisation of one of these meetings? This includes organising venue and making sure we define focus and flow. It would be nice if we could get creative with these meetings, try out different venues, ways of working etc. 

Also in the calls it would be nice if we could have rotating responsibilty to organise (send reminder email with call in details), set agenda, facilitate the call and take notes). And I wonder if we can get creatiave also here in some way?
There is a free (only cost of the call itself) conference call facility we can use I have set up a Hub account, the dial in numbers are here , PIN is: 044052. 


On 16 Jan 2008, at 21:31, Eric Theunis wrote:

Thanks Simone for the update
We should definitely continue with these bi-weekly updates
See you on Monday

Subject: Re: The Hub Brussels | next two core team meetings
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 12:33:14 +0100

Hello dears,

here are some clumsy notes of our call

check-in: how do I feel at the moment, in general and as core-team member of the Hub? 
  • Jason feeling really supported and more energised
  • Eric feeling well and excited professional, personal, also good about being a core team member; feel important to share regularly what we are up to, informed about progresses issues etc. found quick email update useful, 10 min update
  • Levent: feeling good about the Hub beginning to move in, feeling like having a lot to catch up
  • Simone, feeling good and happy about having you and in my life
  • Rik: still looking on how much responsibility I want to take and how it relates to my personal stories, combination about Hub responsbility and own work
  • Is there anything  you would like to point out or question regarding the road map and that you think everyone of the core team should hear? 
  • Eric good summary of what we should do now, good sharing, see where we all are, would like to hear from Diane what she would like to do; 
  • Jason; Road map looks good and my stuff fits to me; what are case studies: Vague for me how to position the Hub where we are at the moment 
  • Levent: feeling we can attract a lot of people, for events I needs to speak to Simone, good opportunity to present Hub at Pecha kucha night, Debuut Event at Hotel devillle Johan presented, City wants to spend a lot of money on young brussels entrepreneurs, like through Debuut, at some point it would be good to have like a Debuut event organised by us, city gives money but individuals do the real work; how to inspire people? We should be very visual (how the world would be without a hub?), want to 
  • Dieter: feeling very fine, lots of new tasks, quite challenging learning a lot, quite happy, also nice that more and more people are coming here
  • What is your sense of what is going on with the Hub? Where are we at? 
  • Jason: lots of things happend, we are at a great point
  • Eric: we are in crucial times where we have to fulfill some major tasks, really important time in the next 4-5 weeks
  • Simone: it is moving, lots more people are beginning to come and work here, have meetings etc; feels good! but we need to do something about transforming the space
  • Rik: next hosting meeting to be organised, transformation of the space, learning to host and building the culture, tune in with Simone to see where we are now
  • Which are the next elegant, wise steps that you are prepared to take to move towards our common goals?
  • Jason: Could we organise seminar series on local entrpreneurship and various issues interesting: Jason will put something on the wiki
  • Eric: Can we organise a full day meeting to have time and also talk about other things than the Hub
  • Simone: transformation days distribute between first second weekend of Feb, end communications strategy to Levent and Jason
  • Levent: need key images for the Hub, come up with a nice stylish presentation to inspire people, visual and words, collect stories 
  • Rik: organise hosting team meeting for next week
  • Dieter: happy to be part in communication strategy, branding and estetics
I think this worked quite well as an update, shall we continue to to this every second week?

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