in 3.5 you used to be able to rotate and image, and then when you moved on to next image it was automatically saved

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Aug 25, 2017, 6:00:05 PM8/25/17
to ImageGlass Community
In 3.5 you used to be able to rotate and image, and then when you moved on to next image it was automatically saved...without any confirmation was just saved for you.

In 4.1 if you rotate 90 degrees, then move to next image, you don't get any "save" or "your image has been modified" just goes onto the next image...if you move back to your will see that no changes were done.

One has to do a CTRL+S (Save)...after the rotate, and before moving on, also it is annoyingly asking for the filename (you just want to save to the same file).

Could we have something that considered a rotate a modifying operation?....when you move onto the next could show a prompt like this:

"Image was rotated, do you want to save? yes/no/cancel"

This would be better than 3.5 (which did a save even though you didn't know it would modify), and better than 4.1 as it makes it easier to rotate the image.

Use case is this:

I usually have a directory of images some need rotating, some don't, and I have to preview/view each one to decide what needs doing....a quick way to do this operation would be great! 

Dương Diệu Pháp

Nov 13, 2017, 10:19:00 PM11/13/17
to ImageGlass Community
Sorry for late response!

I will implement as your suggestion in the next version. Please follow it here:

Thanks a lot!
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