LARGE IMAGE FOLDER: Thrashing hard disk drive for 5-10 minutes

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Jan 4, 2020, 10:42:23 PM1/4/20
to ImageGlass Community

I'm using the latest stable version of ImageGlass and I know the next stable release version is immanent. :) I've tried searching for my problem here and believe I was onto something that could correct my issue, but I can't track down the topic or link anymore.

The issue I'm having with ImageGlass is when I open Windows File Explorer and open my large folder of images (1000+).
When I double click on an image in that folder which causes ImageGlass to load and display it, there is a LOT of hard disk activity for probably I would say around 5-10minutes.
That's 5-10 minutes of leaving ImageGlass open and not browsing the images through ImageGlass or doing anything. After the 5-10 minutes have passed ImageGlass settles down and hard disk activity finally ceases.
I don't know what ImageGlass is doing when I open a single image from this folder, but even after allowing ImageGlass to thrash the hard disk drive for 5-10minutes, after closing ImageGlass and re-launching a different or even the exact same image, the hard disk drive is going to do the exact same thing as before.

What is the cause of this heavy activity? I've tried tweaking ImageBooster to "0" and applied/saved settings, exited the program and relaunched it, but the results were the same. Heavy hard disk drive activity.
Most of my large image folders reside on a secondary internal SATA hard disk drive.

My previous default image viewer was Windows Photo Viewer which never did this to my hard disk drive.

Thanks! :)


Dương Diệu Pháp

Jan 5, 2020, 2:54:37 AM1/5/20
to ImageGlass Community
Hi Chris,

- What are the file types of images in the folder? ImageGlass 7.0 has a bug that consumes high CPU when viewing PSD file with thumbnails opening (reported at

- Can you try ImageGlass Moon ( if the issue still persists?


Phap Dieu Duong
Author of ImageGlass software

[Skype]      d2phap

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Anon Mouse

Jan 5, 2020, 5:23:21 PM1/5/20
to ImageGlass Community
It's not clear from your description if you have any sub-folders inside your "large folder of images". If you do, then you might want to
turn off the "Find images in child folder" setting (in the Settings\Image tab).

Jan 5, 2020, 8:53:24 PM1/5/20
to ImageGlass Community
Hi Phap,

So in that folder there are a variety of image types: .JPG, .JPEG, .BMP, .GIF, .PNG, .TIF.
However there are no .PSD files. I did a file extension search to be sure.

I guess I can try ImageGlass Moon. :)

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Jan 5, 2020, 8:55:13 PM1/5/20
to ImageGlass Community
Hi Anon Mouse:

I will look into that and see if it makes a difference. I do have child folders in that large folder of images, but there are not as many. I think under 100 per folder and there are 3 child folders.


Dương Diệu Pháp

Jan 5, 2020, 9:03:05 PM1/5/20
to, ImageGlass Community
Hi Chris

I guess I can try ImageGlass Moon. :)
You should try the official release v7.5 instead!

Phap Dieu Duong
Author of ImageGlass software

[Skype]      d2phap

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Jan 7, 2020, 2:31:10 AM1/7/20
to ImageGlass Community
Hi Phap,

Unfortunately, with the latest it's still grinding away after opening a single image from that large folder of images. All hard disk activity stops after exiting ImageGlass.
NOTE: The really heavy hard disk activity is happening primarily on my secondary internal drive where the image folder resides. There is a spike in activity on my primary OS drive too.
Also I made a mistake when I said the folder size was 1000+ images. While true to a point it's more like 94,322 images in one folder. No child folders are within this folder, and I do not have ImageGlass looking for them.

This constant hard disk activity where it's thrashing the drive happens on other smaller image folders too, not just that very large folder.

I still don't understand what is happening in the background when my hard disk fires up like this.

Anything else I can do to help figure this out?


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Dương Diệu Pháp

Jan 7, 2020, 8:18:02 AM1/7/20
to ImageGlass Community
Hi Chris,

I tried to test with 9100+ files in folder. 
I see the hard disk activity sometimes went up to ~10% when I continuously slowly scroll the thumbnails bar (it may be due to thumbnails generation activity), but it quickly went down to 0% after few seconds.

Some questions:
- What's resolution / size of the screen?
- How many thumbnails in a row of ImageGlass?



Phap Dieu Duong
Author of ImageGlass software

[Skype]      d2phap

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Anon Mouse

Jan 7, 2020, 11:22:31 AM1/7/20
to ImageGlass Community
I think we'll have to investigate further to see what we can do about this. I've not worked with very large image folders for a while,
a glitch may have snuck in. [I've got a large image collection but it's broken down into smaller subfolders].

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Jan 8, 2020, 2:20:25 AM1/8/20
to ImageGlass Community

Hi Phap,
Thanks for looking into this! I really appreciate your time! :)

So my native resolution is 1920 x 1080 and it's always set to this.

In ImageGlass I have not enabled thumbnails.
I decided to enable Process Monitor when launching ImageGlass by double clicking just one image in that folder.

Clearly Process Monitor has captured a ton of activity (which is probably all normal) but I don't understand any of it. I'm not even sure if any of this helps.
Keep in mind that I'm not doing ANYTHING with ImageGlass or anything else on my system. I just opened one picture and this is all the information I've caught when my hard disks start grinding away.
The drive that hit's 100% is the drive that has my images on it.






Jan 13, 2020, 12:45:54 AM1/13/20
to ImageGlass Community
Hi Phap,

I was just curious if there was any more info on this issue I'm having? Is this an actual bug? Is there anything I can do on my end to help diagnose what is causing the issue? Or is this something that is already being looked into?

Just curious as I very much like this program, but it makes it challenging and less enjoyable to use with all that hard disk activity that I can't diagnose.

Thank you for your time! :)


Dương Diệu Pháp

Jan 13, 2020, 2:16:57 AM1/13/20
to, ImageGlass Community
Hi Chris,

I am still investigating the problem, I haven't been able to reproduce it so far.
I will do some tests, create a new build for you to test, and keep you updated.

Thanks a lot!

Phap Dieu Duong
Author of ImageGlass software

[Skype]      d2phap

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Anon Mouse

Jan 13, 2020, 11:15:26 AM1/13/20
to ImageGlass Community
I have image folders of about 3000 images on a removable drive. If I open a file using ImageGlass on that drive, I see the drive light flash for a good 20-30 seconds after the image is displayed. So the problem does exist.

Jan 14, 2020, 2:14:36 AM1/14/20
to ImageGlass Community
Hi Phap,

No worries, thanks so much for looking into this. :)
I look forward to hearing from you when you are ready.

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Jan 14, 2020, 2:18:33 AM1/14/20
to ImageGlass Community
Hi Anon Mouse,

I'm just glad to see I'm not the only one! :)
Thanks for confirming. I have a much older PC so I realize that the performance impact may be affecting me more based on my system specs.


Anon Mouse

Jan 16, 2020, 2:04:31 PM1/16/20
to ImageGlass Community
Thanks for confirming. I have a much older PC so I realize that the performance impact may be affecting me more based on my system specs.

Oh yeah! It's really obvious on our old spinning rust disks - you can hear 'em clacking away.

Feb 16, 2020, 8:00:10 PM2/16/20
to ImageGlass Community
Hi Phap and Anon Mouse:

So unfortunately, I've decided to uninstall ImageGlass for the time being. (on my system I just deleted the entire folder as it was a portable installation) I also removed any traces via Revo Uninstaller Pro.
I simply can not endure the amount of hard disk thrashing this program creates when wishing to a few images in my image folders.
It creates far too much disk I/O activity that it slows my system response time down that I have no choice but to remove it for the time being.
As much as I love the program, I guess it's not suited for large image folders at the moment. I've reverted back to Windows Photo Viewer which is fast an snappy... even though it's quite basic.

I hope to return if and when this issue is fixed.
I'm in no way abandoning ImageGlass as I use it on another Windows 10 machine with small image folders and it's just great.

Research and development take an enormous amount of time and resources, so I completely understand that this specific issue will take a while to address if it can be reproduced. I realize that this is not high priority compared against other important bugs which need to be fixed.

Please let me here if and when a fix has been made and I'll eagerly try out ImageGlass again.

Thank you!
Chris Laurie

On Monday, January 13, 2020 at 2:16:57 AM UTC-5, Phap Duong wrote:
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Feb 16, 2020, 8:00:35 PM2/16/20
to ImageGlass Community

Anon Mouse

Feb 19, 2020, 10:58:20 AM2/19/20
to ImageGlass Community
Chris -
Thank you for both the kind words and the honest feedback! I understand your frustration with this problem.
I wish we could provide a more timely solution, but as a "free time" project, that isn't always possible. Your
patience and continued patronage is appreciated!


Anon Mouse

Mar 18, 2020, 8:55:40 PM3/18/20
to ImageGlass Community
Chris -
I can't remember if you said you would only use the stable version or not. The latest ImageGlass Moon
release includes my change which eliminates the extra disk activity.


Mar 18, 2020, 9:21:43 PM3/18/20
to ImageGlass Community
Hi Kevin:

No, I can try ImageGlass Moon. I don't mind testing it. This is great news for sure if it's fixed. Thank you! I'll try it in a day or so as unfortunately I've caught some nasty virus and have been sick the last couple of days.

Thanks for letting me know.
I'll get back to you soon.

Mar 22, 2020, 5:47:33 PM3/22/20
to ImageGlass Community

Hi Kevin! 😃

So I've finally almost recovered after being sick with the flu but I've had a chance to test out your latest change with ImageGlass Moon.
I'm so very pleased to report back that this specific issue I've been having is completely fixed!! I'm over the moon so to speak with this change as I can now once again use ImageGlass.
In fact when I compare RAM consumption with ImageGlass Moon to Windows Photo Viewer (my previous default viewer), the amount of RAM being used by ImageGlass is dramatically LESS than with that of Windows Photo Viewer! Were talking hundreds of megabytes!

I've now made ImageGlass Moon my default image viewer as it's much snappier now and hard disk activity with large image folders consisting of 1000+ images have little to no hard disk activity.
Thank you so much for the commit to this fix. I'm very pleased and hope your fix will eventually be make it's way into the next stable version of ImageGlass too.

Cheers! 🍺

Mar 31, 2020, 8:30:53 PM3/31/20
to ImageGlass Community

Hello again,

Just a friendly heads up that ImageGlass Moon v7.5.3.29 has reintroduced this hard disk issue again.
For the moment, I have reverted back to the last previous version of Moon I used that does not exhibit this behavior: v7.5.3.26.

Thank you kindly! 

Anon Mouse

Apr 1, 2020, 10:55:03 AM4/1/20
to ImageGlass Community
Thank you for the "heads up", Chris. I've confirmed it as well, and I apologize. I'll be working with Phap to figure out where we've gone wrong on this.


Dương Diệu Pháp

Apr 2, 2020, 12:02:05 PM4/2/20
to ImageGlass Community
Hi Chris,

It should be fixed in the latest build of ImageGlass Moon:

Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience!

Phap Dieu Duong
Author of ImageGlass software

[Skype]      d2phap

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Apr 3, 2020, 12:52:40 AM4/3/20
to ImageGlass Community

Hi Phap,

No worries at all! :)
I can confirm Image Glass Moon v7.5.4.2 has corrected the issue.

Thank you so much for the very fast turn around and updated release.


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