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Keeping ad companion banner appear after video ad play complete/skipped

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Sarunyu Prasert

Dec 16, 2024, 11:34:35 AM12/16/24
to Interactive Media Ads SDK
      I'm working on IMA SDK in iOS using swift. I follow an instruction to create a companion ad banner. A banner is working fine when playing video ad with companion ad slot but after video ad play complete/skipped a companion ad banner under my video player is disappear but a UIView that i set when creating slot using IMACompanionAdSlot still exit so it show a blank space. 

     The way i found to keep it still appear is not destroy ad manager but i think it's not a good idea by not destroy an ad manager to clear internal state and remove some keeping session

     Is there a way to keep a companion ad banner still appear after video ad play complete/skipped?


Dec 16, 2024, 6:16:53 PM12/16/24

Hi Sarunyu,

Thank you for contacting the IMA SDK support team.

I understand that your iOS application is facing an issue with companion ad banners disappearing after the main video ad finishes playing, leaving a blank space where the banner used to be.

Companion ads allow you to serve ads to display ad slots at the same time as those served to a video or audio player. They always rely on the master ad to serve. Can you please confirm if the mentioned issue is replicating in our Google iOS sample application or VSI tool? If yes, Kindly share us with the below details privately for further investigation: 

  • VAST tag URL
  • Video recording that illustrates the issue
  • Sample project reproducing the issue
You can provide the following details via reply privately to the author option or directly provide it to this link.
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vGpD3:ref" (ADR-00278906)

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Dec 17, 2024, 7:42:31 PM12/17/24
Hi Sarunyu,

Destroying AdManager instance after 1 ad and not showing companion ad is an expected behavior. AdsManager instance should be active for all time until viewWillDisappear for companion ad visibility.

In case if you want to destroy adManager instance after ad and don't want to show blank space over there then I suggest creating height constrains outlet of companionView then make it 0. On COMPLETE event/ destroy adManager.
companionView.heightConstant = 0
Again change this height to expected value when calling another ads.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
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