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Can we use playhead tracker object instead of a html video element in case of DAI HTML5 SDK

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Pratik Kale

Nov 13, 2024, 4:58:29 AM11/13/24
to Interactive Media Ads SDK

We are working on a hybrid app for tv, where we are using google IMA HTML5 SDK inside a webview. 

In case of CSAI ads, the webview has a playhead tracker object with currentTime property.
The content is played in native layer of the app and the playhead position is updated in the webview. i.e currentTime property of the playhead tracker object is updated. 
With updating the currentTime property of the tracker object, CSAI midroll ads are correctly shown inside the webview and all the AdEvents like CONTENT_PAUSE_REQUESTED, CONTENT_RESUME_REQUESTED etc are received properly.

But in case of DAI ads, StreamManager requires a HTML video element to initialise.
new StreamManager(videoElement, adUiElement, uiSettings)

As we need to play content in the native layer, we tried passing it a video element with no src and we are setting currentTime of this video element as the content in the native layer progresses.
We are also passing the timed metadata and processing it in the webview with,
'streamManager.processMetadata('ID3',, event.startTime);'

With this setup, we are not able to receive events like AD_BREAK_STARTED, AD_BREAK_ENDED etc.
If we set the src property of the video element to some dummy mp4 video stream, everything works fine and we are getting all the events.

Is there a way we can use a video element with no source and set the currentTime to receive the ad events. Or is there a way we can use a tracker object instead of the video element with currentTime property and update the currentTime of the tracker object (similar to CSAI ads).

Thanks & Regards,


Nov 13, 2024, 11:54:53 AM11/13/24

Hi Pratik,

Thank you for contacting the IMA SDK support team.

For further investigation, kindly provide the below details: 

  • Please confirm which TV android TV or other
  • Could you please explain more about the issue on how you are rending the ads in the webview with the help of URL or custom code
  • In which language you are creating the Hybrid app 
  • Sample project not firing adEvents AD_BREAK_STARTED, AD_BREAK_ENDED 

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1. Navigate to

2. Fill out all fields, and attach your file(s).

3. Please reply back on this thread when you have uploaded your file(s). Please do not share this link. 

This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vGjkV:ref" (ADR-00275469)

Google Logo IMA SDK Team

Pratik Kale

Nov 15, 2024, 5:04:01 AM11/15/24
to Interactive Media Ads SDK

  • Please confirm which TV android TV or other - it is a streaming device similar to roku / firestick. It supports app development with react native
  • Could you please explain more about the issue on how you are rending the ads in the webview with the help of URL or custom code
  •   - In the webview we have index.html with a video element like
      <video id="video"></video>
      - In js code
       videoElement = document.getElementById('video');
      - Then we are initialising stream manager
      streamManager = new google.ima.dai.api.StreamManager(videoElement, adUiElement);
          onStreamEvent, false);

       -  Whenever LOADED event is triggered we get the url and we are playing that url in the native layer
       - native layer sends the progress of the video & timed metadata back to the webview
       - Whenever we get video progress from native layer we are setting the currentTime of the videoElement
        videoElement.currentTime = currentTimeFromNativeLayer;
       - whenever we receive timed metadata from native layer we are calling processMetadata 
    streamManager.processMetadata('ID3', data, pts);
       - Following the above we are not getting other events like AD_BREAK_STARTED, AD_BREAK_ENDED
       - If we have a video element in html with some source like below, everything works fine and we receive all the events
         <video src="" id="video-internal"></video>
       - The issue is we don't want to have any source in this video element as the url received after LOADED event will be played in the native layer.
  • In which language you are creating the Hybrid app - React Native
Thanks & Regards,

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Nov 15, 2024, 9:08:16 AM11/15/24

Hi Pratik,

Thank you for providing the requested information. 

Please note that the IMA SDK supports these platforms. Since you are using HTML also to investigate this issue further, kindly provide the sample project to have the full visibility of your implementation.

You can provide the following details via reply privately to the author option or directly provide it to this link


Nov 18, 2024, 10:06:49 AM11/18/24
Hi Pratik,

Thank you for sharing the files. However, we haven't received the files yet. So kindly re-share the requested files.

You can provide the following details via reply privately to the author option or directly provide it to this link

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Nov 19, 2024, 7:58:59 AM11/19/24

Hi Pratik,

Thank you for uploading the requested files.

I will check with our team regarding your query and one of my team members will reach out to you once we have an update.


Nov 20, 2024, 4:46:55 PM11/20/24
Hello Pratik,

This is Jackson from the IMA SDK team to help with your issue. I downloaded an played the sample app in a web environment, saw some issue with the ad UI, but did not see an issue with the current time.

It may help if you can clarify how you are getting the stream URL, since in a typical IMA DAI integration, IMA will handle he stream playback based on the stream request.

Can you clarify which TV platform you are integrating IMA with?

IMA DAI does require you pass the HTML element being used for video playback into the stream manager constructor. If that is not possible, it is likely IMA DAI does not support your specific use-case.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vGjkV:ref" (ADR-00275469)

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Jackson Sui

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Pratik Kale

Dec 5, 2024, 2:15:34 AM12/5/24
to Interactive Media Ads SDK
Hi Jackson,

As implemented in the sameple code shared earlier, our implementation requires StreamManager to be initialised with a html video element without any source attached to it.
As there is no source attached, we need to manually set the 'currentTime' property of the video element.
Setting the 'currentTime' property of the video element manually without any source, does not fire the event 'timeupdate' (which seems to be required by dai sdk). Due to this event not getting fired, we are not getting any events like 'AD_BREAK_STARTED', 'AD_BREAK_ENDED' from DAI SDK. 
To overcome this, we have overriden the timeupdate property of the video element and manually firing the 'timeupdate' event whenever 'currentTime' property is set. The code is like below.

Object.defineProperty(videoElementInternal, 'currentTime', {
    get: () => videoElementExternal.currentTime,
    set: () => {
      // Simulate a source being loaded
      setTimeout(() => {
        videoElementInternal.dispatchEvent(new Event('timeupdate'));
      }, 0);

After this, we are able to get all the events from DAI SDK. Just wanted to check with you if this approach / implementation is fine and we can go ahead with this.

Thanks & Regards,


Dec 5, 2024, 12:26:07 PM12/5/24
Hello Pratik,

Thank you for clarifying. The work-around you are describing is not officially supported, and may run into issues as we update the IMA SDK.

Could you tell me which TV(s) you are developing for? There may be other supported ad solutions available depending on the device. If you cannot tell me the devices, I won't be able to best direct you to a supported solution.
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