Jerick Gonito
unread,Jan 10, 2025, 11:04:46 AMJan 10Sign in to reply to author
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to Interactive Media Ads SDK
Hi IMA SDK Development Team!
I've encountered an issue with the Learn More button while testing the IMA SDK for HTML5 on Google Chrome using touch event emulation. When using Video Suite Inspector, clicking (simulating a touch) on the button pauses or resumes the video instead of redirecting me to the click-through URL. This issue was observed with the Single Skippable Inline IMA sample tag, which I believed can be reproduce on the other samples as well. However, it works as expected on an actual device (I tested it), but using an emulator is significantly more convenient for testing purposes.
Device: MacBook Air (M2)
Chrome Version: 131.0.6778.265
I'd appreciate any guidance or fixes for this behavior.