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HTML 5 detcting presence of play pause controls in vast file

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Nalin saxena

Apr 21, 2024, 2:00:07 AM4/21/24
to Interactive Media Ads SDK
Problem- Possibility of detecting Play Pause incon in Vast media file

ad tag[…]

In some case of mediation we are getting play pause controls within the vast files, As per our use case  we have custom developed ad controls enabled for our website
This is duplicate play pause icons to be displayed.

Is there any way of detecting these play pause icons within the vast file ?


Apr 22, 2024, 8:12:46 AM4/22/24

Hi Nalin,

Thanks for contacting us.

It looks like you are utilizing custom UI integration in application, please note that Custom UI was part of beta feature before and now no new customer are involved in it.
There are no any property available in VAST response which will tell about play/ pause icon present or not. It is depend upon ad configuration.

I would suggest to remove play/pause control button from the player while playing the ads and let the ad itself show the icon by itself. Also i can not take this as a feature request just because of the business purpose to serve ads without any custom controls.

Please reach out to us in case you need any other help related to IMA SDK.

This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02tPGbk:ref" (ADR-00231936)

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