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[External] [iOS IMA SDK] iOS 18 NULL cString crash

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Yichen Duan

Jan 8, 2025, 3:05:56 AMJan 8
to Interactive Media Ads SDK
Hello IMA SDK team,

Recently we have observed some iOS 18/iPadOS 18 only crashes happening with NSAttributedString logged on Firebase Crashlytics:

Fatal Exception: NSInvalidArgumentException
*** +[NSString stringWithCString:encoding:]: NULL cString
3  GoogleInteractiveMediaAds      0x2f76c (Missing UUID 4438d409c37734db9ac95e1ddfff9598)
4  GoogleInteractiveMediaAds      0x18cd4 (Missing UUID 4438d409c37734db9ac95e1ddfff9598)
5  GoogleInteractiveMediaAds      0xc254 (Missing UUID 4438d409c37734db9ac95e1ddfff9598)
6  GoogleInteractiveMediaAds      0xb740 (Missing UUID 4438d409c37734db9ac95e1ddfff9598)
7  GoogleInteractiveMediaAds      0xaa28 (Missing UUID 4438d409c37734db9ac95e1ddfff9598)
8  GoogleInteractiveMediaAds      0xa904 (Missing UUID 4438d409c37734db9ac95e1ddfff9598)
9  GoogleInteractiveMediaAds      0xa6390 (Missing UUID 4438d409c37734db9ac95e1ddfff9598)

Crash point to be:
Foundation -[NSPlaceholderMutableString initWithBytes:length:encoding:] OR

(Full log attached below for investigation.)

We would like to understand if the team is aware of this issue yet? And is there any plan to release a newer version of the SDK for iOS 18+ support?


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Yichen Duan

Jan 8, 2025, 3:58:46 AMJan 8
to Interactive Media Ads SDK
To add on: we are using IMA SDK 3.22.1


Jan 8, 2025, 7:14:46 AMJan 8

Thank you for contacting the IMA SDK support team.

I have tested the Google sample application and am unable to reproduce the reported iPad crash. To further investigate, please provide the sample project where the issue occurs.

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1. Navigate to

2. Fill out all fields, and attach your file(s).

3. Please reply back on this thread when you have uploaded your file(s). Please do not share this link.
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vGrrK:ref" (ADR-00280818)

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