Need comprehension regarding SKIPPED and COMPLETED statuses

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Sviataslau Kandratsiuk

3:07 PM (3 hours ago) 3:07 PM
to Interactive Media Ads SDK
Hey guys!

Inside our team we've got kinda debates about these statuses and how we should treat them in terms of rewarding. 

There are 2 point of views:

1. SDK sends SKIPPABLE_STATE_CHANGED status when the ad is considered as "watched" and should be rewarded. "Skip" just allows users to not spend their time on this particular ad anymore.

2. SKIPPED means exactly this - to skip the rewarded video. User declined watching the rewardable ad, his time worth more for him than our reward. We should not reward him.

Which one is correct?
Is there a way to know at which moment IMA SDK considers an ad as watched and reward  should be granted.

Sorry if we have missed this somewhere in the docs - give us your vision on this please.



6:14 PM (18 minutes ago) 6:14 PM

Thank you for contacting IMA SDK Support Team.

In reference to your inquiry regarding the appropriate timing for providing rewards to users who skip advertisements, allow me to offer some insights. The decision of when to provide rewards lies within the purview of your organization's unique business requirements.

Scenario 1: Bypassing Skippable Advertisements:
If your objective is to encourage users to watch the entire advertisement, consider presenting non-skippable advertisements. Providing the reward upon completion of the advertisement can incentivize users to engage with the content.

Scenario 2: Integrating with Skippable Advertisements:
In the event that you choose to incorporate skippable advertisements, it is essential to monitor the skip event alongside the getAdSkippableState function. This function will indicate whether the advertisement includes a skip offset or not.

To assist you with your decision-making process, I have outlined a concise set of conditions for your reference:

 Ads.prototype.onAdEvent_ = function (adEvent) {
  if (adEvent.type == google.ima.AdEvent.Type.SKIP) {
    //Store adSkip state here
    this.adSkip = true; // By default False
  } else if (adEvent.type == google.ima.AdEvent.Type.COMPLETED) {
    if (this.adsManager_.getAdSkippableState == true) {
      //Match skip state either skip or seen full video.
      if (adSkip) {
        // Take your call here for delivering rewards, if not simply return
      } else {
        // Take your call here for delivering rewards, if not simply return
    } else {
      // This is for non skip ad and watched fully.
      // Take your call here for delivering rewards, if not simply return
For more detail refer getAdSkippableState.

This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02tJf4j:ref" (ADR-00245320)

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