IMA SDK Info Tag behaviour for Android TV App implementing html5 IMA SDK

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Chandraprakash Suthar

Sep 10, 2024, 12:23:43 AMSep 10
to Interactive Media Ads SDK

Hi, We have an android app for tv. We are using Webview in the app to display the screens as that is the client requirement.

As we are using a webView, we are using IMA SDK for HTML5 to display ads.

On the ads, an Info Tag (Why this ad) is shown. The default behaviour of the HTML5 sdk is to redirect the user to the url and open a url in a new tab. As we are inside a webview, we are trapping that redirect and opening the redirect url inside a second webview and displaying the second webview on top of the first webview in which the ad is being displayed.

 The default behaviour of the IMA Android SDK is to display the fallback image inside a modal when the user clicks on the info tag. But there is no way we can get the URL for this fallback image from the HTML5 SDK.

We want to confirm that if we release this application, with the current approach (displaying why this ads url in a second webview), it does not violate any Google guidelines, or will there be any issue with this approach.

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions on how we can handle the user click on the info tag in this kind of application.




Sep 10, 2024, 6:01:43 PMSep 10
Hi Chandra,

Thanks for contacting IMA SDK Support Team.

I hope you are not modifying with any custom code to handle WTA icon click behavior. If not then opening info in another webView is expected behavior in IMA SDK. There is no any policy issue with this.
Suggesting to go ahead with release process. And in case any issue come then contact us again.
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vFysS:ref" (ADR-00267464)

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