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Low fill rate and black screen video ads

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Vinh Ho

Dec 16, 2024, 2:09:30 AM12/16/24
to Interactive Media Ads SDK
Hello team,

I have trouble with video ads on my client's website: the fill rate run low for about 3 days in a row and the ad video is black all the time. So my questions are:
  • What possibly cause the low fill rate issue? (I have checked around but have no idea what happened)
  • When the video ad is black fill, will it count as an impression or an unfill?
  • Any possible way I can fix the black ad?
Thank you and regards,


Dec 16, 2024, 8:45:14 AM12/16/24

Hi Thomas,

Thank you for contacting the IMA SDK Support team.

Please find the below responses to your queries:

1. What possibly cause the low fill rate issue? (I have checked around but have no idea what happened)

Ans: Check the minCPM thresholds defined in Ad Exchange Video. A fairly high CPM may result in very low fill rates. To correct this, try either removing the minCPM or removing the ad unit parameter from the ad request (i.e., slotname) to verify whether this is affecting the fill rate. I would recommend you to follow this documentation for more information

2. When the video ad is black fill, will it count as an impression or an unfill?

Ans: Ad Manager counts an impression each time a creative is downloaded in the user's device and has begun to load. Note that the impression is counted before the creative is fully downloaded and viewed by the end user. Check this Counting impressions and clicks for more information

3. Any possible way I can fix the black ad?

Ans: Black ads may appear due to several factors: unavailability of ads, ad rendering issues within the player, incorrect ad requests, video format incompatibility, or problems with the video rendering capabilities of the player.

To investigate the issue kindly share the below details:

  • If it is client side provide Vast Tag
  • Provide stream details: if it is live or video on demand (VOD). Furthermore, if the content is live, what is the stream format and the asset key? If the content is VOD, what is the stream format, CMS ID, and Video ID?
  • If DRM is used, please provide a "clear stream" that has no DRM.
  • Screen recording
Please be informed that our support channel can only best assist you with regards to IMA SDK implementation and technical issues.
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vGp59:ref" (ADR-00278822)

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Vinh Ho

Dec 17, 2024, 2:50:18 PM12/17/24
to Interactive Media Ads SDK

Thank you for your prompt response.
Please check the information below:
  1. The tag is directly from Google Ad Manager account, I am the one managing it.
  2. The video here is on website - accompany content type for Google video inventory.
  3. I am not sure about the DRM part, will check with tech team and get back to you
  4. Screen recording:
  5. Web: (Please note that this site has low fill rate issue, so the ad will not show frequently...)
Thank you


Dec 17, 2024, 4:51:37 PM12/17/24

Hi Thomas,

Thank you for providing the requested information.

I have checked the provided website and extracted VAST and the mentioned issue is not replicating. Can you please confirm if the mentioned issue is reproducible in our Google HTML sample applications or VSI tool? If yes, kindly provide the sample project reproducing the issue. Also can you confirm if the mentioned issue “Black screen videos” is replicating without PIP(picture in picture)?

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