According to
documentation for StreamManager.getPreviousCuePointForStreamTimeMs,
this method can return null: "Returns the previous cuepoint for the given VOD stream time. Returns null if there is no previous cue point, or if called for a live stream. This is used to implement features like snap back in order to return the user to a skipped
ad break."
However, in the Java interface, the return type of this method has a @NonNull annotation. This is especially a problem when we use this method from our Kotlin code, since it enforces null checks at runtime and in this case immediately throws a NullPointerException.
(Currently, we work around this by catching this exception ourselves.)
Can you update the StreamManager interface to have a @Nullable annotation for the return type of the getPreviousCuePointForStreamTimeMs method (as well as the deprecated getPreviousCuePointForStreamTime method)? Many thanks.
Google IMA SDK for Android version: 3.36.0