[HTML5 IMA SDK] <video> tag not available after adDisplayContainer

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Jayson Rosales Andal

Oct 18, 2024, 7:35:12 AMOct 18
to Interactive Media Ads SDK
We've implemented the HTML5 IMA SDK for Android TV using Cordova Framework (so with a webview).

We've noticed that in some devices, Android 11 with Android Webview v129, the preroll ad video is not being played, meanwhile in others, with a physical device Android 12 with Android Webview v129 and emulator running Android 11 with Android Webview v98 it's working correctly. 

I'm using the sample adTag from google and I can't reproduce the issue in Video Suite Inspector.

While debugging our app I've noticed that after this function call to AdDisplayContainer:
            _advertising.preroll.adDisplayContainer = new google.ima.AdDisplayContainer(_advertising.preroll.adContainer, _advertising.preroll.videoElement);

when working correctly inside my adDisplayContainer the SDK has a <video> tag and an <iframe>, meanwhile, in the not working devices the <video> tag is not present and only the <iframe> is.

I've attached 4 images containing the Object _advertising.preroll.adDisplayContainer after the function call new google.ima.AdDisplayContainer.

I've checked the network tab from inspector and I didn't see any differences, the video.mp4 is received correctly but I guess without the <video> tag it can't be rendered/played.

Also 2/3 weeks ago the preroll ads were working in all devices, I've checked if a chrome/webview or a new ima sdk update has been released but I didn't find any notes that could be connected to this issue.

Thank you very much,


Oct 21, 2024, 3:51:58 AMOct 21
to jayson.and...@gmail.com, ima...@googlegroups.com

Hi Jayson,

Thank you for contacting the IMA SDK support team.

Since you have stated that you are using Cordova Framework, I’m afraid to comment on this because IMA SDK supports these platforms. However, to investigate this issue further kindly provide the below details:

  • VAST tag URL
  • Video recording of the issue
  • Confirm whether the mentioned issue is replicating using our samples
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vGfBb:ref" (ADR-00272205)

Google Logo IMA SDK Team

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Oct 22, 2024, 6:14:35 PMOct 22
to jayson.and...@gmail.com, ima...@googlegroups.com
Hi Jayson,

Thanks for the confirming that the Advance Sample is functioning correctly with your VAST.

Should you encounter any issues utilizing the IMA SDK with the below platforms, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • iOS
  • Android
  • html
  • tvOS
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