We've implemented the HTML5 IMA SDK for Android TV using Cordova Framework (so with a webview).
We've noticed that in some devices, Android 11 with Android Webview v129, the preroll ad video is not being played, meanwhile in others, with a physical device Android 12 with Android Webview v129 and emulator running Android 11 with Android Webview v98 it's working correctly.
I'm using the sample adTag from google and I can't reproduce the issue in Video Suite Inspector.
While debugging our app I've noticed that after this function call to AdDisplayContainer:
_advertising.preroll.adDisplayContainer = new google.ima.AdDisplayContainer(_advertising.preroll.adContainer, _advertising.preroll.videoElement);
when working correctly inside my adDisplayContainer the SDK has a <video> tag and an <iframe>, meanwhile, in the not working devices the <video> tag is not present and only the <iframe> is.
I've attached 4 images containing the Object _advertising.preroll.adDisplayContainer after the function call new google.ima.AdDisplayContainer.
I've checked the network tab from inspector and I didn't see any differences, the video.mp4 is received correctly but I guess without the <video> tag it can't be rendered/played.
Also 2/3 weeks ago the preroll ads were working in all devices, I've checked if a chrome/webview or a new ima sdk update has been released but I didn't find any notes that could be connected to this issue.
Thank you very much,