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IMA AdPodInfo linear ads

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Jeroen Veltmans

Mar 14, 2024, 9:43:32 AM3/14/24
to Interactive Media Ads SDK
During an ad break we would like to show how many linear ads are still remaining.
When an ad is loaded, we get information about the current ad and the adPodInfo.
This adPodInfo contains the total amount of ads, but no detailed info about these ads such as if they are linear or not.

Is it possible that a mix of linear and non-linear ads are present in the same ad pod?
If so, is there a way to figure out at the start of the ad break how many linear ads will be present or do we have to wait till they are loaded to be sure if they are linear or not?

Thanks in advance!


Mar 14, 2024, 2:53:39 PM3/14/24

Thank you for contacting the IMA SDK support team.

Yes, it's possible for a mix of linear and non-linear ads to be present in the same ad pod.
To determine the number of liner ads at the start of the ad break, you would need to wait until they are loaded and examine their properties to distinguish between linear and non-linear ads. This allows you to accurately count the linear ads remaining during the ad break.

But I will also discuss this feature with a higher team regarding this feature.
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02rzx5w:ref" (ADR-00227287)

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Jeroen Veltmans

Mar 19, 2024, 9:10:24 AM3/19/24
to Interactive Media Ads SDK

Thanks for the quick response!

So if I understand correctly we currently can't know the amount of linear ads in the same ad pod beforehand, only once we get their loaded events we can know with certainty which type they are.
Since the ads are only loaded right before they start playing, the later ads their type in an ad pod will remain uncertain till they actually start playing.
So if we filter ads based on their known types, we would always think the currently playing ad is the last linear ad up until the next ad is loaded and their type becomes known. For context, our issue here is that for an ad pod with 3 linear ads we show 'ad 1/1', then 'ad 2/2' and finally 'ad 3/3'.

If this is indeed the case, it would be a handy addition to have this information at the start of the ad break begin already.

Kind regards,


Mar 19, 2024, 10:58:00 AM3/19/24
Hi Jeroen,

Thank you for the detailed explanation.

Would you be able to provide a production VAST URL where you are receiving a mixture of linear and non-linear ad types together?
Please provide it via reply to author option.
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