Bike to Worship 5/15 & EM Mtg. minutes from May 4th and other news tidbits

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Beth Freewomon

May 13, 2011, 2:57:47 PM5/13/11
to ILM EM google group, Laurie Sage
Dear Enviroministers,

below are minutes from our May mtg as well as a reminder for this upcoming Sunday's EM sponsored event: Bike to Worship! May 15th is Bike to Worship day and we need volunteers for setting up and break down for bike valet parking.  Volunteers are needed for 30-60 minute shifts from 8:15 am-1:15 pm! Call Beth 831-471-9677. Also please participate by riding your BIKE to ILM (or walking or taking public transpo) this Sunday May 15th!!! Please come by the Bicycle Valet Parking Table to fill out a survey and be counted.

Thanks for your participation and ongoing consciousness and direct action that DOES make a difference. I know that the Earth and all her inhabitants are whole and perfect, we call this forth to be revealed in our conscious awareness and in manifestation. We let possibility consciousness arise and deepen even in the midst of seemingly challenging circumstances. We let it be. We know it is done in God and so it is!

Best and Blessed,
Beth Freewomon


Environmental Meeting Minutes 5/4/2011

Attendees: Beth, Laurie, Deborah Gallegos, Ellen Farmer, Andrea, Elizabeth Borelli, Nannette, (Beth took notes)

After an enormous abundance of food that we shared, we discussed the following:

1.     Ellen Farmer’s proposal for EM to sponsor screening of “Renewal”

Ellen is organizing a film/event series entitled: “What has Love got to Do with It?” during this summer centered around sacred activism and Andrew Harvey’s work. She proposes that as part of the series that the interfaith eco-film “Renewal” be screened at ILM sanctuary on Saturday June 18th and that the EM be the ministry to sponsor it. Ellen would do promotion and she and EM resources would come together to organize volunteers. She wanted to know if this was possible even with the camping trip to Yosemite scheduled. We said “YES!”…even though I (Beth) plan of being in Yosemite I also plan on traveling back to SC on Saturday to minister with the choir on Sunday-so I can aim to be back by 6pm on Sat). `We decided to sell tickets on a sliding scale $7-20 or volunteer work exchange available. If interested in viewing the movie you can borrow it from Elizabeth Borelli 831-462-1043. Beth has it now and will return it by 5/18/11.


2.      Deepening Group (Andrea sponsor)

At the urging of Rev D Andrea came to the EM to get the word out on a newly forming Earth-based Sprituality Deepening Group. This will be  a way for all of us to deepen the revelation of our own indigenous soul. If you are interested contact Andrea Boone 831-212-2168 or at andrea@—this was a first discussion. Next steps is for Andrea to start the group and the EM will support getting the word out.


Also she spoke of the possibility of her teacher  RJ Stewart coming to SC to teach Thursday Sept. 8th…also a first discussion, Not sure of next steps.


3.  Spiritual Development Program (SDP) Class Proposal Deadline

Autumn class deadline in July Summer’s is NOW! Contact Laurie Sage or Beth if interested in offering and EM-sponsored class.


4. Wormshop 101

Sunday May 22 from 2:30-4:30 EM is sponsoring it’s first SDP class:

How to worm compost—Wormshop 101. Laurie to flyer at Cabrillo Horticulture Dept, New Leaf etc. Beth to make sure flyers are at Rejuvenation Festival ILM booth. Laurie to be Nanette’s right hand helper on day of class (drive N and her bins etc). Beth to help set up. Otis Johnson, another ILM master composter is available to assist Nanette during the class. Lots of logistics to figure out before class. Beth, Nanette and Laurie to meet soon.


Needed for day of:

Set up help 1:15-2:15 in fellowship Hall

Clean up help 2:30-3:15

Documents printed or a resource sheet with website sources for all docs (TBD)

Blurb for future kid’s wormshop and

Clipboards with various sign up sheets (EM, ILM and kids wormshop)


Kids class coming later…we want to at least announce this and sign up interested parties.


7.    Plant Sale-Elegant Treasures

We are appealing to the plant people (Palika, Golden, Brett, Ken and you know who else you are…even now thru this notes) to plant some volunteer plants in pots and care for them as they naturalize before ET. Nannette also said she wants to get the word out to the congregation about starting up plants for the Elegant Treasures sale. Ideally we can get Karen Elizabeth to announce from the pulpit. Paul said that Far West Nursery has lots of potting containers that they give away. We also need to advertise in the Good News bulletin and e-mails. Nanette and Laurie Sage says she can foster plants that need tending to. Laurie to get pots and make available at EM table after service and to let KE know so she can make an announcement on pulpit.


8.    Bike to worship day/DRT

May 15th is bike to worship day and we need volunteers for setting up and break down for bike valet parking.  Laurie would like to ask Rev D/KE to acknowledge bikers and carpoolers and bus riders that day. Day of Volunteers are needed from 8:15-1:15! Call Beth 831-471-9677. Also a call to BIKE to ILM this Sunday May 15th!!! Participation is the SQ! May is Divine Right Transportation month! We need to shore up the carpooling system which is already in place but not a lot are aware of. May is the month!


9. Nature Walks

Still needed a leader for third Sunday Nature walk for June 19th. July walk… Tricia Larson may lead us to/thru Pogonip. Beth to confirm.


7.    Schedule Next EM Meeting

Sunday June 5th at ILM

1:15-2:00 lunch informal meeting

2:00-3:15 mtg

3:15-3:30 clean up

Send Laurie Sage your agenda items ahead of time if you can.


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Action Items for Laurie:
Collect lots of free pots and give some to me (Thursday 5/5 to me-can you drop them by? and on Sun. 5/8 to EM table)
Talk to KE about Bike to Worship pulpit announce (Bring bike helmet etc for Sunday 5/8)
Talk to KE and tell her to mention that pots will be available at EM table 5/8 (w/ plant sale announcemt)
Put Flyers up for Wormshop ASAP at: Cabrillo Horticulture and New Leafs around town and anywhere else
Talk Wormshop up to folks
Plant 20+ plants and nurture them till Aug. 7th or so
Add Debra Gallegos to EM Announcement group:
Send her and Nanette Core values/vision/mission docs (or link to googledocs
Print some of those docs out and bring to next meeting
Initiate a wormshop meeting with nanette and I to talk logistics for class
Calendar the Wormshop and am / pm transpo with nanette for 5/22

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