90 seconds of inspiration. from 350.org!!! Would you like to participate? Or in the local Beach clean-up?

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laurie sage

Aug 12, 2011, 4:08:41 PM8/12/11
to ilm Em, Environmental Ministry GOOGLE GROUP, Beth Freewomon

Choose Peace and Choose to Love
Give the Planet a Chance- Be Conscious
"O how I laugh when I think of my vague indefinite riches. No run on my bank can drain it, for my wealth is not possession but enjoyment" - Henry David Thoreau
"No one can say for certain how this change will end, but I do know that change is not something that we should fear. When young people insist that the currents of history are on the move, the burdens of the past can be washed away."-Barack Obama, 2011

Hi Environmental Ministers and Earth and Sky Lovers,

Inner Light Environmental Ministries is attempting to put together two exciting event teams:

One is an ILM team for the Save Our Shores Beach Clean-Up on Saturday, September 17th! This local event is put on by Save Our Shors and is actually happening in coordination with a massive 3 state effort, and is a big way to support our local beaches and planet, and see the people who all care in our community!

We are thinking of trying to have an event for the local/global day of action for our atmosphere in association with the organization 350.org. This is happening Sept. 24th. See the inspiring video below for more info and to see if it speaks to you.  This organization has a global action day every year in the name of love for the planet and the atmosphere to tell the world we care for the planet.

We need volunteers for helping and organizing, so if these events call to you, please email
Laurie :
omnipea...@yahoo.com RE: EM TEAMS

Please also feel free to tell other like-minded individuals about this coordination effort done for Spirit and all Creation! Thanks and Big Love

You've got to see this video:
You probably know that people around the world are getting ready for "Moving Planet", the big, bold, beautiful day of climate action that's happening this September 24th. But chances are, there are some people in your network that don't yet know about the big day.
This video lays out an inspiring vision that can help spread the movement far and wide: take 90 seconds to watch it, and then share it with everyone you know.
On September 24th, we’ll come together in every nation on earth to show that we’re moving the planet beyond fossil fuels. The diversity of events will be remarkable: people are planning marches large and small, bike parades that deliver petitions demanding a clean energy future, and even a kite-powered protest on the beach.

Here in India where I live, hundreds of young people will get on their bikes and encircle a big coal-fired power plant -- and call for green jobs that can put our country on a path of clean development and lift millions of people out of poverty. We’re also seizing on a cool idea that has come out of our global network: making giant arrow-shaped banners to point in the direction that we want to move in (away from coal!) and display our goals for a clean energy future. We hope to see similar arrows all across the planet, pointing away from fossil fuels and towards the solutions we need to get back to 350 ppm.

I'm also making sure that we take at least one iconic photo of our event in India to upload to the Moving Planet website when our event is over. 350.org organizers in New York City will be delivering photos from the Moving Planet events directly to world leaders attending the United Nations General Assembly -- and displaying them on screens near the meeting. Together, we can show decision makers that it's time to get out of neutral and start moving quickly towards a clean energy future.

We won't just demonstrate that another world is possible -- we'll show that we're already building it from the ground up. It's a world based on bikes, not cars. It's a world based on renewable energy, not tar sands oil. Most of all, it's a world that cares more about the rights of people and the health of our planet than the profits of polluters.

To create this world, we'll need a massive movement -- and that movement will be built by people like you.

Take a minute to watch the video and pass it on to everyone you know.

From India to Indiana to Indonesia, we'll move the planet away from fossil fuels.

Let's go,

Chaitanya Kumar (and the rest of the 350.org team)

P.S. Spreading the message of a rising movement can help it rise even further -- we hope you'll share this video far and wide via email, Facebook, and Twitter!

350.org is building a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis. Our online campaigns, grassroots organizing, and mass public actions are led from the bottom up by thousands of volunteer organizers in over 188 countries. You can join 350.org on Facebook by becoming a fan of our page at facebook.com/350org and follow us on twitter by visiting twitter.com/350. To join our list (maybe a friend forwarded you this e-mail) visit www.350.org/signup. To support our work, donate securely online at 350.org/donate.

What is 350?
350 is the number that leading scientists say is the safe upper limit for carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Scientists measure carbon dioxide in "parts per million" (ppm), so 350ppm is the number humanity needs to get below as soon as possible to avoid runaway climate change. To get there, we need a different kind of PPM–a "people powered movement" that is made of people like you in every corner of the planet.

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