[Illinibridge] Bridge at Ginger Creek

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Karen Walker

Jul 17, 2021, 3:35:42 PM7/17/21
to illini...@googlegroups.com, Ann Caparros
     Ginger Creek Shops, 2901 West Springfield, Champaign IL
        RESULTS & HAND RECORDS:  calendar.illinibridge.com 
        CLUB HOMEPAGE:  illinibridge.com
        JOIN US ON FACEBOOK:   www.facebook.com/gingercreek/


Thank you  to everyone who has supported our games since we reopened. Your participation in the online games was appreciated, but it's great to be back to real bridge with real people.  We hope to see more of you soon!

♥ FREE CLASS: Breakthrough to Advanced Bridge
     Kyle Blocher is offering a free online class to help intermediate-level players take their games to the next level. 
     The class begins July 21 and meets every Wednesday from 12:30 to 1:30 pm on Zoom. It will continue for 12 to 14 weeks. Sessions will be recorded, so you can watch later.
     If you're interested, please email Kyle (kdbl...@gmail.com) for details and the Zoom link.

♥ Record-setting game:
     Congratulations to Bob and Sherry Steigmann, who scored 83.33% (that is not a typo!) in the North American Pairs qualifying game on Thursday afternoon, July 8. You can see how they did it here:

♥ North American Pairs
  The club has hosted five qualifying games so far and will be offering more in August. 
All qualifiers are eligible to play in the District 8 finals, which will be a one-day event on Sunday, November 7 in Springfield IL. Winners and runners-up in three flights will win travel awards to play in the national finals in Reno NV in March 2022.
    More details on the District event are here:  http://advocate.district8acbl.com/jun21/main.htm

♥ Online games
Our Central & Southern Illinois virtual club is scaling back its schedule as local clubs reopen. Effective August 1, the afternoon games (Mondays and Saturdays) will be on hiatus for at least the summer months.
    We will continue offering the current evening games -- Tuesday 499er, Wednesday Open, Thursday 299er & Open, Sunday Open & Mentor/Mentee.
Schedule updates will be posted on this page:  http://illinibridge.com/virtual.htm   
    Swiss teams: The online club is planning to run Open and 499er team events once a month on the last Friday.  The next one is:
        Friday, July 30 -- Win gold points in the Stardust Week Swiss Teams on Bridgebase.com.
        499er Teams start at 6:30 pm; Open Teams at 6:50 pm.
        Please email Ann Caparros <annca...@aol.com> to make a reservation or request a partner or team-mates.    

District 8 Advocate newsletter -- June issue:  http://advocate.district8acbl.com
    There's still time to enter our Solvers Forum bidding contest.     

    Click the link below to submit your solutions for the six new problems for the August issue:     


Questions about the games?  Need a partner?  Contact the directors:
   ♣  Mondays, 6:30 pm -- Karen Walker & Mike Halvorsen   kwal...@comcast.net
   ♣  Tuesdays (0-800), 12:30 pm -- Martha Leary   mar...@marthaleary.com
   ♣  Wednesdays, 12:30 pm -- Gabe Ewing   edgef...@gmail.com
   ♣  Thursdays, 12:30 pm  -- Deb Avery   avery...@hotmail.com  
   ♣  Thursdays (299er & Pro-Am), 6:30 pm -- Wes Seitz  

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