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Shorebird Reports For October & November 2023

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Al Stokie

Dec 1, 2023, 11:02:17 AM12/1/23
to IBET - Illinois Birders Exchanging Thoughts
Hello Bird People,

Well it's a rainy day today & although I may go birding later on it's
a good time to do the final shorebird reports for 2023. I don't think
I have ever done a November shorebird report before but there were
more shorebirds seen this November, at least in the Chicago area, than
usual so I think it merits a separate report.

October 2023 Shorebird Report

Killdeer = 124

Avocet = 7 (Montrose)

Greater Yellowlegs = 29 (Includes the big flock seen at Techny North)

Lesser Yellowlegs = 14

Least Sandpiper = 12

Pectoral Sandpiper = 30

Dunlin = 13

Stilt Sandpiper = 2 (Muirhead Springs)

Long Billed Dowitcher = 1 (Muirhead Springs)

Wilson's Snipe = 9

That's 10 shorebird species for October 2023 & 241 individual shorebirds.

And here's the short report for November 2023 shorebirds:

Killdeer = 20

Greater Yellowlegs = 3

Least Sandpiper = 2

Baird's Sandpiper = 1 (Muirhead Springs)

Dunlin = 175 (Most at Muirhead Springs)

Wilson's Snipe = 9

That's 6 shorebird species for November 2023 & 210 individual shorebirds.
Not much but interesting for November up north.

So thus ends the 2023 shorebird season. I will miss counting these
birds but look forward
to dealing with them next year. They are truly my favorites!

Al Stokie
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