Al Stokie
unread,Nov 25, 2023, 8:54:01 PM11/25/23Sign in to reply to author
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to IBET - Illinois Birders Exchanging Thoughts
Hello Bird People,
Continuing with my plan of going here on the weekends to avoid worker
machinery I not only saw few workers but there were hardly any
visitors either. Unfortunately there weren't many birds either. And
for the 1st time ever (I think) I did not find 1 Canada Goose! And
also the Limpkin was again missing today. And as always I found no
Siskins, Redpolls or Crossbills. Here's my less than exciting bird
Chicago Botanic Garden (8:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.)
Great Blue Heron (2)
Mallard (39)
Gadwall (6)
Goldeneye (groups of 6 & 7)
Hooded Merganser (1-PR)
Red Breasted Merganser (2)
Red Tailed Hawk (1)
Ring Billed (12) & Herring (3) Gulls
Red Bellied Woodpecker (2)
Downy Woodpecker (3)
Blue Jay (4)
Crow (H-2)
Robin (~55)
Cedar Waxwing (4)
Starling (71, big flocks all over)
Cardinal (1-M & 1-F)
Tree Sparrow (1)
White Throated Sparrow (3)
Junco (19)
House Finch (1-PR)
Goldfinch (7)
House Sparrow (11)
So that's 23 species at the Garden plus Pigeons & Mourning Doves elsewhere.
Bird-Of-The-Day to the White Throated Sparrows & Runner-Up to the
Cedar Waxwings.
Now let's see what happens with tomorrow's snow?
Al Stokie
Local in Cook County today