הערב! אירוע זום לכבוד אל"ף באלול - ראש השנה לבעלי-חיים

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Ginger - the Veg Community Center

Aug 17, 2023, 2:37:20 AM8/17/23
to ijvs google group



היום יחול ערב אל"ף באלול. בשנים האחרונות מועד זה מצוין מחדש כראש השנה לבעלי-חיים, ומוקדש למודעות, חשיבה ותיקון של יחסינו עם חיות אחרות.


נציין את ראש השנה לבעלי-חיים באירוע זום, באנגלית, שארגן פרופ' ריצ'רד שוורץ.


מתי: היום, יום חמישי 17.8.2023, בשעה 20:30.


היכן: בזום, בקישור https://tau-ac-il.zoom.us/j/87852748368


פרטים נוספים בהודעה שהפיץ פרופ' שוורץ:




     You are cordially invited to attend a Zoom event on restoring and transforming the ancient Jewish New Year for Animals. It will be on Rosh Chodesh Elul, when the ancient event occurred, Thursday from 8:30 to 10 PM, Israel time (1:30 To 3 PM, US eastern time).


     The link to participate is https://tau-ac-il.zoom.us/j/87852748368 .  No need to register 


    The list of speakers is below.


    There are many important reasons that will be discussed for restoring the ancient Jewish New Year and transforming it into a day devoted to increasing awareness of Judaism’s many compassionate teachings about animals and how far the realities for animals today are from these teachings.

Most important is that shifts to plant-based diets are essential to efforts to avert a climate catastrophe.


     The event will be recorded and shared VERY widely.


     Among the topics that will be addressed are the following:


  • Why the ancient Jewish holiday should be restored and transformed.
  • Should Jews should be vegans, or at least vegetarians?
  • Can eating meat and other animal products be halachically justified today?
  • Can shifts to veganism help avert a climate catastrophe?
  • Will plant-based and cell-based (cultured) substitutes for meat and other animal products significantly reduce animal-based diets?


     You can freely read Richard Schwartz's eBook,“Restoring and Transforming the Ancient Jewish New Year For Animals: An Idea Whose Time has Come,” at 



     His article, “Restore and Transform the Ancient Jewish New Year for Animals, that was published in. The Jerusalem Post can be read at



          His article, “Restoring and Transforming the Ancient Jewish New Year for Animals: An Idea Whose Time Has Come,” that was published in the Times of Israel can be read at



Speakers confirmed so far are:

Rabbi Akiva Gersh, the Vegan Rabbi, shares ancient and modern Jewish teachings that promote compassion for animals and supports going vegan in our world today.


Lewis Regenstein, author of “Replenish the Earth: A History of Organized Religion’s Treatment of Animals and Nature - Including the Bible’s Message of Conservation and Kindness toward Animals” 


Rabbi David Seidenberg, founder and director of Neohasid and author of :Kabbalah and Ecology: God’s Image in the More-Than-Human World”


Prof. Richard Schwartz, president emeritus f Jewish Veg and author of several Judaica books, including “Vegan Revolution: Saving Our World, Revitalizing Judaism.”


Rabbi Dr. Avraham Stav, author of the book 'Jewish Vegetarianism' and other halachic books (in Hebrew); he teaches at the "Sha'arei Tzion" Beit Midrash for city rabbinate studies; and he is a culture critic in the newspaper 'Makor Rishon.’


Jonathan Wolf, an Orthodox Jewish activist in Chicago, founded the Jewish Vegetarians of. North America in 1975, was a pioneer in reviving the Tu B’shvat Seder in the 1970s, and helped create the American Jewish environmental movement in the 1980s. 


Yossi Wolfson, coordinator of the. International Jewish Vegetarian Society - Jerusalem


Suggestions are very welcome.


Kol tuv and shana tova,





האיגוד היהודי הבינלאומי לצמחונות


לתרומות: http://www.israeltoremet.org/amuta/580155034


העמדות והתכנים בהרצאות ובאירועים אחרים המפורסמים ברשימת התפוצה הם באחריות המרצים והמנחים בלבד. הם אינם משקפים בהכרח את עמדותיה של העמותה או נתונים שנבדקו על-ידיה. העמותה מפרסמת יוזמות שעשויות לעניין את הקהילה או לקדם תזונה מהצומח, וכן משתתפת במיזמים כאלו. אין לפרש פרסום או השתתפות כאמור כאימוץ תכנים ועמדות המובעים במיזמים כאלו, או פרקטיקות הננקטות במסגרתם.



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