אירוע זום מחר (חמישי) לכבוד יום כדור הארץ

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Ginger - the Veg Community Center

Apr 21, 2021, 2:33:06 PM4/21/21
to ijvs google group



כולנו מוזמנים.ות מחר לאירוע בזום, שמארגן פרופ' ריצ'רד שוורץ, לכבוד יום כדור הארץ. קישור להרשמה: https://forms.gle/T9fQyu6VxZXBK88k9.


ראו הודעה מפרופ' שוורץ:


You are very cordially invited to attend a zoom teach-in at which I will be speaking, along with 20 other speakers, in commemoration of the 51st Earth Day on Thursday, April 22. The theme of the teach-in is “Applying Jewish and Other Religions’ Values to Help Save the World.” The event starts at 12:30 PM, US eastern time (7:30 PM Israeli time).


The teach-in aims to increase awareness of the seriousness of climate and other environmental threats, and the urgency of applying religious Values to help shift our imperiled planet onto a sustainable path. It also aims to initiate the creation of a coalition of veg, animal rights, environmental, and other organizations and individuals that will work together to address the threats, stressing the importance of shifts toward veganism.


The teach-in is organized and will be moderated by Richard Schwartz, PhD, president emeritus of Jewish Veg and author of the recently published “Vegan Revolution: Saving Our World, Revitalizing Judaism.“ It will be hosted by Yossi Wolfson, coordinator for the Israeli Jewish. Vegetarian Society.


You can register at https://forms.gle/T9fQyu6VxZXBK88k9


Among the 21 scheduled speakers, all of whom will speak for about 4 minutes at the teach-in, are six rabbis, one reverend, and eight present and past leaders of veg organizations. The list of speakers and very brief information about them is below.


Some of the issues that will be addressed during the teach-in include, but are not limited to: how serious are climate threats, what are various organizations doing to respond to the climate crisis, how significant are shifts to veganism in addressing climate threats, and what can be done to establish a coalition of organizations to increase awareness of the threats and the urgency of responding to them.


This unique event has the potential to be transformative in efforts to help shift our imperiled planet onto a sustainable path. Please attend and let others know about the teach-in. Thanks.



Here is the list of the 21 scheduled speakers, in the order in which they will be speaking, along with brief biographies. 


Richard Schwartz : President emeritus of Jewish Veg and author of “Judaism and  Vegetarianism”and “Vegan Revolution”

Rev. Fletcher Harper: Founder and director of GreenFaith, a national interfaith  environmental coalition.

Rabbi David Rosen: Former chief rabbi of Ireland  and president for Israel of the International Jewish Vegetarian Society

Jeffrey Spitz Cohan: Executive Director of Jewish Veg

Steve Kaufman, MD.: Chair of the Christian Vegetarian Association and author of  books on vegetarianism

Rabbi Gabriel Coussens: wholistic doctor,author of many health-related books, and founder and director of the Holistic Liberation Way and the Tree of Life Foundation,

Rabbi David Seidenberg: creator of neohasid.org and author of “Kabbalah and Ecology: God's Image in the More-Than-Human World. “

Victoria Moran: Author of many veg-related books, host of the Main Street Vegan Podcast, and director of Main Street Vegan Academy

Yossi Wolfson: Coordinator of the Israeli Jewish Vegetarian Society (“Ginger”)

Jonathan Wolf: Founding president of Jewish Vegetarians of North America (now named Jewish Veg) and a long time veg, social justice, environmental, and peace activist.

Lewis Regenstein : Author of “Replenish the Earth and other veg and environmental works

Lionel Friedberg: Multi-award wining producer and producer of “A Sacred Duty: Applying Jewish Values to Help Heal the World”    

Judy Carmen: Author of several veg-related books including, most recently, “Homo Ahimsa: Who We. Really Are and How We ‘re Going To Save the World”

Will Tuttle: Author of the highly acclaimed “World Peace Diet” and frequent speaker and author of articles about veganism 

Alex Weisz: Content Manager at Shamayim: Jewish Animal Advocacy

Sailesh Rao: Founder and Executive Director of “Climate Healers,  a non-profit dedicated towards healing the Earth’s climate. 

Rabbi Yonatan Neril:  Founding Director of the Interfaith Center for Sustainable  Development and co-editor of the recently published “Eco Bible”

Lisa Kemmerer: Professor of Philosophy and Religion and author or editor of a number of books on animal ethics, ecofeminism, animals and religion, and the environment

Michael Klaper, MD: wholistic doctor, author of books about nutrition, and creator of a master class on plant-based clinical nutrition for doctors

Rabbi Daniel Swartz: Executive Director of the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL) 

Rabbi David Wolpe: Senior Rabbi of Sinai Temple; voted “Most Influential Rabbi in America” by Newsweek, among many honors, and author of several books. 


Richard H. Schwartz, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus, College of Staten Island
Author of Vegan Revolution: Saving Our World, Revitalising Judaism; Judaism and Vegetarianism; Judaism and Global Survival; Mathematics and Global Survival; and Who Stole My Religion? Revitalizing Judaism and Applying Jewish Values to Help Heal Our Imperiled Planet; and over 250 articles at JewishVeg.org/schwartz
President Emeritus, Jewish Vegetarians of North America (www.JewishVeg.org); President, Society Of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians (SERV):
Associate producer of A SACRED DUTY (www.aSacredDuty.com);
"Like" JVNA on Facebook at www.facebook.com/JewishVeg


האיגוד היהודי הבינלאומי לצמחונות


לתרומות: http://www.israeltoremet.org/amuta/580155034


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