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Confirmation of Volume 10 Issue 3 Posted on June 30, 2017

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Jul 1, 2017, 6:27:51 AM7/1/17
to IJAET Journal
Dear Eminent Members,

It is a matter of great pleasure to inform you that IJAET Volume 10 Issue 3 has been successfully launched on June 30, 2017. The direct link to check the volume is 

IJAET has become the preferred destination where conference organizers, journal publishers, researchers and academicians come together to issue and receive information resources that encourage presentation and publication of contemporary research.
Since you have been associated with IJAET, now you are proud member of IJAET fraternity empowering research activities among members of academia & industry.

We cordially invite you to join hands with IJAET to promote research activities organized by it time to time. 

Editor IJAET
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