At last night's IIRA board meeting it was decided to cancel the remaining ice racing dates.
We all know how warm the weather has been and how many winter events have been canceled. The IIRA season will be one of those.
Although we did not have any racing we would note the improvements to the IIRA that have been made.
The most visible is website revamp that includes easier signing up for events, better navigation through it for information and now IIRA merchandise.
On the merchandise, we encourage members to visit that portion to see what is offered. With each purchase the IIRA will receive a portion of the sales. We also have some on hand to sell at events, to give out for GoFundMe donations and for winners of races.
We will be working through the off season on more improvements including to the flagging system, Ice Cross timing equipment and volunteers for the timing. Members will paritcapanting in local car events marketing the IIRA so keep an eye out for them.
Will also be planning the annual banquet giving members an opportunity to gettogether share ideas and comments that will improve our organization. Will be making announcements on location and date in the upcoming weeks.
One item to note is that the members that have purchased a membership/licence for this season will be contacted. Will be given an option for the fees paid to be returned, donated or brought forward to next season.
We all will be looking forward to next season and our racing events.
Tim Stone
IIRA Secretary