The IIRA Board is asking members for any input in the best way to find and keep race event volunteers.
The intention at this time is to look into upping The IIRA's profile with contacting other racing venues, organizations and auto clubs. This is to gain interest from those that volunteer at other auto events to come to our events. And to have IIRA members volunteer to their events.
Another idea that we are looking into is to ask community organizations, around our events, such as Rotary, Scouts, Fire/Rescue, radio clubs and others if they would help out if there was some donation given for their efforts.
Again looking to the members for input on these ideas. Gladly take your ideas and any info on contacting any organization that could be interested in helping.
The attached file shows the positions that we are looking to fill. And of course if any members wishes to help out we would be more that happy to have you help.
Tim Stone
For The IIRA Board